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2 13. Group communication functions


  • Small group communication functions
  • Communicative structure of small groups

Communication in a small group, in addition to informative, performs the following functions: forming consent, ensuring coordinated actions, folding a particular group culture.

The most important function of communication in a small group is not just changing the attitudes or behavior of a group member under the influence of external stimuli, but achieving a certain degree of agreement.

A special group culture is formed as a result of communication. In small groups, people communicate with each other differently than with outsiders. As a result of such communication, a special communication is established, due to which a specific culture of this group is formed, including a special language, norms and rules of behavior, traditions and rituals.

It is important to note such an important element of culture as the system of sanctions adopted in this group in relation to violators of group rules.

Thus, communication in a group performs the function of exchanging information between group members and a set of functions aimed at maintaining relationships, at maintaining the group itself.

Communicative structure of a small group.

The structure of a small group is a set of connections that develop in it between individuals. In the study of small groups most often isolated:

  • the structure of relationships and relationships generated by joint activities;
  • the structure of relationships arising in the process of communication;
  • position held by the individual in the process of communication;
  • orientation and intensity of communication in the group.

Scientists have long wondered: under what structure of the communicative process is the group most effective in solving the problems posed? How should the circular information in the group be adjusted? Separate experiments have led to the conclusion that a person with a large amount of information and a greater ability to regulate its circulation plays a more significant role in solving the problem. This role is all the more powerful the closer to the center the position it occupies.

The studies of the French psychologists K. Fasho and S. Moscovici were aimed at resolving the question: what is the connection between the type of communicative network and the nature of the task assigned to the group. In particular, they were interested in the question: in all cases, is a centralized network the most effective?

As a result of the study, it turned out that in solving both problems, both centralized and decentralized networks were developed. Thus, the researchers came to the conclusion that the group in which the structure of communications corresponds to the structure of the task, i.e. when the actual communication network is adequate optimal for achieving the goal.

In a small group, different information is distributed in different ways, in different communication paths (communication networks). These networks are centralized and decentralized.

In centralized networks, predominantly one person spreads around him important information for the group (frontally, radially, or hierarchically).

In decentralized networks, the participants are equal, each of them can receive, process and transmit information, and communicate directly with the rest of the network participants. Information in decentralized networks can be transmitted in a circle or on a chain.

Decentralized networks are used when it is necessary to solve creative tasks that are not limited by time, tasks of increased complexity, develop interpersonal relations, increase the satisfaction of group members.

Types of decentralized communication structures:

a is a chain;

b - circular;

c - complete.

Consequently, the features of the communicative structure of a small group are largely determined by the status-role structure. The status-role structure is understood as the totality of relations between individuals, which is based on typical behaviors prescribed, expected and realized by the participants of the group process in accordance with their position in the group.

The communicative structure of a group is a set of positions of members of a group in the systems of information flows linking group members with each other and with the external environment, and the concentration of one or another amount of group information in them.

  • What are the functions of communication in a small group?
  • How is the group culture formed?
  • How is information spread in a small group?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory