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Types and forms of communication Lecture 15. Verbal communication


  • Semiotics and semantics
  • Speech as the main means of communication

Communication, as already mentioned, is carried out in the course of any activity using various sign methods, such as speech, gestures, Morse code, light signals, etc.

Semiotics is the study of sign systems - a science that studies the properties of sign systems and, accordingly, signs in natural and artificial languages. The object of study of semiotics is the sign system. Three main aspects of the study of the mark:

  • syntactic - studies the relationship between signs, the rules for constructing a sign system,
  • semantics - studies the relationship between signs and the designated object, that is, the content of signs,
  • pragmatics - exploring the relationship between the sign and the person, that is, those who use the sign with certain goals.

For us, semantics, which studies the laws of meaning, is of primary importance. The central concept of semantics is meaning - the correlation of a sign (word) with a definite concept.

The main features of human language in semiotics:

  1. Channel for all linguistic messages vocal-auditory: linguistic messages are transmitted by voice and perceived by hearing.
  2. Language activity has no immediate biological significance, it does not affect the biological properties of the environment.
  3. Arbitrary semantization - the connection between a phenomenon acting as a material sign, and the phenomenon that they designate, gives it meaning.

One of the main means of communication is speech - a special kind of activity that exists along with labor, cognitive, mnemonic and other types of activity.

Main speech functions

Communicative or


Appeals or

impact function

Expressive or

expression function


Private speech functions

Phatic function,

carried out by

exchange of ritual formulas

Meta-language - the function of interpretation,

clarify selected speech


The information contained in human speech can be defined as a verbalized transfer of already obtained, meaningful and organized facts of objective reality. Earlier, we considered the main stages of transferring / transforming / receiving information in the communicative process.

There are three main types of speech communication results:

  • Changes in the knowledge of the recipient
  • Changing the recipient’s settings, i.e., relatively stable representations of the individual
  • Change the behavior of the recipient of the message.

It has already been noted that the most important function of speech is communicative, that is, the maintenance of the communication process.

The purpose of the communicative process is the awareness and understanding of the transmitted and received information.

By information, we mean information that is of particular interest to people and that people exchange in the process of communication. The information contained in human speech can also be defined as a verbalized transfer of already existing, meaningful and organized facts of objective reality.

The main models of information transfer were discussed in previous lectures. It can once again be recalled that information by means of a language begins with extralinguistic categories (designs, targeting, motives, etc.) and goes through the stages of coding, sending, possible distortions, receiving, decoding, expanding, understanding and implementing, that is, actions in according to the information received.

  • What is studying semantics?
  • What are the main and particular functions of speech?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory