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2 7. Speech and non-speech behavior in interpersonal interaction


  • Features of interpersonal speech interaction
  • Speech Techniques and Communicative Tactics of Interpersonal Interaction

There are a number of features that distinguish interpersonal speech interaction. Most often, such features are implemented in everyday conversational speech.

  1. Personality addressing.
  2. Spontaneity and ease
  3. Situation
  4. Emotionality The main goals of speech communication in everyday communication can be:
    • self communication, meeting the need for communication;
    • sharing information, reporting something.

The main objectives of speech communication can be the following:

  1. The communication itself, that is, the satisfaction of the need for communication, which is served by phatic speech. It is built as an exchange of replicas, the contents of which are associatively related. At the same time maintaining the conversation can be an end in itself.
  2. The exchange of information, implying the ability to build informative speech. Informative speech behavior is usually carried out (in everyday communication) in the genre of everyday conversation. Any interlocutors can enter into such speech communication, regardless of the degree of acquaintance.
  3. Report something.

Speech techniques that help to create the necessary psychological atmosphere are certain remarks (brief remarks, sentences), the purpose and meaning of which are to emphasize attention and interest in the content of the interlocutor's speech.

To communicative tactics that are used in the informative form of verbal behavior include:

  • the inclusion of a partner in their logic of reasoning;
  • positive and respectful consideration of the interlocutor's thoughts;
  • detachment of the content of speech from the identity of the listener.

So, the process of speech communication in everyday interaction depends on: what comes to the fore in the message - information or contact; from the forms of communicative means (direct or indirect); on the nature of interpersonal relationships.

  • What are the features of the implementation of everyday conversation?
  • What communicative tactics are used in the informative form of verbal behavior?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory