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5. Methods of communication theory


  • General scientific and private scientific methods of communication theory
  • The feasibility of applying specific methods

Method - in a broad sense - the path to something. In science - a set of techniques used by the researcher to obtain a certain result.

Methods of communication theory
General scientific methods (a set of research techniques and procedures used in various fields of scientific knowledge) Private science methods (a set of methods, research procedures and cognitive techniques used in a particular branch of science - mechanics, physics, biology, etc.)
Modeling - the study of the object by creating and researching its copy. The model is an analogue of a real object. Sociological method - a set of techniques of specific sociological research aimed at collecting and analyzing empirical data reflecting the real state of communicative processes in society
Systems approach. It is widely used in the study of complex developing objects - multi-level, self-organizing. Such objects, in particular, include communication. Hermeneutics - the method of interpretation, interpretation of texts. Interpreted in the work of the Italian jurist E. Betty "Hermeneutics as a general method of the sciences of the spirit"
The comparison method is a cognitive operation based on judgments about the similarity or difference of objects. Behaviorism - understanding the behavior of humans and animals as a set of motor, verbal and emotional responses to environmental stimuli.
Content analysis refers to the content side of information. This is an experimental method designed to study the activities of the media.
Intent analysis is the method by which the problem of the focus of verbal communication is studied.

In addition, the methods used in the collection of preliminary research material and the monitoring of the obtained empirical data are also used: the method of observation; method of sociometry.

As a rule, the methods are applied not in isolation, but in certain combinations.

  • What does the concept of method in communicatives mean?
  • What is the difference between general scientific and private scientific methods?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory