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2 3. Structuring the communicative space.


  • Spatial structuring of interaction.
  • Typical social situations of interpersonal interaction.

Performing the function of orientation of a person in a social environment, the most important structure-forming moment of interpersonal interaction is the definition of a situation.

A prerequisite for successful communication is the creation by participants of a “common social reality”. The behavior of communicants at this stage is described using spatial terminology, involves the design, the formation of interpersonal space in the organization of all elements of interaction.

  • The choice of position in relation to another communicator;
  • Clear definition of the spatial and temporal boundaries of the situation;
  • Registration of an occupied position through the use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

The spatial structuring of interaction is accompanied by the symbolic designation of this structure, which is manifested both in the symbolism of “body language” (facial expressions, attitudes, gestures, etc.) and in the methods of personalizing space.

Indicate the vertical and horizontal spatial characteristics of interpersonal interaction. These characteristics include the methods for the selection and designation by an individual of a territory that he considers to be his (physical or role-played, modeled). The vertical component is expressed in the ideas of the mutual location of partners in communication: the extension to the partner is down, the extension to it on a par, the extension from the bottom, the position removed from the partner.

Among the typical social situations of interpersonal interaction, the so-called difficult or stressful situations should be highlighted.

Situations involving the observance of certain rituals are assessed as difficult if people are not familiar with the consequences, meaning or goals of ritualized acts, or do not know how to present themselves or assess their own behavior.

  • What is the condition for successful communication?
  • What is the spatial structuring of the interaction?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory