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18. Writing communication


  • Specific speech activity writing
  • Speech Communication Functions

If, in oral communication, we pay attention to the specific speech activity of the speaker and hearer, then in written speech, attention is focused on the roles of the writer (author of the text, the author of the verbal work being produced) and the reader or reader.

The task of the participants in written communication is to achieve the adequacy of the expression – perception of information, regardless of the time delay or the conditions of the communicative process.

Reading is a receptive type of speech communication, which in the process of becoming and functioning is comparable with listening (in oral speech), but has several advantages:

  • in reading the perception and understanding of information helps the association "form - value". It relies on the visual perception of the form, not the auditory. In this case, the saying is confirmed in practice: it is better to see once than hear a hundred times;
  • while reading, each word is always represented in the environment of others, which constitute a certain context, to the perception of which one can return repeatedly;
  • for recognition of information elements it is not necessary to have clear standards in the mind, as when speaking or listening;
  • from the read (reproduced) text it is easier to recreate the situation of its situationally-semantic creation. (Recall that in order to produce a text, you must first accurately represent the purpose and situation of its creation.)

The ability to write is based on the following skills:

  • writing skills (images) characters (letters) - calligraphy skills;
  • skills of proper recoding of speech sounds into letters - spelling skills;
  • writing skills - compositional skills;
  • lexical, grammar skills.

Basic functions of writing communication

Message function

Communication function



In accordance with the functions of speech communication and stylistic methods of their implementation, there are several types of writing-writing works. In various fields of activity, certain types are implemented more or less often, but all of them should be mastered by everyone who is going to improve in specialties related to verbal contacts in society.

Types of written works can be divided into a number of groups in accordance with the function and use of stylistic techniques:

  • Dictation or self-dictation.
  • Plan text, listened or read.
  • Statement.
  • Abstract.
  • Abstract.
  • Annotation.
  • The writing.
  • Letter.
  • What types of speech activity are related to writing communication?
  • What types of written works correspond to the functions of PPK?
created: 2014-11-16
updated: 2024-11-13

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Communication theory

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