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Bending is the most common case of loading various systems: bending is experienced by vehicle axles, rails, machine parts, mechanisms, and building structures. At the same time, the bend is often the cause of damage, damage and accidents. Therefore, the study of the stress-strain state of systems experiencing bending is the basis for the strength calculation of these systems.
By bending is meant a type of loading in which bending moments occur in the beam cross sections. If only bending moments arise in cross sections of a bar, this is a case of pure bending, if bending moments and shear forces occur, this is the so-called transverse bending.
Upon receipt of the calculation formulas it is assumed:
  1. The beam axis is straight, and the cross sections have an axis of symmetry;
  2. External forces act in the plane of symmetry of the beam - this is the so-called flat bend of the bars of symmetrical cross section;
  3. Only stresses perpendicular to the cross sections are taken into account. And the stresses arising in the beam from pressure by an external load are negligible, therefore the beam can be schematically represented only by its axis, to which the external load is applied;
  4. Force impact is assumed to be static.
created: 2014-09-20
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: BEND