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19. Written information


  • Lecture notes
  • Other types of written fixing texts

A written fixation of any information is preceded by its specific processing. Using the capabilities of different types of speech activity, the person writing obtains the basis for the implementation of the concept in one or another typical speech work in writing.

Lecture notes are an act of verbal communication, an act of communication. The construction of the teacher's and lecturer's speech largely coincides with the written samples of scientific or academic and scientific speech, so that you can transfer the abilities of note taking lectures to the process of working with written information sources.

Text collapsing (but not abbreviation) precedes the letter, which allows you to later expand the text to the required volume.

Conformity of the speaker's intention and feedback, i.e. effective note taking depends on:

  • from the linguistic culture of the speaker and writer (including the pronunciation and lexical-syntactic culture);
  • from the general culture of communicants: the lecturer should not underestimate or overestimate the culture of the audience, but must take it into account;
  • from knowledge of the subject being outlined by a person and, therefore, on the content of the stated information.

Deciding to fix the content of any book, you should choose one of these types of written fixation, like extracts, theses, abstract.

  • Statements. The ability to make extracts - the basis of work on any book. Extracts can be made from a specific part of the text, contain abbreviations or dispense with them. Statements are made from “other people's” books, articles, texts and from own, previously created texts, in preparation for the oral presentation for this purpose using written materials, experimental data, etc.
  • Theses in the notes are provisions that capture the essence of a significant part of the text, what the author proves or refutes, what he seeks to achieve greater credibility (a certain form of inference to which he comes). A thesis is a provable or refuted provision summarizing the content of a source of information.
  • Abstract - a brief, "enriched" record of ideas contained in one or more primary sources. Abstracts are prepared for further use, for example, scientists create abstracts of those scientific works, which will later be discussed by the general scientific community (theses, articles, scientific reports, etc.).
  • What difficulties arise when taking notes?
  • What types of written works correspond to the functions of PR


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory