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3 4 Meeting (Meeting, Session, Round Table, Brainstorming) BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN GROUPS


Events (macrosituations), in which the subject content is discussed in different groups of participants, differ in their forms and methods of implementation from typical situations of interpersonal communication. These differences are manifested both in the organization of events and in the typical models of the corresponding communicative speech acts.

Psychological and communicative attitudes of organizing meetings (meetings), press conferences, negotiations are expressed by certain functions of such events:

  • informational, bringing to each member of the team of guidelines (meeting);
  • uniting people into a single working organism, in which not only the distribution of work functions is important, but also the satisfaction of human needs for approval, inclusion in social groups, self-affirmation (anniversaries, banquets, solemn meetings);
  • management (planning, organization, control);
  • creating a positive public opinion around the organization.

The implementation of these functions is associated with the peculiarities of communicative speech expression of the subject content, respectively, of a particular genre of subject-speech communication.


The meeting is an oral communicative interaction of the team, which is organized by the head of the organization for the exchange of certain business information related to the life of the team.

The exchange of information and opinions of the participants during the meeting allows to solve the following tasks:

  • achieve a collective solution to the problem (meeting - finding a solution);
  • select and make the most constructive decisions (meeting - finding a solution, meeting - making a decision);
  • inform the team about the search for solving the problem, about the new experience and the possibility of its implementation (informative type of meeting);
  • to coordinate the efforts of the organization’s departments to carry out the work;
  • find out, analyze the state of affairs;
  • to note the most successful experience of departments or individual employees in carrying out tasks.

Distinctive features of the meeting as an official business communication genre are the following;

  • the prepared nature of communication, i.e. availability of a pre-announced agenda (issues discussed and keynote speakers);
  • the presence of the presenter - the chairman of the meeting, who monitors compliance with the procedure of the meeting;
  • the presence of the rules: the time length of the entire meeting is not more than 1 - 1.5 hours, reports and speeches - 10 - 20 minutes;
  • the alternation of monological and dialogical forms of communication, usually - the main message, questions, speeches from the floor in the form of discussion;
  • meeting minutes;
  • making decisions on the basis of a meeting based on a vote;
  • group character of oral communication.

Role installations of participants of discussion correspond to the procedure of the meeting. A meeting is group communication where everyone has the right to vote. However, this right can be exercised in accordance with the procedure of the meeting, by registering in advance in the debate or after raising a hand and giving the floor by the chairman of the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, the rules of the meeting are usually established, i.e. the duration of the main reports and speeches from the floor shall be established by voting.

Depending on the number of issues discussed, the main report -15 - 20 minutes, speeches from the floor - up to 5 minutes.

The lead role in a meeting scenario is usually assigned to the moderator.

First, the moderator (usually the head of the organization, if he is not the keynote speaker), in his opening remarks, announces the topic of the meeting, the main tasks of the meeting, announces the rules of procedure or puts this question to the vote, gives the floor to the first speaker.

The main part of the meeting is to discuss the issues put on the agenda. Here, ideally, a constructive exchange of views should take place between the participants of the meeting. The facilitator’s task is to create an atmosphere of interest, goodwill, and constructive discussion. It is he who first of all needs to monitor the correctness of his own statements and speeches of the audience, to observe the rules, to generalize the opinions expressed, to emphasize constructive suggestions.

If the agenda includes a conflict issue that requires a collective solution, then at the beginning of the discussion the moderator must clearly formulate the essence of the disputed issue, clearly indicate the differences of the parties.

When conducting a meeting, the moderator must constantly monitor the audience’s reaction, especially paying attention to the leaders of informal psychological groups, with whom it is better to discuss in advance the issues raised at the meeting.

In order to activate the work of all the participants in the meeting, the facilitator should give everyone the opportunity to speak, not to disregard even the smallest proposals. To focus on the subject of discussion, the moderator can use the “tactics of observance of the correctness of the discussion,” which include the requirement of constructive criticism; avoidance of negative emotional speeches, sharp attacks on someone else's address; requirement to bring evidence of their point of view. In the course of the meeting, the presenter should note constructive presentations, prevent deviations from the discussion topic, ask clarifying questions to speakers who make constructive suggestions, highlight what is common in the statements of the participants.

In the final part of the meeting, the moderator summarizes the discussion and, depending on the outcome of the discussion, raises the question of making a decision on the issues being discussed to a vote.

The draft decision of the meeting requires careful preparation. His vote may be postponed to another hour or day, which will be determined by a special commission of the meeting participants who have made constructive proposals. If the meeting is held with the aim of leading the team to a previously known decision, the draft decision is prepared in advance and distributed to all participants at the end of the meeting so that they can make their proposals to the draft decision. Then the draft decision is put to the vote.


In the organization of meetings and meetings, as a rule, the same techniques are used, therefore, the specifics of each of the events are not always clearly understood in business circles. The meeting and the meeting are protocol genres for official business communication, which implies strict formality, written fixation of oral speech in the protocol, a specific procedure for conducting.

A business meeting is an activity associated with the adoption of important decisions by a narrow group of stakeholders who have certain powers, respectively, such features of group behavior as the distribution of roles in a group, relations between group members, group pressure, have a serious influence on the nature of the presentations of the meeting participants and results. A business meeting is defined as a form of organized, purposeful interaction of the leader with representatives of the team through the exchange of views. This is a unique forum for developing key decisions and a way to coordinate the activity of people and divisions. It must be remembered that an unsuccessful meeting can cause material losses as a result of wrong decisions taken.

Business meetings are classified for the following reasons:

social affiliation:

business, administrative, scientific, or scientific-technical (seminars, symposia, conferences, congresses);

meetings and meetings of political, trade union and other public organizations, joint meetings;

the scale of attracting participants:

international, republican, sectoral, regional, regional, city, district, internal (in the scale of one organization or its subdivisions);

venue: local, visiting;

frequency: regular, constantly operating (collected periodically, but without stable regularity);

Number of participants: in a narrow composition (up to 5 people), in an expanded composition (up to 20 people), representative, party (more than 20 people).

Business meetings can be categorized by subject matter, by form, by main task. The latter are divided into instructive, operational (dispatch), problematic. For a clearer idea of ​​the specific differences of such business meetings, we will clarify the tasks solved during these meetings.

Types of meetings Main tasks
Instructional The transfer of the necessary information and orders "from top to bottom."

Bringing to the attention of management decisions.

Operational (Dispatch) Assignment of tasks


Determination of orders execution time

Problematic Finding the best solution to certain problems as soon as possible (based on the discussion of all the proposals during the meeting).

The choice from the previously prepared solutions proposed by the management, the most optimal (“round table”).

Making the best decision from several options suggested during the discussion (“brainstorming”).

Communicative means of holding meetings (meetings) - debates or debates that arise when discussing reports, communications, speeches.

The success of the meeting depends not only on the goal, but also on how the participants come to understand the task. Careful planning of such elements as objectives, composition of participants, agenda, and venue is the key to a productive meeting. At the stage of defining the goal, it is important to consider whether a group decision is really required.

Experience shows that group problem solving is advisable in cases where:

  • the problem is more complicated than simple, and the likelihood that one person has all the information necessary to solve is small;
  • reasonable division of responsibility for solving this problem;
  • potential solutions are also desirable, not just one;
  • checking different views is helpful;
  • the supervisor wants the subordinates to feel part of the democratic process or wants to gain their trust;
  • team members need to get to know each other better.

The effectiveness of meetings depends on their leadership. At all stages of the meeting, it is necessary to influence the participants so that they identify themselves with the problem under discussion and strive to solve it. Due to this, a frank and willing constructive-critical atmosphere arises, contributing to confidence building.

In practice, the effectiveness of the meeting is reduced due to the unclearly stated goal and the unreasonable need to hold it; insufficiently responsible attitude of the meeting participants to their duties; peremptory presentation of the head of his position, leaving no space for the deployment of creative discussion.

Often, the host of the meeting, caring only about the substantive content, does not notice typical mistakes in the technologies of communicative speech embodiment of this content. To prevent such errors, you can pre-list them and avoid them during the meeting. We give the most common mistakes.

  1. Invalid emotional "setting" the lead:
    • loud, sharp, often unpleasant voice;
    • chaotic, fussy gestures;
    • familiar appeal to the meeting participants;
    • look "in the forehead."
  2. The prevalence of negative evaluations in speech:
    • the presenter allows himself to turn to participants with negative definitions or characteristics;
    • the presenter emphasizes only a negative point in the information from the participants (“talk about what did not work”, “again thwarted the plan”, “what to expect next,” “stop fooling your head,” etc.);
    • description of only possible troubles in the future (“I hope we will not fall apart”).
  3. Orientation to provocation of negative emotions in the group of participants:
    • the prosecution and punishment of local leaders in front of their subordinates;
    • Breeding participants among themselves;
    • bet on anxiety and fear as the main motivational states.
  4. Isolated use of incentives:
    • bet only on rational actions, prohibition of emotions;
    • a bet only on personal emotions, avoiding "brainstorming";
    • loss of control over the events of the meeting (and as a result, the fatigue of the presenter).
  5. Lack of feedback:
    • the imposition of the leading opinion prevails;
    • the facilitator avoids and even fears the opinions of the meeting participants;
    • uncertainty for the purpose of the meeting: participants are not familiar with the rules and agenda in advance;
    • The moderator and the participants provide each other with information that is either outdated or distorted.

To avoid these errors will allow for the following recommendations:

  • ensuring that the meeting starts at a specific time, introduces the participants, announces the agenda and sets out the subject and purpose of the meeting;
  • a clear and understandable to all those present presentation of the problem put forward for discussion, posing questions, highlighting the main points that contribute to the creative discussion at the meeting;
  • careful recording of the speeches of the participants of the meeting, revealing difficulties and obstacles and showing ways to overcome them. Related definitions, questions, requirements, arguments, alternative solutions should be formulated in such a way as to encourage participants to analyze this problem and look for ways to solve it;
  • striving to achieve the goal of the meeting from the point of view of saving time;
  • the correct interruption of those speeches that repeat in general terms the facts already stated are irrational, extensive, contradictory and superficial in nature or devoid of concreteness;
  • periodic generalizations of what has already been achieved, a clear statement of the tasks that have yet to be solved, an immediate clarification of all the misunderstandings arising between the participants of the meeting;
  • neutral friendly address to all participants of the meeting;
  • summarizing the results in the final situation of the meeting, identifying the tasks involved, indicating the persons responsible for their execution, thanks to the staff for participating in the meeting;
  • impeccable etiquette of official business communication with the facilitator and all participants in the meeting.

Developed communicative speech competence of participants implies the following skills:

  • roll up and deploy information in speech and writing;
  • formulate definitions, arguments, arguments, conclusions;
  • if necessary, spontaneously rebuild speech on another topic;
  • use illustrative and tabular materials correctly, correctly describing their main content.

In order not to list the speech constructions already described, which allow the conversation to be conducted efficiently and effectively, dialogue, let us pay attention to those unfortunately established expressions, the use of which may diminish the enthusiasm of the audience and their attention to the subject of discussion. Without forgetting about the official situation, it can be made out with less “stamped” speech constructions.

Common Speech Circulation Possible speech constructions
The word is given ...

The floor has ...

Now I’m giving the floor (microphone) ...

You will certainly be interested to hear the opinion on this issue of the person who directly ..

Let's get acquainted with the opinion of this leading specialist (head of the department, our guest ..., the representative ...)

And now the word has ... The next report (report) will make ...

Our next speaker is ...


The meeting is called regular discussion of production issues under the chairmanship (leadership) of the head of the department (heads of enterprises, institutions, companies, head of department).

The leaders of any organized structures hold meetings, resolving all sorts of questions of both operational and strategic nature.

Organizational priorities and relationships receive new and important adjustments at business meetings (clarifies the functions and powers of the executives, develops new ideas, evaluates the results of previous programs).

The image of the head, each participant of the meeting (session) is constantly tested and tested "for strength", for each specialist's compliance with his official position.

The style of the business life of the team, the style of leadership is clearly demonstrated by the course and content of the meeting, its effectiveness.

A specialist (for example, a PR manager), who advises management and company employees on how to conduct an effective meeting, needs to orient people towards solving certain organizational issues at each stage of the meeting.

The preparatory stage of the meeting includes the search for answers to the following questions:

  • Is it necessary to hold this meeting?
  • whom to invite, if already decided to meet? (you need to invite the minimum number of those professionals without whom the meeting is ineffective);
  • What questions to put on the agenda?
  • How to prepare for the meeting of its participants (inform the agenda, provide discussion materials, etc.)?

The longer the preparation lasts, the shorter the meeting itself. Its success is 90% dependent on training.

The most fruitful are discussion sessions.

The main condition for the success of a business discussion is to let the participants speak, to hear their opinions. (At the same time avoid verbosity, repetition already expressed). In addition, it is important for the meeting leader to support the continuation of friction, not to pull it up, but to give an opportunity to discuss the problem “essentially”.

Не обязательно на каждом совещании, заседании выслушивать длительный по времени доклад, можно заранее распространить его отпечатанный текст и перейти сразу к обсуждению основных идей. Этот вариант хорош для экономии времени. И он абсолютно необходим, если основной докладчик — плохой оратор. Современные технические возможности способствуют еще большему упрощению процедуры обсуждения проблемы. Если участники заседания обеспечены стационарными компьютерами или ноутбуками, текст доклада можно вывести на экраны и корректировать его в процессе принятия решений.

Участники совещаний и заседаний, даже отвлекаясь от темы, тем не менее, фиксируют каждое событие в ходе совещания, каж¬дую особенность стиля работы ведущего, руководителя, председателя собрания.

Руководитель, в свою очередь, изучает сотрудников по внешним проявлениям их делового поведения (их индивидуальному имиджу): кто любит первый ряд рабочих мест, кто уходит «в тень», кто слушает и участвует в дискуссии, кто решает кроссворды, у кого отсутствует личное мнение. В дальнейшем, создавая комфортную атмосферу для принятия необходимых решений, отмеченные личностные особенности необходимо учесть.

Правила поведения на собраниях, совещаниях, заседаниях

Все собрания представителей коллективов проходят более оперативно и конструктивно, если участники информированы о правилах поведения в процессе делового взаимодействия. Кратко эти правила можно свести к следующему перечню:

Для руководителя:

  • начать вовремя;
  • сообщить о регламенте, о стоимости минуты;
  • согласовать правила работы, уточнить повестку дня;
  • назначить ответственного за регламент и протокол;
  • предупредить о «снятии» выступлений «не по существу вопроса», например эмоциональные оценки людей и событий, мнения вместо конструктивных предложений, сообщение по поводу... и т. п.;
  • если используется критика, то требовать ее конструктивности - называть конкретные факты и их причины, не переходить на личность, а высказываться по поводу действий и ошибок, предлагать пути решения проблемы, устранения просчета, недостатка;
  • жестко вести совещание по пути к намеченным целям, для этого обеспечить отдачу от каждого участника и придать конструктивный характер обсуждению в целом;
  • регулировать направленность и деловитость выступлений, для этого следует не допускать затягивания выступлений, стимулируя конкретность, наличие содержательного анализа, реальных предложений, решений, идей;
  • соблюдать корректность дискуссии;
  • использовать разнообразные приемы для активизации внимания участников совещания;
  • подводя итоги совещания, обобщить все сказанное, сформулировать выводы, определить задачи на будущее и зафиксировать в решении;
  • завершить точно в назначенное время;
  • в заключение оптимизировать ситуацию, настроить персонал на эффективную работу.

Для участников делового совещания:

  • представлять себя вначале выступления. Говорить "Я" вместо "МЫ" или безличной формы. Когда выступающий говорит "мы", он, как правило, избегает возможности взять на себя ответственность за то, что говорит.
  • задавая вопрос, сказать, что он значит для вас. Вопросы не должны оставлять сомнений в том, почему они задаются. Целесообразно после прослушанной информации ставить вопросы: на уточнение, на понимание, на развитие и на отношение. Открытые вопросы, начинающиеся со слов «как», «что», «почему» и т. д., предпочтительнее вопросов закрытого типа («Вы согласны или нет?»). Не рекомендуется на совещаниях использовать провокационные вопросы или вопросы-ловушки, они провоцируют конфликты и заряжают людей отрицательной энергией, становятся причиной ухода от проблемы.
  1. В высказываниях необходимо быть конкретным, ясно излагать свои мысли, отвечать за свои ошибки, выдвигать новые идеи, отстаивать личную точку зрения, быть терпеливым к инакомыслию.
  2. Не играть роль, ожидаемую от вас другими, оставаться самим собой.
  3. Воздерживаться, насколько возможно, от интерпретации чужих идей и мыслей. Выражать собственную позицию. Стараться не делать неоправданных обобщений.
  4. Говорить не о поступках и мыслях других, а о вашем восприятии этих поступков и мыслей, то есть формулировать, например, вместо «Вы вот тут ошиблись», сказать «Мне кажется, что здесь вкралась ошибка...».

Решения, принятые на совещании, обязательно должны выпол¬няться. С целью контроля действенности решений главным участникам необходимо:

  • проанализировать ход и результаты совещания, заседания;
  • внимательно просмотреть протокол результатов;
  • размножить и разослать краткий протокол тем, кто будет выполнять решения;
  • проконтролировать ход и выполнение решений;
  • создать условия для реализации намеченных мероприятий.

Практики деловой коммуникации предлагают проанализировать ситуацию, задавая определенные вопросы и давая честные и четкие ответы на них.

  1. Был ли подобран правильно состав участников делового совещания?
  2. Правильно ли участники совещания расположились в пространстве относительно друг друга?
  3. Были ли заинтересованы участники в предмете обсуждения?
  4. Возникали ли по ходу совещания спонтанные, плохо управляемые стратегии решения проблем?
  5. Возникли ли у участников совещания противоречия между индивидуальными и групповыми целями?
  6. Было ли идентичным понимание самой проблемы, если нет, то почему?
  7. Была ли дискуссия конструктивной, или она шла хаотично, беспредметно, некорректно?
  8. Возникало ли между участниками совещания противоречия, конфликты? Если да, то что послужило поводом, причиной?
  9. Были ли согласованы разнообразные мнения и позиции участников? How?
  10. На что было потрачено время? На поиск причин и виновных в просчетах или на поиск конструктивного решения проблемы?
  11. Были ли сделаны прогнозы эффективности, риска, появления потенциальных проблем?

Вряд ли можно исчерпать все проблемы проведения эффективных совещаний учетом этих вопросов, но обеспечить благоприятную обстановку во время встречи возможно.

Становятся популярными селекторные совещания, проведение которых возможно в компаниях, обеспеченных необходимой техникой. Однако, учитывая определенные отличия от личной встречи, они могут потерпеть неудачу. Это связано с тем, что участники мешают друг другу, перебивают и не приходят в результате к единому решению. Правда, если руководители компаний и ведущие проявят умение, такт, настойчивость, - такая форма может стать эффективной.

Round table

Отдельное направление делового общения в группах представляет собрание, проводимое методом «круглого стола» и/или «мозгового штурма». Эти формы деловых контактов стали популярны в последнее время в связи с возросшим пониманием необходимости демократизации процессов обсуждения и решения производственных проблем.

Метод круглого стола (термин заимствован из журналистики) предусматривает обсуждение какой-либо проблемы из выбранной предметной области, в котором принимают участие с равными правами несколько специалистов компании под руководством ведущего («модератора»). Обычно сначала участники высказываются в определенном порядке, а затем переходят к живой свободной дискуссии. Число участников дискуссии колеблется от трех до 5-и – 9-и.

Психологическая установка круглого стола – равенство позиций участников, независимо от должностей и званий, в определении проблем и предложении их решения. К сожалению, участники беседы нередко говорят совсем не то, что они сказали бы в другой обстановке, т. к. желание произвести впечатление на слушателей существенно влияет на их высказывания.

Ход беседы за круглым столом удобно записывать на диктофон, а при расшифровке и анализе результатов учитывать этот эффект, а также взаимные отношения участников.

Цели «круглого стола» - выявить спектр мнений по поставленной проблеме с разных точек зрения, обсудить неясные или спорные моменты, связанные с проблемой.

Задача дискуссии, коммуникативная установка - коллективно, с разных точек зрения, под разными углами обсудить и исследовать спорные моменты, связанные с полученной информацией.

Ролевые установки участников круглого стола почти такие же, как на любом собрании, однако роль ведущего требует использования более демократичных форм ведения беседы, так как ему не принадлежит «последнее слово» в вынесении решения. Ведет заседание круглого стола не руководитель организации, а чаще специалист по связям с общественностью (Public Relations), руководитель пресс-службы или приглашенное лицо.

На круглый стол приглашают представителей разных «группировок влияния» и разных поколений. Это уменьшает опасность получения односторонних однобоких знаний. Так как ведущему круглый стол приходится спонтанно принимать решения о направлении дальнейшего обсуждения и реагировать на непредвиденные замечания, ему полезно принять несколько практических советов по процедуре ведения круглого стола.

Перед началом дискуссии ведущему полезно:

  • убедиться, что все правильно понимают цель дискуссии;
  • установить регламент выступлений (не более 5-7 мин);
  • четко сформулировать тему.

По ходу дискуссии важно проследить, чтобы слишком эмоциональные и разговорчивые участники не подменили тему, чтобы критика позиций друг друга была обоснованной.

Usually at the beginning of the discussion, participants express themselves in a certain order, and then proceed to a free discussion. Sometimes, to give a sharp discussion, representatives of different schools of different generations are deliberately invited to the “round table”. It also reduces the risk of obtaining one-sided, one-sided knowledge and solutions.

Modern methods of holding round tables are as follows: separate groups are formed, the members of which will more easily achieve mutual understanding, each group has its own leaders, and the main moderator (moderator) regulates their work. Leading groups independently conduct meetings in their group and determine its most convenient form, based on the current wishes of their group.

The lead manager performs his duties until there is a significant need to change him. He is responsible for the preparation and conduct of meetings: he organizes the “facilitators' advice” to prepare for the next “table”, monitors the meeting and helps the presenters in difficult situations, in the absence of one of the planned presenters, he defines a replacement, arranges for those who are late. In case of impossibility of his presence at the meeting, he determines the replacement for himself.

The recommended form of work of the host with a group is to create a relaxed atmosphere of communication on the subject under discussion. It is desirable to interview all members of the group for each question from the list, without forcing him to answer.

Holding round tables is becoming an increasingly popular form of interaction between specialists, since it helps to create a free atmosphere of communication in order to get better acquainted with people around them, clarify their views on the topics discussed, rally the team, and nurture initiative. In a situation of relaxed professional business communication, the organizational and leadership qualities of the participants are identified, there is a chance and an opportunity to manifest them, and the greatest possible number of people can be involved in this activity due to their turnover.


"Brainstorming", or " brainstorming" - one of the most common methods of emancipation and enhance the thinking of participants. For the first time this method was used in the USA in 1939 by A. Osborne as a way of obtaining new ideas in the context of the prohibition of criticism.

Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming, English brainstorming) is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which participants in the discussion are asked to express as many solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.

Properly organized brainstorming includes three mandatory steps. Stages differ in the organization and rules of their conduct:

  1. Formulation of the problem. Preliminary stage. At the beginning of the second stage, the problem should be clearly formulated.
  2. Generation of ideas. The main stage on which the success of the whole brainstorming depends. It is very important to follow the rules for this stage: a complete ban on criticism and any (including positive) assessment of the ideas expressed, since evaluation distracts from the main task and knocks down the creative mood. Unusual and even absurd ideas are welcome. Combine and improve any ideas.
  3. Grouping, selection and evaluation of ideas. This stage is often forgotten, but it is precisely it that allows you to isolate the most valuable ideas and give the final result of brainstorming. At this stage, in contrast to the second, the assessment is not limited, but, on the contrary, is welcomed. Methods for analyzing and evaluating ideas can be very different.

Often, fear of criticism hinders creative thinking, so the main idea of ​​an assault is to separate the procedure for generating ideas in a closed group of specialists from the process of analyzing and evaluating the ideas expressed.

As a rule, the assault does not last long (about 40 minutes). However, in some cases, this time may take up to an hour, which, however, is undesirable. Participants (up to 10 people) are invited to express any ideas (humorous, fantastic, erroneous) on a given topic (criticism is prohibited). Time limit for speeches is up to 2 minutes. The most interesting moment of the assault is a peak offensive, when involuntary generation of hypotheses by participants occurs. This peak was theoretically substantiated in the works of the eminent Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud about the unconscious.

In the subsequent analysis, only 10-15% of ideas turn out to be reasonable, but among them there are very original ones. The results are usually evaluated by a group of independent experts who have not participated in the generation.

The leader of the brainstorming session, the moderator, must be fluent in the audience, pick up an active group of enterprise specialists, the “generators,” not pinch bad ideas — they can serve as catalysts for good ones. He should be inherent in the art of asking questions to the audience, “heating up” the generation. Questions serve as a “hook” by which ideas are extracted. Questions can also stop overly verbose experts and serve to develop the ideas of others.

The main motto of brainstorming - "The more ideas, the better." The recording of the course of the session is traditional (protocol or voice recorder).

Let's try to compare the individual characteristics of round tables and brainstorming. The advantages and disadvantages of active group knowledge extraction methods are summarized in the following table.

Method Virtues disadvantages
Round table Promotes free discussion of ideas, problems that need development or solution.

Allows you to get more objective pieces of knowledge

Revitalizes the process of extracting knowledge from the flow of information

High organizational costs

Complexity of conducting

"Tightness" of individual participants associated with a low level of communicative speech skills

Brainstorm Allows participants to actively share knowledge

Activates decision makers

Identifies deep layers of individual knowledge

Allows in the shortest possible time to receive new knowledge and skills of their presentation

Possible only for new interesting and controversial issues.

Not always effective (fairly low percentage of productive ideas)

Depends on personal professional and communication characteristics of participants

Both during the round table meeting and in the process of brainstorming a lot depends on the presenter’s ability to control the course of the discussion and direct it in the right direction. Psychologists recommend the following techniques to control the discussion:

  1. to preserve the unity of the meeting participants:
    • in the event of an incident to defuse the situation, to pause;
    • not to take someone's side until the final debriefing;
    • not to be the first to express your point of view (if you are leading the meeting);
    • to support and not allow attacking new workers, young professionals who are not well versed in the situation.
  2. to activate the participants of the business meeting:
    • have an optimal decision-making strategy;
    • create conditions for creative work;
    • do not use yourself and do not allow others to operate with destructive criticism or criticism;
    • Do not give meeting participants the ability to shut down;
    • not to disregard even the smallest sentences;
    • Skillfully manage group interaction in the decision-making process.
  3. to focus on the problem under discussion:
    • be based on concrete facts and hard evidence;
    • write down all submitted sentences;
    • predict the possibility of introducing the proposed ideas, solutions, projects: the availability of time, resources, logistics, financial costs, etc.
  4. to intensify the discussion of proposals:
    • ask basic questions and additional questions in the course of answering them;
    • to endorse those participants in the meeting who make constructive suggestions;
    • encourage the emergence of alternative points of view;
    • Do not allow sharp attacks on someone else's address;
    • the higher the “temperature” of the discussion, the more calm the organizer should behave;
    • provide full support for new progressive ideas;
    • be prepared for the negative outcome of a collective discussion of the issue;
    • if you do not develop a common solution, you need to go on compromise;
    • Do not suppress the opinion of a minority, perhaps it is promising.

Naturally, the precise course of the described business situations is connected with the speech skills of all participants and with their compliance with the etiquette of conversation, dispute, and discussion of the problem. Let us give examples of specific speech constructions implemented during meetings, sessions, and round tables.

Communicative act Speech Constructions
Suggestion of issues for discussion The purpose of our today's meeting (conversation) is to discuss ...

We need to discuss a problem that ...

Who has any other questions or suggestions for meeting management?

Arguments of proposed provisions Based on the actions taken (practice, situation analysis) ...

An analysis of materials (performance) shows that ...

Our experience makes it possible to argue that ...

Refutation of the arguments of opponents It would be wrong to think that ...

It is doubtful that ...

You can not argue that ...

It seems to us quite controversial situation ...

The data presented refute those provisions that ...

Justification of own point of view If this is so (not so), then ...

We need to discuss a problem that ...

As it was established during the tests (verification, debate, experiment), ...

Based on the data presented (arguments, evidence, materials), ..

Based on the facts ..., taking into account the point of view ...

Conviction Agree that ...

This is proved by the fact that ...

Without any doubt …

It becomes quite obvious that ...

We hope that our arguments convince ...

Conclusions, summary Thus, all the above judgments confirm that ...

The main conclusion is that ...

As highlighted by most panelists ...

So, we can conclude about ...

In particular, it can be argued that ...

Facts show that ...

Thus, a business meeting is a form of group activity; accordingly, the factors determining its effectiveness are primarily associated with the ability to organize the work of the group and manage the group behavior. Unlike a business conversation, when interlocutors cannot but take into account personality characteristics, motives, speech characteristics of each other, the speech behavior of the participants of a business meeting is largely impersonal, subject to the interests and expectations of the group whose representatives they consider themselves to be.


Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Business rhetoric: Textbook for universities. - Rostov n / a, 2002

Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric. Theory and practice of speech communication. - M., 2001

Ivanova S.F. The specifics of public speech. - M .: Knowledge, 1990

Nozhin, E.N. Mastery of oral performance. - M., 1989

Fundamentals of communication theory: Textbook / Ed. prof. Vasilika MA - M., 2003

Panfilova A.P. Business communication in professional activities. Textbook.- M., 2001

Russian language and culture of speech. Textbook / Under ed. Prof. Maksimov V.I.

created: 2014-11-16
updated: 2024-11-14

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