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12. Communicative communication barriers


V. Shepel identifies six of the most obvious barriers to communication:

  • discomfort of the physical environment;
  • inertia of inclusion (concern with other issues);
  • antipathy to other people's thoughts;
  • the language barrier;
  • professional rejection;
  • rejection of the image of the communicator.

The barriers caused by environmental factors determine what creates discomfort in the conditions of transmission and perception of information:

  • acoustic interference
  • distracting environment
  • temperature conditions
  • weather conditions, etc.

Technical barriers (noise) are associated with poor performance of technical means of information transmission (malfunctions, interference).

"Human" barriers of communication are divided into psycho-physiological and socio-cultural.

On the other basis in the literature on psychology and communication, there are four types of barriers:

  • phonetic - speech disorders;
  • semantic - the difference in the system of meanings of words;
  • stylistic - inconsistency of presentation styles;
  • logical - incomprehensible or incorrect logic of reasoning.
  • What communication barriers can be considered objective?
  • What are the reasons why researchers divide barriers into groups?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory