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2 17. Structure, functions and effectiveness of mass communication


  • MK structure
  • MK functions
  • MK efficiency

Creation and transformation of mass information should be considered as a single process aimed at the perception, assimilation, reflection of this information, and later on its distribution and subsequent use. According to its purpose in society, this process is usually evaluated as a service, i.e. serving the interests of various social systems.

Once again, recalling the models of mass communication created by various authors, we are convinced that the creation of mass information is directly interconnected with the process of perception and assimilation of this information by individuals.

Functions of mass communication: a review of the surrounding world (informational); correlation with the social structures of society (impact through feedback); transfer of cultural heritage (cognitive-cultural function). Separately, entertainment was highlighted, and later - mobilizing (for example, in political campaigns).

In domestic psycholinguistics, the following functions are typical of radio and television communication:

  1. Informational - providing the mass consumer with relevant information about a wide variety of social news.
  2. Regulatory - impact on a wide audience, starting with establishing contacts and ending with the control over society.
  3. Cultural studies - familiarization with the achievements of culture and art, helping society in the awareness of the need for continuity of culture.

Taking into account the above characteristics and the main functions of mass communication, its social essence boils down to the fact that it is a powerful means of influencing society in order to optimize its activities and socialize individuals.

From the beginning of the twentieth century to the 1930s, the opinion prevailed that the QMS has a direct, immediate, and effective impact on human behavior.

In the 1960s, it was believed that the influence of mass communication on the attitudes and opinions of people was mediated by the characteristics of the audience.

Since the 1970s, the thesis of the increasing influence of mass communication on mass consciousness has become very popular. MK has a greater influence on what the person is talking about, and not on his specific position on this topic.

The effectiveness of the QMS is the ratio of the achieved result to the previously set goal.

Groups of performance criteria for the QMS:

  • criteria for the spiritual plan;
  • practical criteria.

The measure of effectiveness is the degree of realization of the goals that meet the needs of the audience for information and communication, taking into account the capabilities of both the QMS and the audience.

The results achieved by the QMS are the effects - specific changes in the consciousness and behavior of the audience:

  • the emergence of new "entities" (knowledge, mood, ideas, aspirations);
  • correction, addition, development of already existing "entities";
  • overestimation, refutation, repression of the conscious state as false, harmful to it.

Having studied the section, we can summarize the material, making the following conclusions:

  1. Mass communication is the process of disseminating information through technical means: the press, radio, television, and others. They are numerically large, dispersed audiences. The mass media are special channels and transmitters, thanks to which informational messages are distributed over large areas.
  2. The structure of mass communication in modern society is a complex system connecting individuals and technical means of mass communication. This system performs a number of the most important socially significant functions, among which are the integration and progressive development of modern civilization.
  3. The social essence of mass communication, which is expressed in its functions and characteristics, is that it is a powerful means of influencing society in order to optimize its activities, socialize the individual and integrate society.
  4. The effectiveness of the QMS is the ratio of the achieved result to the previously set goal. If as a result of the activity of the QMS there is, albeit the smallest, progress towards the intended goal, towards a positive result, then we can speak of their effectiveness.
  5. Theories of mass communication, for all their variability, are mainly focused on the study of the social role of the QMS. Some scientists predict that increasing the diversity of the QMS will lead to a decline in the cultural level of society and weaken its integration. Others, on the contrary, emphasize the advantage of the QMS in conditions of free choice of information, since this makes it possible to avoid centralized control over the QMS, and integration in the new conditions will be deeper and stronger.


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Communication theory

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