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25. Organization of space and time of the communicative process


  • Proxemics as an area for the study of individual behavior
  • Criteria for the classification of poses and visual contacts

Proxemics is a special field of study of individual behavior, dealing with the norms of spatial and temporal organization of communication.

The norms of approaching a partner determine the distance in business communication. The intimate zone - 0 - 45cm. in America; about 60cm. in Western Europe; 45cm. in Eastern Europe; from 30cm. in the Mediterranean countries. Personal zone - 45 - 120cm. Public area - 400 - 750 cm.

At a psychological level, an invasion of the intimate zone of a partner is perceived by him as an attempt on immunity.

The intimate zone corresponds to the space in which a person feels as if he is safe.

Personal zone is used for everyday conversations with familiar people. Personal distance is typical for business communication.

The social zone is usually observed during meetings in offices, halls and other office premises. A certain distance contributes to or hinders the conduct of discussion, interviews, etc. Gestures, attitudes, postures are perceived better or worse.

The public zone implies communication with a large group of people - in a lecture audience, at a rally.

Compliance with the boundaries and areas of interaction is an important element of communication etiquette.

Under the pose understand a certain position of parts of the human body, as well as movements that change this position or affect it. In general, poses are divided into two large groups: how a person stands and how he sits.

Postures can be classified based on the following criteria:

  • Stages of communication - posture entry and exit from the contact;
  • Types of relationships and relationships - postures that express sympathy and antipathy, subordination, patronage, etc .;
  • Psycho-physiological states - posture of tension and relaxation, active, passive;
  • Orientation poses - facing each other, back to each other, etc.
  • Correspondence of a pose to other elements of expression is a harmonious or disharmonic pose.

In addition to the drawing of poses, an important parameter of non-verbal communication is a quantitative indicator of a change in postures per unit of time.

Among the non-verbal signals, an important place is occupied by the gait. It distinguishes rhythm, speed, stride length, pressure on the surface, individual signs.

The following criteria are based on the gait classification:

  • gait pattern and step size
  • age features
  • sexual characteristics,
  • professional affiliation
  • status affiliation
  • features of character.

Psychotherapists have long noticed that in communication people often avoid situations in which it is necessary to look into each other’s eyes. What can we “read” in the eyes of the interlocutor?

Eye Contact Analysis Criteria :

  1. Spatial characteristics of the gaze
    • direct gaze - interest, respect, openness, confidence;
    • far-reaching gaze - thoughtfulness, concentration, doubt;
    • a firm look - self-confidence, etc.
  2. The degree of intensity of eye contact shows a manifestation of interest in a partner:
    • gaze,
    • glance cast;
    • glance
  3. Time parameters of looking at each other:
    • contact frequency;
    • contact duration

Test questions to the section:

  • Name and describe the main forms and types of verbal communication
  • What are the distinctive features of speaking and listening?
  • Explain the difference in “listen” and “hear”
  • Identify the motives for active speaking and listening in situations of academic and business communication.
  • What are the distinctive features of reading and writing as a type of writing communication?
  • Tell us what skills develop in the process of writing notes.
  • List the main components of the structure of non-verbal behavior
  • What are the external manifestations of emotional states?
  • What are the features of non-verbal signals in people from different cultures?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory