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Practical tasks for the assimilation of speech communication models


Exercise 1.

Check whether you are ready to participate in business meetings today by correctly building communicative-speech tactics. Use the following test for this. Mark your answers and discuss them with colleagues (teacher, consultant)

  1. Submitted by:
    • senior - younger,
    • the younger to the eldest
    • man to woman
    • woman to man
    • a person with a higher position - a person with a position lower than his own,
    • back to "d".
  2. Starts conversation:
    • master of the situation
    • invited,
    • irrelevant.
  3. Business partners refer to each other:
    • by name,
    • by name and patronymic,
    • by last name
    • the word "comrade", "colleague", "master",
    • as you wish.
  4. The thoughtful compliment to the interlocutor expresses:
    • attitude to the person of the interlocutor,
    • respect for the status of the interlocutor,
    • a statement of merit, professionalism, business skills.
    • praise, flattery, exaggeration of merits.

Task 2.

Solve the following problems by choosing the correct answer or by formulating your own:

  1. By negotiating a meeting for negotiations, you
    • name the meeting time
    • Ask your partner to name your time.
  2. By organizing the venue that you prefer:
    • chairs,
    • chairs.
  3. The delegation of guests must be planted:
    • facing the door
    • back to the door.
  4. At the beginning of negotiations, tactics are preferable:
    • outlining his point of view
    • listening to the point of view of the other side.
  5. The emphasis during the negotiations is:
    • on the problem
    • on the identity of the partner?
  6. The best compromise comes when:
    • the parties make mutual concessions within the framework of the problem being solved,
    • go beyond the problem.
  7. You have noticed a miscalculation of the negotiating partner, which subsequently makes this contract profitable only for you:
    • say about it
    • don't say
    • in extreme cases, then give him up.

Task 3.

The training game "Journalist"

The goal is to form the ability to collect the most complete, objective information about the negotiating partner.

Participants of the game are divided into groups. The teacher (moderator) read out the instructions:

You are a TV reporter. Tonight you must submit objective information about the person sitting in front of you to the “See who has come!” Program. You have little time. Take an interview with him, and then introduce the group. At the interview - 3 minutes, at the presentation - 2 minutes.

Then participants change roles. Each pair in turn introduces the group to their partner.

Analysis of the situation.

  1. Does everyone agree with this view?
  2. Who wants to add something about yourself?
  3. What conclusions can you draw from the interview?

In the process of analysis, you can lead the group members to formulate the basic algorithms for studying a partner in preparing and negotiating:

  • What is a partner?
  • What does he look like?
  • What are his tastes?
  • What is most important for him in life?
  • What are his interests?
  • What are his features? Etc.

Task 4.

Read the chapter below from J. Chestar's “Business Etiquette” and try to write down in order all the steps he proposed for preparing for a business meeting, negotiations, or meeting.

Plan! Plan! And then rehearse!

If I plan some important conversation: one-on-one, by phone, a report to the boss or a speech to the audience, formal or informal, make an appointment, date, promotion, favor - about anything, I try everything possible (as far as I can do it) so that my message will be perceived and interpreted as closely as possible to the meaning that I wanted to convey.

First, I write it all down on paper. I write my words, and then the words of my interlocutor, which he, in all likelihood, will say to me in response. There may be several answers. So, questions and answers. I also write down several variants of my answers to the words of my interlocutor. As a matter of fact, I mark our future conversation in the same way as I usually mark the road map when I am going to leave in a certain direction in order to arrive exactly where I intended to be.

I try to present our conversation visually, visually imagining the details that will take place. What can I ask? They may ask me about work, about promotion, about the date, even refuse to work. I plan every possible turn in the conversation and prepare to answer it correctly. I will rehearse the upcoming conversation until I am absolutely sure that he will pass - or that I will be able to hold it - exactly as I want (both in content and in style). Only after that I will go to your office ... to your home ... dial your telephone number ...

I think that this way I will be able to achieve the goal that I set for myself. That is, I can convey my message clearly and clearly, and thanks to this I can convincingly convince my interlocutor, influence him, persuade, interest, and so on.

If I have a business conversation, discussion or business negotiations, in this case I will speak freely, openly, using the weight of my intellect, in direct proportion to how well I know you - your character, your prejudices, your values, your personality, and also the subject of conversation. In addition, I will also take into account the nature of our relationship.

If you follow my example, you will be halfway to the right way to communicate with other people. On the halfway? Yes, because the other half is your ability to listen to others. Communication is a two-way street. To communicate something to others, we must listen. To listen to what we are told by those with whom we enter into communication.

Task 5.

Use the business talk formulas you know to solve the following tasks:

  • Show interest in the words of the interlocutor.
  • Ask for further clarification.
  • Make a conclusion, suggest a resume version.
  • To assess the situation.
  • Refuse partner support.
  • To postpone the issue at a later date.
  • Express disagreement with the position of the partner.
  • Approve the position of the interlocutor.
  • Admit their incompetence.
  • Politely reject the controversial offer.

Task 6.

Qualify the expressions below as factors for equalizing stress in a business communication situation.

Figure of speech Communicative act
Voltage equalization in communication Impossibility of voltage leveling
I am concerned about how our conversation is going.

I'm afraid my opinion doesn't interest you.

. .
We listen to you carefully! . .
You have never taken the initiative. . .
I see that such a question you dislike. You probably see the situation differently? . .
I would like to return to the topic of our meeting. . .
It seems to me that we are talking very emotionally, we have almost become personal - it bothers us. . .
Do not ask why, do as you are told! . .
Only a bureaucrat can say that. What else can you expect from a bureaucrat? . .
What are we doing? There is nothing to discuss here. I do not see a problem here. . .
Before turning to the discussion of the draft decision, I want to emphasize the fruitfulness of our discussion and thank all the participants. . .
I repeat once again ... or are you not listening attentively, or do not want to understand me? . .
You must behave more responsibly. . .
You have to look at the facts. . .
You should not be so angry. . .
Let's return to the main thesis once again. Is everything clear here? . .

Task 7.

Explain, what speech turns listed in the table correspond to the constructive, strong and soft style of business communication?

Figure of speech Business style
I may be mistaken, let's check the facts ... .
If the question is ..., then ... .
It would be another, no less a mistake to say that ... .
How logical is this solution? .
I have no doubt that you understand this question better than me, so I will not mind you. .
I would like to agree, but some clarifications are required. .
The thesis is not sufficiently reasoned, the given fact can be interpreted differently. .
It would be wrong to exaggerate our differences. .
It's no use trying ... .
Let's think, speculate ... .
I'll prove it to you ... .
You're wrong! .
I am ready to admit ... .
What are we talking about? This is nonsense! .
Your offer is worth thinking about. .
What will it take to make this possible? .
I would like to return to the topic of our meeting. .
Stop feeding us with promises! .
To accurately represent the situation, please specify again ... .

Task 8.

Read the following points carefully and stop at those with which you disagree. Argue your attitude.

  1. Try to be brief, but do not save on the necessary facts and arguments.
  2. Constantly direct the conversation in the right direction, do not let your interlocutor "lead" you away from the topic.
  3. Declining the interlocutor to your point of view, speak as much as possible, not allowing yourself to object.
  4. Do not let the other person make comments that make it difficult to talk.

Task 9.

Discuss the following situations and draw your own conclusions:

  1. In business contact it is preferable to use:
    • statements that
    • questions
  2. A tactless statement has been made to your address. What's better?
    • give immediate and effective resistance:
    • pause before replying.
  3. Negotiations are interrupted all the time by the fault of your interlocutor: the telephone is ringing - it talks for a long time, his colleague comes in without warning - he gives them maximum attention. What is your reaction?
    • You seek agreement without paying attention to interference
    • you show your discontent
    • you tell your partner that you can’t concentrate.

Task 10.

Read the conversations of the participants of the business meeting and determine: the roles of the partners; negotiation method; tactical methods of the parties; the degree of achievement of each of the parties to the goal. Highlight in the text of the dialogues statements, with the help of which it is carried out: affirmation, persuasion, refutation, argumentation, justification of the argument.


A .: Let's get down to business. Under the terms of our contract, you should have shipped us cereals before the start of the new quarter. Violation of this clause by you resulted in a downtime for bulk packaging. Today is already the 14th, and we sent our last letter with a complaint to your address on the 3rd.

B .: Let me explain the situation to you. We receive bulk products, including cereals, from different countries. There was a delay in the composition with grain at the border, and not through our fault. However, now all the cereals have already been shipped to our stores.

A .: Sorry, Mr. B., but with all the desire I can not consider the problem solved. Our cars are idle, workers do not get paid ...

B .: The violation of our obligations was caused by force majeure. But now we are ready to fulfill them!

A .: One can hardly agree with this argument. In our contract, among the listed force majeure circumstances, nothing is said about the delay of trains with grain at the border.

B .: I understand you, Mr. A. I think that we can rectify the situation only by compensating you for the losses. In order for our relations not to be interrupted because of this story, I ask you to give us 5 days to solve all the problems.

A .: We have been working quite productively and consistently for a long time. I think it would be right to give you a deadline until the 21st. But I hope you understand that this is the final term? Further, only the court will be able to resolve our conflict.

B .: Thank you. You made the right decision. I promise that we will not let you down.

A .: One can only hope ...


A .: Good afternoon, Mr. B. Let's move straight to the commercial side of our deal. Today we wanted to talk about pricing. I think you find them quite acceptable, right?

B .: Unfortunately, no. Compared with the prices of your competitors, they are 5-10% higher.

A .: I can not agree with you. You know that we modified the design and reduced the energy consumption of our equipment?

B .: Of course, I know, but it cannot be said that the power consumption of your equipment was very low. We now know the market, and we know that other firms offer equipment at lower prices. We expect you to understand our goodwill, and also that our company is rather young, but it intends to establish long-term contacts with your company.

Oh good. But business is business. On what basis do you ask for a discount?

B .: I have already spoken about the prices of competitors. In addition, your price should depend on the amount of the contract.

A .: Well, if you increase your order to ... pounds, then we can give you a 2% discount.

B .: This is better, but we expected at least 4%.

A.: Let's make some calculations ... 3% and no more, Mr. B. Even this concession leaves us with very small profits.

B.: However, I am afraid, Mr. A., that this time we will not be able to increase the amount of the contract. Could you take a chance and sign your first contract at this price if we find you new customers in the CIS countries in the near future?

A .: This is reasonable. We always play fair with our partners. But the last price offered is final. In what currency could you pay: in pounds sterling or in dollars? We insist on pounds.

B .: It is possible. Go on, please.

A.: It is in our interest to allow loading from any port in the UK in case, for example, some ports are

B .: No objections. However, it is necessary that you fax us an invoice, a packing list, a certificate of origin, a quality certificate and an insurance policy within two days after the shipment is ready for shipment.

Oh good. Summing up, let me show you a sample letter of credit of another company, but without numbers and names (this is our trade secret). We could meet tomorrow after you carefully review it. What time could we meet, Mr. B.?

B .: I suppose that only after two.

A .: Then I'll see you at three. Goodbye!

B .: See you soon!

Task 11.

Take part in the game.

Conditions: Leading experts of two companies wishing to conclude a cooperation agreement participate in the negotiations. The basis - the corporatization of the company by both parties in shares: 30-70%. Insists on one of the parties. Her argument is contacts with foreign partners, stability, popularity in the market. Think, with what help the other side can achieve half participation in the stake?

The parties are represented by commercial directors, economists and lawyers from each of the firms.

The method of negotiation - negotiations on the merits.

Tactics - gradual concessions.

Task 12.

Choose the topic of business negotiations that is relevant to you and conduct it through all stages, changing roles and changing the parameters of the interlocutors' relations (friendly, cautious, aggressive, restrained, rational).


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Streltsova E.D., StreltsovE.L. Negotiations: organization, conduct, participation of a lawyer, some international aspects. Odessa, 1996.

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created: 2014-11-16
updated: 2024-11-14

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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory