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Euler cycle graph chain (path)


The Euler path (Euler chain) in a graph is the path (chain) passing along all the arcs (edges) of a graph and, moreover, only once. (cf. Hamiltonian way)

Euler cycle is a cycle of a graph passing through each edge (arc) of a graph exactly once.

Euler graph is a graph containing an Euler cycle.

Half-count graph is a graph containing an Eulerian path (chain).

Euler cycle graph chain (path)

Count Konigsberg bridges. This graph is not Eulerian, so there is no solution.

Euler cycle graph chain (path)Euler cycle graph chain (path)

Each vertex of this graph has an even degree, so this graph is Eulerian. Traversing the edges in alphabetical order gives the Eulerian cycle.

Definition 3
The chain containing all the edges of the graph is called Euler.
Definition 4
A graph possessing an Euler chain is called quasieller.
Theorem 5

A graph is quasieller if it has at most two vertices of odd degree.

Definition 1

A cycle is called Eulerian if it contains all the edges of the graph. A chain is called Euler if it contains all the edges of the graph.

Definition 2

A graph is called Eulerian if there is an Euler cycle in it.


Euler cycle graph chain (path)

The “Sabers of Mahomet” graph is Eulerian, since it contains the Eulerian cycle 123475287651.

The existence of the Eulerian cycle and the Eulerian path

The Euler cycle / path exists only in connected graphs or in graphs, which, after removing all single vertices, will become connected.

In undirected graph

According to the theorem proved by Euler, in a graph without single vertices of an Eulerian cycle there exists if and only if there is no graph of a graph and there are no vertices of odd degree in it.

An Euler chain in a graph exists if and only if the graph is connected and contains at most two vertices of odd degree. [1] [2] In view of the handshake lemma, the number of vertices with an odd degree must be even. So Euler path exists only when this number is zero or two. And when it is zero, the Eulerian path degenerates into an Eulerian cycle.

In a directed graph

Oriented graph Euler cycle graph chain (path) contains an Eulerian cycle if and only if it is strongly connected and for each vertex of the graph its half degree of approach is equal to its half degree of outcome, that is, the same number of edges enter the top as there are from it: Euler cycle graph chain (path) .

Oriented graph Euler cycle graph chain (path) contains an Eulerian path if and only if it is strongly connected and there exist two vertices Euler cycle graph chain (path) and Euler cycle graph chain (path) (the initial and final vertices of the path, respectively) such that their half-degrees of approach Euler cycle graph chain (path) and half-degrees of outcome Euler cycle graph chain (path) bound by equalities Euler cycle graph chain (path) and Euler cycle graph chain (path) , and all other vertices have the same half degree of outcome and approach: Euler cycle graph chain (path) .

Search for Euler path in the graph

You can always reduce the task of finding the Euler path to the task of finding the Euler cycle. Indeed, suppose that the Eulerian cycle does not exist, and the Euler path exists. Then the graph will have exactly 2 vertices of odd degree. We connect these vertices with an edge, and we obtain a graph in which all the vertices are of even degree, and the Eulerian cycle exists in it. We find a cycle in this Euler graph (using the algorithm described below), and then remove the nonexistent edge from the answer.

Search Euler cycle in the graph

Fleury algorithm

This is an elegant but inefficient algorithm, proposed by Fleury in 1883.

Let the graph be given Euler cycle graph chain (path) . Starting at some vertex Euler cycle graph chain (path) and each time we cross out the passed edge. We do not pass along the edge, if the removal of this edge results in splitting the graph into two connected components (not counting the isolated vertices), i.e. it is necessary to check whether the edge is a bridge or not.

The algorithm can be extended to digraphs.

Algorithm based on cycles

We will consider the most general case - the case of an oriented multigraph, possibly with loops. We also assume that the Euler cycle in the graph exists (and consists of at least one vertex). To search for the Eulerian cycle, we use the fact that the Eulerian cycle is the union of all simple cycles of the graph. Therefore, our task is to efficiently find all the cycles and effectively combine them into one.

This can be implemented, for example, recursively:

  procedure find_all_cycles (v)
 var cycles array
 1. while there is a loop going through v, we find it
     add all vertices of the found loop to the cycles array (preserving the traversal order)
     delete cycle from graph
 2. go through the elements of the array of cycles
     each cycles [i] element is added to the response
     from each element we recursively call ourselves: find_all_cycles (cycles [i])

It is enough to call this procedure from any non-single vertex of the graph, and it will find all the cycles in the graph, remove them from the graph and combine them into one Eulerian cycle.

To search for a loop in step 1, use depth search.

The complexity of the algorithm obtained is O (M), that is, linear with respect to the number of edges M in this graph.

see also

  • Hamiltonian cycle
  • Earl (mathematics)
  • The task of the progress of the horse
  • Discrete Math
  • The problem of the seven bridges of Königsberg
  • List of objects named after Leonard Euler


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Discrete Math. Set theory. Graph theory. Combinatorics.

Terms: Discrete Math. Set theory. Graph theory. Combinatorics.