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2. Linear stress state


Linear stress state is experienced by some points of the rod working for bending or complex resistance, but in most cases this type of stress state is experienced by points of the rod working in tension or compression.

Consider a rod experiencing simple tension (Fig. 9.5, a). We calculate the stresses acting on any inclined section. We cut the rod by section 2. Linear stress state making an angle 2. Linear stress state with cross section 2. Linear stress state perpendicular to the axis of the rod. The same angle is made up of the normals to the transverse and inclined sections. For the positive direction of the reference angle 2. Linear stress state take the direction counterclockwise. The normal OA directed outward with respect to the cut off part of the rod will be called the external normal to the cross section 2. Linear stress state . Cross-sectional area 2. Linear stress state denote 2. Linear stress state , cross-sectional area 2. Linear stress state denote 2. Linear stress state .

Mentally discard the upper part of the rod and replace its action with the lower part by stresses 2. Linear stress state (Fig. 9.5b).

2. Linear stress state


Accepting the hypothesis of flat sections, we assume that the stress 2. Linear stress state evenly distributed over the area 2. Linear stress state :

2. Linear stress state . (9.1)

Given that 2. Linear stress state and substituting 2. Linear stress state in (9.1), we obtain:

2. Linear stress state , (9.2)

Where 2. Linear stress state  normal site voltage 2. Linear stress state perpendicular to tensile force.

Designing 2. Linear stress state to normal 2. Linear stress state and on the section plane, we obtain the expressions for the normal and tangential stresses on the inclined platform:

2. Linear stress state ;

2. Linear stress state


2. Linear stress state , (9.3)

2. Linear stress state . (9.4)

As can be seen from formulas (9.3)  (9.4), for 2. Linear stress state voltage 2. Linear stress state , 2. Linear stress state ; at 2. Linear stress state voltage 2. Linear stress state and 2. Linear stress state2. Linear stress state are equal to zero (Fig. 9.6).

2. Linear stress state

Figure 9.6

Thus, with simple tension and compression at each point of the body, the main areas are perpendicular and parallel to its axis, and the main stresses in it are respectively equal:

2. Linear stress state ; 2. Linear stress state  tensile

2. Linear stress state ; 2. Linear stress state  in compression.

Maximum tangential stresses act in areas that are inclined to the main areas at an angle 2. Linear stress state . Wherein

2. Linear stress state (9.5)

Example 9.1 Determine the normal and tangential stresses on inclined platforms for the elements shown in Fig. 9.7.

2. Linear stress state


  1. For the element in Fig. 9.7, a: 2. Linear stress state MPa; 2. Linear stress state ; 2. Linear stress state .

From: 2. Linear stress state MPa; 2. Linear stress state MPa

  1. For the element in Fig. 9.7, b: 2. Linear stress state MPa; 2. Linear stress state ; 2. Linear stress state .

From: 2. Linear stress state MPa; 2. Linear stress state MPa

3. For the element in Fig. 9.7, c: 2. Linear stress state ; 2. Linear stress state MPa; 2. Linear stress state .

From: 2. Linear stress state MPa; 2. Linear stress state MPa


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Fundamentals of the theory of stress-strain state

Terms: Fundamentals of the theory of stress-strain state