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14. Typical communicative situation


  • Definition of TCS
  • The content of speech actions of communicants

The constant recurrence of conditions, actions, and roles of communicators makes certain situations of interaction typical. In each area of ​​communication, you can identify and systematize a set of such typical situations. Knowing their structural and content-formal features, we can predict the development of contacts, obtaining certain results of interaction.

Regardless of the sphere of communication, a typical communicative situation (TKS) is understood as a social-verbal contact that realizes psychological motives and communicative actions of interlocutors in repetitive interaction conditions.

Consider one of the TKS educational and scientific areas of communication - the dialogue of the teacher with the student in a practical lesson.

Each of the communicants performs typical social and communicative roles - “teacher” and “student”. Each role is related to constant conditions and the time of interaction - the audience, the time of employment.

Each of the communicators performs typical for this situation speech actions - questions on the content of the subject and answers that demonstrate the level of knowledge.

Communicative and speech promptings to clarify certain problems stimulate the deployment of the situation in a meaningful way, but its permanent components do not change.

Each TKS can contain several elementary communicative cycles, the realization of which leads to the clarification of the truth through the correction of the actions of the participants in the communicative process.

Test questions to the section:

  • Define the communication process.
  • Describe the main communication models.
  • Give the characteristics of the main elements of the communication process
  • Explain the concept of "encoding" and decoding "information
  • Explain what a “communication barrier” is.
  • Describe the scheme of an elementary communicative cycle (closed and open)
  • Explain what situations of reality are called typical and how they relate to areas of activity.


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory