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2 16. Practical and applied methods (techniques) of mass communication research


  • System-theoretical analysis of the study of mass communication
  • The main directions of research problems MK in the social sciences

These methods (techniques) include: observation of mass communicative situations and private communicative acts; experiments with participants of communication; the description of the QMS in their historical development and the identification of their functions; system-theoretical analysis of communicative acts.

Especially important for the study of mass communication is a system-theoretical analysis consisting of four levels.

  1. Characteristics of the structural elements constituting
  2. The organization of the private mass-communicative process or the entire communication system;
  3. Establishing the mechanism and features of the interaction of elements within the system under study;
  4. Identify the functions of the system under study;
  5. Generalization of typological characteristics of the system under study.

Nowadays, there are more and more new communication technologies that in many ways change the life of society.

In the current situation, we can identify the following main areas of research for problems in the social sciences of humanities.

  1. Study of changes in the structure and functioning of the QMS as a result of the introduction of new technologies;
  2. Investigation of the impact of communication technology on culture, understood in the broadest sense;
  3. Study of changes in the process of international information exchange as a result of the introduction of satellite television, video and computer communications;
  4. Exploring ways to protect national identity and focus on developing the concept of a new international information order; Development of ethics problem solving in the QMS system in the context of QMS globalization.
  • By what methods is mass communication investigated?
  • What is the system-theoretical analysis of the study of MK?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory