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Communication as a phenomenon of social life The purpose of studying the discipline


In the last decade of the twentieth century, humanities scholars increasingly began to pay attention to the actively developing sciences - communication and communication science.

In the most general terms, communicology can be defined as the science of the place and role of communication in society, of communication systems, structures and processes, the laws of their development and functioning.

In modern conditions the attention to such a social phenomenon as communication has sharply increased. Communication becomes the object of research at various levels and in various aspects: sociological, cybernetic, political science, sociobiological, philosophical, psychological, linguistic, culturological, etc.

This situation is quite natural and explainable. In the modern world, there is a global transformation of the industrial society into an information-communicative one. This is accompanied not only by the penetration of communication into all spheres of society, the emergence and development of a qualitatively new type of communicative structures and processes, but also a deep rethinking of the communicative nature of social reality, the place and role of communication in the development of society.

This situation is quite natural and explainable. In the modern world, there is a global transformation of the industrial society into an information-communicative one. This is accompanied not only by the penetration of communication into all spheres of society, the emergence and development of a qualitatively new type of communicative structures and processes, but also a deep rethinking of the communicative nature of social reality, the place and role of communication in the development of society. Getting the basics of communicative knowledge is necessary for anyone who clearly understands that the condition for the success of their professional and social activities is the ability to properly communicate, interacting with people in different situations, establishing and maintaining effective verbal and non-verbal contacts at different levels.

Getting the basics of communicative knowledge is necessary for anyone who clearly understands that the condition for the success of their professional and social activities is the ability to properly communicate, interacting with people in different situations, establishing and maintaining effective verbal and non-verbal contacts at different levels.

The purpose of the discipline "Communication Theory" in the complex of training courses for the preparation of document managers and specialists in the field of advertising and information activities is the development of communicative speech and professional knowledge and skills of students.

What is the purpose of the communication programs introduced into the complex of educational programs?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory