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In the process of life activity, each person is involved (sequentially or simultaneously) in various areas of communication: everyday, socio-cultural, business, educational, industrial, religious, etc. The professionalism of the participants of communication (communicators) in each sphere is connected with the knowledge of its subject base, the style of speech activity (colloquial, scientific, publicistic, business) used, the terminological thesaurus, etc. All these signs are characteristic of every communicative situation unfolding in a particular area. The effectiveness of interaction between the interlocutors is expressed by the relationship between the goal of interaction, the importance of the subject of discussion, the correspondence of the speech constructions of the expression of the subject content to the “common language” adopted by the parties.

The subject of business communication are, as a rule, elements of professional activity, problems of mutual interest, relationships with partners, conflicts or disputes with competitors, etc. Any business contacts are associated with the achievement of goals, the solution of specific tasks, with the implementation of certain communication settings.

The participants of business communication, having a real status (professional, social, cultural), in the process of interaction in specific situations, perform the roles determined by the specifics of these situations. Each of them is guided by personal intentions, motives, goals, relevant, at the same time, the strategies of companies and organizations. Successful completion of conversations, meetings, negotiations is, above all, the development of joint decisions, joint plans for further actions, since the most common goal of the partners is to exchange views and information with the subsequent establishment of new connections and relationships or confirmation of old ones. In special cases, the purpose of business contacts is to resolve the conflict.

Motives, goals, role installations, terms of negotiation dictate a set of speech-label formulas, specific speech and language means of formalizing the subject content of the conversation.

Without special communication skills, i.e. skills and communication skills, even an excellent specialist in their field will not be able to maintain a business conversation, hold a business meeting, take part in the discussion, defend their point of view. This means that a business person, in addition to professional competence (knowledge and skills in setting tasks and performing technological actions in a certain area) must master communication and speech competence, knowledge of psychological, substantive (content) and language tools necessary for understanding the partner and generating his own program behavior, including independent speech works.

A communicative situation typical of any sphere implies:

  • reflection in the speech of the communication set;
  • implementation of skills in different types of speech activity;
  • the use of speech structures necessary for the expression of specific subject content;
  • Possession of non-verbal communication skills that enhance the effectiveness of mutual understanding.

A typical communicative situation (TCR), irrespective of the sphere of communication, is a social-verbal contact that realizes psychological motives and communicative intentions of the interlocutors in regularly repeated interaction acts. In the business sphere, the speech (and non-speech) actions of the participants in a particular communicative contact are conditioned by the need to reach agreement on the subject under discussion.

Verbal and non-verbal (verbal and non-verbal) behavior of communication partners in a certain business situation can be modeled in general terms in advance. This enables the formation and development of the communicative competence of business people, taking into account their specific (individual) needs.

Each field of activity is a set of events consisting of macro and micro situations that correspond to the goals of communication and the conditions of interaction between the parties. So, for example, a business conversation is a macro-situation consisting of such TCS as a greeting, a statement of a problem, a rapprochement of interests (points of view), a definition of a plan for further actions, a summing up, and a farewell. The typicality of the listed micro situations is determined by the possibility of their implementation in other macro-situations, for example, negotiations, meetings, etc. The smallest unit of interaction, the communicative act, consists of subject-speech constructions that are typical for a particular situation.

Such acts established in the business sphere of communication are clearly manifested, for example, in situations of establishing and maintaining business contacts. Here the most significant are speech constructions that implement the rules of business etiquette.

The standards of corporate culture, adopted today by the most progressive and successful entrepreneurs, managers, specialists of different levels, suggest the necessity and compulsory possession of the ability to organize and implement business contacts in accordance with TCS, the models of which are presented later in this manual.


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory