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3 2 Telephone business communication


With the introduction into the arsenal of the technical means of communication of the telephone apparatus, humanity has risen to a new level of opportunities for communicative speech contacts. The phone has a number of advantages that other means of communication lack. The main ones are:

  • information transfer rate (time gain);
  • Immediate connection with a subscriber located at any distance;
  • direct exchange of information in the form of dialogue and the opportunity to reach an agreement without waiting for the meeting;
  • contact confidentiality;
  • paper circulation reduction;
  • savings on the organization of contacts of other types (quite often the first telephone conversation, followed by personal contacts (conversations, conversations, meetings), may be the last).

A telephone conversation is a contact in time, but distant in space and mediated by special technical means communication of interlocutors.

Statisticians say that businessmen, whose activities are connected with the need to establish business contacts, spend from 25 to 75% of their working time on phone calls.

In recent years, marketers have recognized that one of the factors behind the plight of some small businesses is the bad manners of their employees, which are clearly manifested in telephone conversations. Although at present there are no standards for training relevant employees (secretaries, press secretaries, agents of firms, etc.) to competently conduct telephone conversations, self-respecting firms pay great attention to the corporate culture of employees in internal and external business communications.

The success of the interlocutors' communication in the future also depends on how telephone conversations take place, because, as a rule, a telephone conversation is only a prelude to a business conversation.

To master the rules of effective telephone conversations, you must first understand the distinctive characteristics and take into account all the significant components of this typical communicative situation.

Psychological installation of telephone communication as a whole is connected with the fact that the interlocutors, not seeing each other, feel freer in the choice of forms and verbal means of communication. However, the voice, and intonation, and possession of the norms of business communication, and individual manners of communication give the mood, the psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another. In this regard, there are certain requirements for the implementation of telephone conversations. The most important of them is the benevolent perception of any interlocutor.

Communicative installation - arrange the interlocutor to further business contacts; receive, transmit reliable information without spending time and money on travel or correspondence.

Role setting. In a business conversation on the phone, the roles of the interlocutors are no different from those in direct contacts, however, the initiator of the conversation receives an additional advantage, as he thinks through his behavior beforehand, choosing the right moment for him and the manner of conducting the conversation.

Non-verbal means of communication by telephone can be pauses (their duration), intonation (expressing enthusiasm, agreement, alertness, etc.), background noise, speed of picking up the tube (after a beep), parallel addressing to another interlocutor, etc.

True, all these points may not be consistent with your motives, if the initiator of the conversation - someone else. You need to be prepared for the fact that for objective or subjective reasons the conversation may break down, that the interlocutor may simply not want to talk to you.

Telephone etiquette

Each of the speakers, according to the “telephone etiquette” accepted in international business practice, should, regardless of the course and completion of the conversation, adhere to a specific set of speech-speech communication formulas.

If you are calling: If they call you:
Check to see if you go where x hotels.

Introduce yourself and briefly state the reason for the call. For the secretary, try to find the most common but necessary words to represent the essence of the matter.

If you call the person who asked you to call, but he was not there, or he cannot come to the phone, ask him to say that you called. Tell me when and where you can be easily found.

If you assume that the conversation may be delayed, ask the question: Do you have time to talk now? ”

Remember that business dialogue over the phone is the exchange of information of operational value with a specific purpose. Speak briefly but informatively.

Concluding the conversation, try to leave a good impression about yourself in any case.

Add a phrase like “I hope that our contacts will be useful!”, “I am glad that we have clarified the essence of the problem”, “Thank you for the clarification”, etc.

Name your organization. If the phone is in your personal account, name your position.

If you are not presented and the reason for the call was not named, try to clarify these data before the start of the conversation. Otherwise, the continuation of the contact is inappropriate.

If you unexpectedly leave, tell the secretary or colleague who and what information he can give on your behalf.

You can’t ask the caller: “Who am I talking to?” Or “What do you need?” Find a friendly formula (corporate standard) to start a conversation, for example, “Good morning!” ECO company. Listen to you!".

Respond equally calmly to all calls, no matter how tedious it would be. The caller does not have to pay for having just been upset. It is impossible to predict which call will bring more benefits.

Demonstrate attention to the words of the interlocutor with remarks: “Yes”, “I understand ...”, “Absolutely right ...”, etc.

According to etiquette, the conversation is ended by the initiator, but if you feel that the conversation is wasted, try to make it clear to your interlocutor, for example, with the phrase “I think we found out the main details ...”. Do not interrupt the conversation without responding to the final words of the interlocutor. At least, politely say goodbye.

The ability to speak on the phone, not wasting time and solving all the questions that arise, implies possession of a certain set of speech constructs (formulations, cliches, standard phrases).

Speech Constructions

The beginning of the conversation is an informational occasion:

  • You get a call from the company ...
  • Bothering you ...
  • My last name ... I would like to ...
  • The sales manager is talking to you ... (secretary, representative of the firm "X", your colleague from the company "U")

Request, request for information, desire to get advice or support:

  • May I speak to ...
  • I would like to know ... (find out, clarify, get information ...)
  • Could you give (provide) information ...
  • Who can I talk about ...?

Active participants in business telephone communications claim that the person to whom the call is making decides whether to continue the conversation in the first 4 to 7 seconds of the conversation. The initial phrase is usually neutral with respect to the main subject of the conversation. First of all, voice timbre, intonation of confidence and friendliness, measured rhythm of speech helps to make a good impression. Next, you need to think about the main phrase, the decisive question about the continuation of the conversation. It should contain a promise, intrigue, novelty of the approach to the problem, etc.

The main point of the conversation is an intriguing promise (benefits, profits, effect of implementation, free services, speed of execution ...).

  • We have an interesting offer for you ...
  • We want to make you a mutually beneficial offer ...
  • We would like to acquaint you with the new system of our skidok ...
  • We have the opportunity to provide a range of services for free.
  • We recently changed the delivery system, so ...

One cannot be sure that every telephone conversation will end with an immediate agreement. But if you are a polite person, do not interrupt the conversation, do not rumble, do not dismiss this interlocutor forever; who knows, you may turn to him later.

The end of the conversation - neutral formulas of politeness, compliments.

  • Goodbye
  • All the best
  • Thanks for the information.
  • Cheers, all the best.
  • I am sure that you will succeed.
  • Glad to our mutual understanding.

Looking forward to future contacts:

  • I am sure that our contacts will be productive.
  • I think we found a common language.
  • Glad to hear. I hope we will continue the conversation at the meeting.

Among people who often make phone conversations, there are too much verbose. However, pointing them directly to the need to reduce the flow of speech is inconvenient; you do not want to offend the dispersed "speaker" even when he is not talking at all on the merits. Try to use the fact that you only hear, but do not see. In this case, the following phrases are appropriate (especially if they are true):

  • Excuse me, please, call me on the second phone.
  • I would like to continue our conversation, but after five minutes I have a meeting.
  • Sorry, we may be interrupted by an international phone call. Let's talk another time.
  • Unfortunately, I have an important business meeting now.

In order to finally convince the interlocutor in your location to him, add:

  • I'll call you on Monday.
  • Call if the situation changes.
  • Let's not postpone the meeting for a long time.

If you are interested in continuing contacts, but do not hope for it, say:

  • It is a pity that I could not convince you.
  • I am sorry that you will not become our client.
  • In any case, I wish you success.
  • I would be happy to change the situation.

The brevity of business telephone communication involves the implementation of certain rules that should not be neglected. The benefits of their implementation have long been understood by managers of companies whose working hours for 60 - 70% consist of telephone conversations.

Further, in the form of questions and answers are tips of experts on effective telephone communication.

    1. Do you answer the call if you have a visitor?

Yes, but to apologize to the phone and to the visitor, asking him to wait a bit for someone who in this situation will seem more important to you. If the conversation on the phone can be resumed later, agree on this, if not, ask the visitor, “without losing thought,” to give you the opportunity to end the conversation.

    1. How to respond to a call, if you have a lunch break, but you are in the office?

Pick up the phone, find out who is calling, and, if possible, transfer the conversation. At the same time, try not to lose a potential client, because a productive business conversation will improve your interaction rather than any lunch.

    1. If the caller is a friend of your boss, do you need to connect them right away?

First make sure that the boss wants it.

    1. If the caller is not in place, do you need to give your name?

It is necessary if you want to call back or ask him to call you. It is not necessary if you are not interested in further contacts with him personally. But in any case, you must explain who called from where, or else you may be suspected of wanting to get “secret” information. In addition, do not forget that in many offices there are devices with a caller number identifier.

The most flagrant violation of business etiquette - do not call back when your call (or arrival) is waiting. This must be done during the working day, even in the evening, without delay for a long time.

A serious violation of etiquette is to make the person talking to you wait on the phone, solving their problems “on the spot” at this time. In this case, even an apology is not always enough. It is better to agree on a second call to the interlocutor after some time.

In progressive companies that recognize the need to build a system of standards for corporate culture, have long recognized the need to create so-called corporate standards for employee behavior. First of all, the question of what words, spoken by an employee of the company on the phone after picking up the phone, can place the caller to the company, will be remembered as an element of corporate identity. It is more pleasant for any of us to hear “Good afternoon. Publishing house "Sirius". I listen to you "- instead of the faceless" Hello! Who is talking? Another “standard” is phrases that help to avoid undermining the credibility of your firm during a conversation.

Not worth talking Better say
I dont know...

We can't do this for you ...

You must...

Wait a second ...

We are not interested.

I need to clarify ...

I'll try to find out ..

Currently it is quite difficult, but I will try ...

I think that it would be more profitable (easier, more reliable, more productive) for you ...

To find these materials, I need 3 - 4 minutes. Will you wait?

Yes, but currently we are engaged in a different type of activity.

You can often hear that the telephone conversation was not useful, because the initiator did not have time to "collect his thoughts", and the interlocutor "threw questions at him." Of course, it also happens, but you should try to think through the scheme and content of the conversation before you pick up the phone (if you call).

  • Think about why you are calling? What can you be interested in the interlocutor? What do you expect from him? Make a list of reasons why he would be useful to meet you, your contacts are beneficial.
  • Consider the conversation in detail to avoid wasting time.
  • To prepare the ground for a conversation, leave the secretary of the organization you need a booklet of your company or a leaflet.
  • Start a conversation with a question about the attitude to your materials and, therefore, to your proposal. If the conversation is lost, be sure to try to find out what was the reason, what your mistake was, what to do so that it does not happen again.
  • Do not go into details, especially in the first conversation, leave it to talk.
  • If they call you, write down the caller's name immediately, so that you can contact him during the conversation and, moreover, remember him for the future.

So, summarizing all of the above, we note once again that for business telephone communication it is necessary to have certain rules of dialogue that correspond to this situation.

The lack of visual contact between interlocutors increases the importance of oral communication. Requirements for pre-thinking the scheme and content of the conversation, possession of a certain set of speech formulas, which allow you to attract the interlocutor, inspire confidence in you and your organization, as well as tactfully adjust the duration of the conversation.

Features of mobile phone communication

Considering all the realities of today, we must, along with the rules of talking on a landline phone, learn the etiquette of communicating on a mobile phone, which has become an integral part of the technical means of communication of business people. Compliance with certain norms of such etiquette should be as logical as the manifestation of daily courtesy and mutual respect.

Today in the world there are millions of cellular subscribers. Virtually every more or less active citizen has a cell phone. This “tool” begins to influence our behavior, relationships, our lives. There was a need to create a specific set of rules, called “mobile etiquette” or “mobile good manners”, in order to protect others from some of the negative factors associated with the active use of mobile phones.

It would be logical to assume that the etiquette of talking on a mobile phone uses standards developed for traditional telephone conversations. However, we must take into account the goals and conditions for the use of "mobile phones" that dictate the need to develop additional, and often new rules.

It is impossible to list all the reasons for the use of mobile communication, but the main ones are:

  • conversation, anticipating a business meeting;
  • clarification of data during negotiations that are not held in the office;
  • transfer of the meeting;
  • communication with a new client;
  • request information from a specialist who is outside the negotiation area;
  • reminder of the planned actions;
  • clarification of tasks;
  • warning about changing the mode of operation, meeting time, etc.

The reasons given relate to situations of professional and business communication, but mobile communication is widely available and therefore in the hands of young people who are not burdened with working problems, beautiful, stylish devices often become just toys. They are included in various places, where even according to the norms of ordinary etiquette it is not permissible - in theaters, cinemas, at lectures, in crowded transport, in medical institutions, etc. In young people, controversy surrounding portable telephones has shifted from etiquette questions to a discussion of the pleasure of being able to show off in front of others.

Manufacturers of telephone sets, unfortunately, least of all think about the etiquette of their use. Their goal is to set more features of the new model to increase the demand for it.

In order to keep up with technical progress and at the same time observe the norms of human society, it is enough to once again recall common truths: it is impolite to disturb people with the noise from their activities, to incorrectly make people around them witnesses their private "showdown". There have always been rules prohibiting work in public places. Например, включить свой портативный компьютер в ресторане бизнесмену неприлично, а мы часто наблюдаем, что на подобные проявления «рвения на работе» окружающие смотрят почти с поощрением.

Представим себе основные плюсы и минусы использования мобильных телефонов, чтобы нагляднее увидеть необходимость разработки «мобильного этикета».

Возможность поддерживать связь с родными и близкими, где бы вы ни находились.

Возможность решать важные деловые вопросы, не тратя время на встречи.

Возможность использовать разные функции, сосредоточенные в одном аппарате.

Возможность «уйти» от неприятного разговора, сославшись на ситуацию.

Возможность общения при помощи актуальных СМС (SMS)-сообщений («эсэмэсок»), что сократит материальные затраты пользователя.

Возможность, находясь в любом месте, вызвать скорую помощь, бригаду МЧС, ремонтную бригаду автосервиса.

Возможность мобильно изменить планы или предупредить об их изменении заинтересованные стороны.

Вынужденное выслушивание слишком громких разговоров прохожих или пассажиров транспорта.

Отвлечение внимания зрителей в общественных местах (театрах, кинотеатрах, концертных залах).

Отвлечение от получения информации по другим каналам (на лекции, на тренинге, на конференции).

Звонки в неподходящий момент (во время беседы с важным клиентом, во время деловых переговоров, во время выступления перед аудиторией).

Отвлечение водителей транспортных средств, что нередко является причиной аварий.

Вас могут «достать» в любое время и в любом месте.

Не следует класть на весы приведенные плюсы и минусы. Необходимо учесть их и, на основании факторов целесообразности и гражданского этикета, принять свод правил практичного и в то же время этичного использования мобильной связи.

  1. Помните об удобствах окружающих людей. Поставьте себя на их место, пользуясь мобильным телефоном.
  2. В общественных местах или в транспорте отключайте громкие сигналы аппарата. Похвастаться новой мелодией вы сможете в другой ситуации.
  3. Используйте возможность SMS-сообщений, когда ответить на вызов неудобно (на совещании, во время переговоров, в транспорте, в театре и т.д.).
  4. Не ведите долгих разговоров по мобильному телефону, даже если у вас самый льготный тариф. Помните, что вы отвлекаете собеседника от его дел. В последнее время стало хорошим тоном при обращении к своему собеседнику по мобильному телефону спрашивать, удобно ли ему говорить в данный момент.
  5. Людям, связанным с вами работой, бизнесом, дают, как правило, номер именно мобильного телефона. Если так, будьте готовы к тому, что вас могут потревожить неожиданно, и не выражайте неудовольствия.
  6. Обязательно представляйтесь, звоня впервые, а лучше – при каждом звонке. Это способствует экономии времени на ненужные выяснения.

Образование и внутренняя культура определяют, как человеку вести себя в той или иной ситуации. В разговорах по мобильному телефону уровень культуры, коммуникативной компетенции определяется по манере чётко и грамотно излагать информацию, не тратя времени слушающего, давать внятные, краткие, содержательные ответы на поступившие звонки, не создавать неудобств разговорами ни себе, ни другим.

В работе организаций и фирм сегодня приняты правила, по которым определённым сотрудникам предоставляется один или несколько мобильных телефонов, что обосновывается производственной необходимостью. Разные телефоны могут быть подключены к разным операторам. Правила корпоративной этики предполагают в этом случае издание специального приказа и ежемесячный контроль его выполнения. Особенное внимание рекомендуется уделять такой услуге, как роуминг. Если, например, сотрудник не был в командировке за границей, экспортно–импортные операции предприятие не осуществляло, доказать связь роуминга с производственной деятельностью проблематично. Такая ситуация разрешится безболезненно для сторон только в случае полного доверия, чёткого выполнения установленных правил.


Мобильные телефоны ворвались в нашу жизнь столь стремительно, что общество пока еще не смогло привить себе некий мобильный этикет. А между тем, соблюдение определенных норм такого этикета является столь же логичным, как проявление повседневной вежливости и взаимного уважения.

Соблюдение правил «мобильного этикета» помогает установлению необходимых контактов с учётом комфорта говорящего, слушающего и всех вольных или невольных свидетелей разговора. Кроме того, это экономит время и деньги собеседников.


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Мицич П. Как проводить деловые беседы. M., 1987.

Orlov V.I. Телефонные переговоры: техника и психология. М., 2007

Романов А. Л. Грамматика деловых бесед. Тверь, 1995.

Руденский Е.В. Основы психотехнологии общения менеджера. M., 1997.

Санталайнен Т. и др. Управление по результатам. М., 1993.

Sesmen Z. L., Deep S. The Right Way to Success. 1600 tips managers. M., 1995.

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