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2. The subject of communication theory


  • Communication definitions
  • Basic values ​​of communication

Starting to study the theory of communication, it is necessary to get acquainted with the definitions that communication communication has developed during the development of communicative thought.

We give only some definitions found in the literature.

Communication is the mechanism by which the existence and development of human relations is ensured, including all mental symbols, the means of transmitting them in space and preserving in time (C. Cooley).

Communication - the exchange of information between complex dynamic systems, their parts, which are able to receive information, accumulate, transform. (L. Ursul).

Communication - in a broad sense, the social unification of individuals with the help of language or signs, the establishment of generally significant sets of rules for multidirectional activities (C. Cherri).

Communication is the informational connection of a subject with a particular object — a person, an animal, a machine (M. Kagan).

Communication is, first of all, a way of activity that facilitates the mutual adaptation of people's behavior ...

Communication is an exchange that provides cooperative mutual assistance, making coordination of great complexity possible (T. Shibutani).

Communication - specific exchange of information, the process of transfer of emotional and intellectual content (A. B. Zverintsev, A. P. Panfilova).

Basic values ​​of communication

Universal - a way to connect any objects of the material and spiritual world
Technical - the way of communication, the connection of one place with another
Biological - used in the study of signal communication methods in animals, birds, insects
Social - designation and characterization of diverse connections and relations arising in human society (social and communicative processes)

There are several approaches to the definition of the subject of communication theory.

The general theory of communication is a theoretical synthesis of not only socio-communication, but also natural-science and scientific-technical knowledge.

The subject of communication theory is something universal in natural, social, and technical systems of communication links.

The most common concepts in the theory of communication are communication, communicative situation, information, information exchange, communicative space, communicative time.

The theory of communication (TC) is concerned with comparing universal mechanisms of information exchange and developing a universal model of the communication process, as well as determining the elements of this process and identifying patterns of processes occurring in different areas and situations of reality.

Separately considering the general theory of social communication, we define its subject as the laws of social communication, the means and mechanisms of information exchange in society, ensuring the existence and development of human relations.

  • What are the main approaches to the definition of the concepts of communication and the subject of communication?
  • What does the theory of communication do?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory