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2 14. Pragmatics of behavior in a small group. Technology, barriers, increased efficiency.


  • Technology communicative practices
  • Barriers to communication effectiveness

The German researcher J. Habermas, whose theory is called the "philosophy of the communicative mind", introduced the concept of "communicative behavior." He believes that along with such means as money and power, mutual understanding and solidarity, communication forms the third resource of social integration.

Technology communicative practices include:

  • typing of life situations;
  • recognition of the situation;
  • technologies of everyday rationalization of life situations;
  • routineization - reducing the situation to simple logic circuits;
  • idealization and stereotyping;
  • symbolization and ritualization;
  • interpretation of life situations and individual elements;
  • the thematization - the definition and introduction into the orbit of a situation of a circle of topics.

The barriers to effective communication include: barriers due to perception, semantic barriers, non-verbal barriers, and poor feedback. (Meskon M.Kh., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of Management. - M., 1994. - P.175 - 184).

In the domestic literature, the authors, for example, VPKonetskaya, call the following conditions for effectiveness:

  1. Compatibility of partners as communicative individuals (in terms of cognitive parameters, verbal, etc.);
  2. Adequate perception of semantic and evaluative information, that is, the correct interpretation of the information received;
  3. Impact through persuasion, involving a certain organization of the partner’s (recipient’s) activities.

Group culture is a system of principles and values ​​that all members of the group share and adhere to.

The group norm is a system of prescriptions and expectations of proper behavior, shared by all or most of the group members.

The model of group efficiency that is often used in practice has been proposed by A.N. Chumikov. It consists of three interconnected deployed blocks: a group process; group structure; organizational context.

  • What does the technology of communication practices include?
  • What conditions ensure the effectiveness of communication?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory