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3 1 Establishing (maintaining) business contacts


Negotiating partners, solving their own problems, will be able to come to an agreement if they strive to establish a favorable psychological and communicative microclimate of the conversation, to maintain a friendly tone of conversation. In all variants of the negotiation process, the “golden” rule should be implemented: “Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.” Establishing and maintaining business contacts at a high level of culture, adhering to the rules of business etiquette allow to increase the efficiency of solving any problems. If the interlocutor has not established the necessary contact, the “common language” has not been found, it is useless to present even the most objective arguments.

Situations of establishing business contacts are typical enough for any sphere of communication in all national cultures. This appeal, greeting, acquaintance, gratitude, apology, farewell, etc.


Communicative setting - the definition of social, professional and role status of participants in communication, the establishment of appropriate standards of voice contact.

The etiquette-speech formulas of circulation in each TKS are associated with national traditions, the protocol of official business ceremonies and negotiations. It must be remembered that the appeal to you traditionally expresses a greater degree of respect for the interlocutor, especially unfamiliar or unfamiliar. It is preferable in all situations of business communication. The form You are not required in situations of domestic communication of employee-friends or employee-relatives.

In our society for many years there was a “comrade” appeal (both to men and women) to a partner in work or social activities.

The controversy in the press about the change of this appeal, which unfolded recently, did not lead to the emergence of any “norm”, but it introduced into the speech asset of business people the addresses of gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, dear sirs , etc. While they hardly find adequate use. But the well-known reference “colleague” and the traditional for many countries appeal to peer employees by name, but you took your place in the vocabulary of cultural professionals along with our obligatory address by name and patronymic to familiar (but not very close) familiar people .


Communicative installation - to express a desire to make contact, good intentions in relation to the interlocutor. Etymologically, “Hello (te)” means a wish for health. Usually this phrase is complemented by a handshake (if the interlocutors are already familiar or presented to each other) and an open, sincere smile.

Role installations - a greeting in the forms Hello, Hello necessarily indicates your desire to have a conversation with you or with you. In the case when social or situational roles are not sufficiently determined or clear, it is better to use neutral forms. Good morning, Good afternoon, Greetings , etc.

Label and speech formulas. The use of one or another speech greeting formulas correlates with social status, level of intelligence, age and professional characteristics of the interlocutors. Older people use the formulas Greetings! Allow me to greet you! Pleased to greet you. Regardless of individual characteristics, all business people actively use neutral formulas. Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening.

After pronouncing the greeting, it is customary to add certain expressions that increase the situational load of these words. If a business meeting or negotiations are neutral business character, in a narrow circle, you can express your benevolent attitude to the interlocutor (s) by the formulas:

  • (Very) glad to see you!
  • How are you?
  • Anything new?
  • How are you?
  • How is your health? (How are you feeling?).

Naturally, such a greeting implies an appropriate response. Typically, these answers, like questions, are only formal. Etiquette formula How are you? does not imply the desire of the interlocutor to hear a detailed account of the personal affairs of another. And the answer is All right or friendly easy Normally does not imply a complete order in 100% of cases. However, in a business conversation it is considered tactless to take time with the details of their personal experiences or problems. The exception is made in situations in which it is necessary to explain to a partner the reason for his poor condition (loss, illness of relatives, serious problems with his own health) so that he can take this fact into account in further communication.

According to the situation and the level of trustworthiness of the relations, typical answers to the greeting-question may be:

  • Everything is as usual...,
  • Nothing new...,
  • Thanks I `am fine...,
  • Neither good nor bad ...
  • Unfortunately, there is nothing to boast.
  • As if nothing.
  • I would like better ... etc.

Acquaintance (representation).

Communicative setting - to enter into necessary contact with a previously stranger, using the help of an intermediary (in this case we are dealing with a presentation) or directly, to determine the possibility of further communication.

Role-playing, installation. In the case of a presentation, any third party (equally well known to meeting people) acts as an intermediary. This role in meetings at any level is usually assumed by the host. Such a presentation suggests the possibility of a more relaxed acquaintance after the presentation of the parties.

If in a formal business situation it is impossible to do without personal acquaintance, etiquette formulas must be preceded by an explanation of the reason that prompted to enter into personal contact, without waiting for the presentation:

  • Meet this, please ...
  • Let me introduce you ...
  • I am glad to present you ...
  • I have long wanted to introduce you to ...
  • I have been looking for a chance to talk with you about ...
  • Let me introduce myself, I ...
  • I would like to get to know you better, since we consider your developments to be the core of the department’s work.
  • Let me meet you. I am your old fan!

Calling your name while dating, you thereby determine the level of further relations (on You or You ), as well as give the opportunity to the interlocutor to repeat the correct version of the name and surname. If someone represents you, try to repeat the name of the submitted after the response phrase “Very nice” . It will help you to remember it better. Say your name clearly, clearly, looking into the interlocutor's eyes. If necessary, clarify the features of pronouncing a first or last name (for example, in a conversation with foreigners).

Order, offer, request.

Communicative installation - to direct the actions of the employee in the right direction, predetermine the regulatory implementation of any action or warn against something.

Role setting. It is considered that the person who gives the order has the right to do it in any form. However, a cultural, progressive leader knows how to direct the activities of a subordinate, using requests or suggestions, and can organize a situation in such a way that the subordinate will be interested in the task. Here, first of all, the leader’s democracy, his readiness for a parity relationship with practitioners can help; secondly, the willingness of staff to clearly perform the task received, without waiting for the order.

The degree to which a request or order is categorical depends on whether the action expected from a subordinate is within the scope of his immediate duties. If so, then the order is appropriate, especially in the case of a subordinate’s negligence towards his duties. If not, then it is better to ask, giving the request a shade of trust and confidentiality.

Etiquette-speech formulas emphasize both the level of categoricalness and the degree of respectful attitude of the manager towards the subordinate.

  • Make (those) ... Bring (those) ... Give (those) ...
  • Please prepare by Monday ...
  • Be kind enough to run this report as soon as possible.
  • If you do not mind, come to me after the break.
  • Do me a favor, pick up the necessary materials to the environment.
  • Be so kind as to pass it on to the editor.
  • I want to ask you for a personal favor ...
  • I would ask this work to be done immediately!
  • I would like to see the results tomorrow.
  • Let me remind you of the terms stipulated in the contract!
  • Is it possible to reconsider this decision?
  • I strongly advise you not to delay the answer.
  • Let's look at the problem together!
  • I suggest you once again check the findings.
  • I strongly recommend to review your position!
  • Can I count on your help?
  • You need to (should) repeat ... etc.

Gratitude, praise, compliment.

Gratitude (appreciation) is a statement of fact, and praise explicitly or implicitly contains moral judgment, evaluation. It has been established by practice that people are more likely to respond precisely to appreciation or gratitude, and not to praise or flattery, although not everything is universal. Undeserved praise, flattery feeds, but does not convince. Not convincing and insincere compliments. Using all these formulas in communication, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the sincerity and content of the spoken words.

Communicative setting - to arrange the interlocutor to further positive actions, to demonstrate politeness, good breeding, appreciation, to respond to the congratulations, to the high appreciation of the activity.

Role setting. In formal business communication, gratitude formulas have been adopted that correspond to the stylistics of highly cultured speech, the speech of intelligent people, regardless of rank or title. A person who is able to find the right words for gratitude, approval, compliment and not “replaying” at the same time, can count on a positive reaction from the partner and his readiness for further joint actions.

Depending on the situation of business communication, the most concise and very common formulas of gratitude or compliment are used:

  • Thank! Thank you Thank you very much! Thank you)!
  • Let me thank you for ...
  • Let me express my (our) gratitude for ...
  • I would like to express my gratitude (appreciation) for ...
  • I have to thank you for ...
  • How I thank you!
  • I will be very grateful to you if ...

In a compliment or approval, rather close to praise in essence, not only does one manifest a desire to cheer up a partner, make him feel good, but also indicate those specific actions, character traits, qualities to which attention is paid.

  • As always, you are right!
  • You are an excellent expert in your business.
  • What a great taste you have!
  • He has a subtle sense of humor.
  • This is one of the people who are all on the shoulder.
  • It is extremely interesting to communicate with you!
  • How easy and pleasant it is with you!
  • You (you) are just great!

The formulas of speech etiquette used to respond to gratitude, praise or approval, to a compliment or encouragement, always correlate with these remarks in stylistic and emotional terms.

  • Thank you, you are very kind!
  • Do not mention it!
  • And thank you too (thank you).
  • I was not hard to do it!
  • Thanks for the compliment.
  • Very pleased to hear.
  • I wanted to say the same about you.

Experts say that encouragement is a better incentive to work than conviction. In modern management, corporate culture states the rule: “Give compliments to colleagues as often as possible.”

However, fact should be the basis of praise or compliment. And this means that compliments must be earned by concrete positive actions.


A communicative attitude is a verbal expression of a request for forgiveness, an apology for something, an atonement for the guilt of an act.

In addition, in some cases, the apology formulas preface those remarks with which one of the speakers wants to pay attention to his position, interrupting or contradicting the interlocutor. An apology in some cases alleviates the impossibility of an agreement.

Role setting. In a situation that requires an apology, the parties are equal in social roles. Rather, and more naturally, an apology is realized in the speech of a more educated, intelligent person. In a “boss – subordinate” communication situation, it is necessary to remember that an apology should sound absolutely sincere and natural. Otherwise, it can be interpreted as irony, as an attempt to “put in place” the communication partner.

Label and speech formulas:

  • Excuse me!
  • Excuse me, please!
  • Sorry, I would like to clarify ...
  • Sorry for being late.
  • I'm sorry, did I understand you correctly?
  • You are right, I apologize!
  • Let me apologize (to you).
  • I think I need to apologize for ...
  • Forgive me, please, it is unintentional! etc.

A low level of human culture always give out the phrase: I apologize, we ask for the excuse , etc.

To visualize the illiteracy of such replicas, compare similar concepts: I apologize, wash, dress, that is, I apologize (wash, dress) myself, but do not ask me to excuse.

Often, people who are approached with words of apology are lost and react with vague remarks or just a nod of the head. However, each form of apology implies an adequate response:

  • Nothing wrong!
  • Everything is good!
  • Yes, not at all, nothing!
  • Hope we understand each other.
  • I accept your apologies.
  • I myself was not too right ... etc.

Official-business communication does not allow replica reactions with a hint of "decline": Come on! What is already there, it happens! Well, so be it! Well what can you do with it! etc.


Communicative installation - to complete the negotiations in the manner that corresponds to the results of business communication in a particular situation. In business communication, even the most neutral farewell formula can acquire a certain sound depending on the content and results of the negotiations.

Role setting. Usually, the one who initiated the meeting is forgiven first. In case of desire to continue the conversation by its initiator, this is a sign of his special interest in the affairs of the partners. In negotiations, a representative of any company and her client should, clearly and briefly discuss all the details of business problems, simultaneously (if possible) send a “signal” to the end of the meeting, choosing the necessary remarks for this.

If negotiations occur between people interested in continuing communication, both parties carefully listen to the partner's farewell remarks, trying to understand his mood and attitude to the common cause, to his person. Let's compare several microdialogs that conclude a business conversation:

  • Goodbye!
  • See you soon!
  • I will be glad to meet you after the holidays!
  • Be sure to meet you, all the best!
  • See you soon, waiting for you tomorrow!
  • All the best, see you!
  • Allow me to bow out.
  • Goodbye.
  • Allow me to say goodbye and a happy journey.
  • Goodbye, all the best!
  • Till Monday! (Till the summer! Till the evening! Good night!)
  • I (with you) do not say goodbye, I hope to see you soon!
  • Of course, we'll see you soon!

Farewell formulas in certain cases are preceded by gratitude, apology, compliment, etc.

  • Thanks for helping me out. Good luck!
  • Sorry to take a lot of your time.
  • Sorry, I can't keep you longer.
  • Sorry to distract you from business.
  • Thanks for the valuable advice, thanks for listening!

Non-verbal contact forms

Most often, non - verbal forms (means) of establishing contacts imply mimicry, gestures, posture, signals with eyes, and it must be remembered that all these forms of attracting attention have different nationalities for different peoples.

The possibility of establishing a trusting contact at the beginning of any business communication situation depends not only on the use of speech-speech formulas, which were cited above, but also on how the negotiators keep themselves. Very much about a person can say his posture, manners, facial expressions, gestures, voice timbre, glance, even a suit and hairstyle. To achieve mutual understanding, it is necessary to know sign language and facial expressions - “silent language” of communication.

On the one hand, in response to the behavior of the interlocutor, we tune in to his wave, and on the other, we understand better how we are met and what we say and do.

The psychological attitude in the use of non-verbal means of communication is connected with the idea that knowledge of the “dumb language” allows one to foresee what kind of reaction the interlocutor caused to hear, even before he expresses himself on this matter.

Communicative installation - to obtain additional information about the interlocutor, "reading" it from his appearance, face, hands. Such information is often more reliable than speech, because gestures, body movements are controlled by the impulses of our subconscious.

Role setting. When establishing contacts, non-verbal means of communication play a large role in organizing the entire content-semantic structure of communication. In the views, gestures, facial expressions often manifest what they try to veil with the words: disregard for the interlocutor, arrogance, servility, indifference, etc.

In order not to look awkward or defiant during a meeting, it is necessary to be guided, in particular, by the following rules.

    1. An almost indispensable attribute of any meeting and farewell with our compatriots is a handshake. Лучше, если оно будет в меру энергичным и продолжительным, но не слишком вялым и не слишком долгим. Открытый взгляд, теплая искренняя улыбка, шаг навстречу — все это дополнит рукопожатие наилучшим образом. Рукопожатие, при котором руки партнеров находятся на одной линии, в одинаковом положении, свидетельствует об их доверии и уважении друг к другу.

Уже давно женщины-бизнесмены, особенно в США и странах Западной Европы, ведут себя в ситуациях делового общения так же, как их коллеги-мужчины. Однако традиции и обычаи диктуют определенные нормы поведения, независимо от сферы деловой активности коммуникантов. Мужчина первым здоровается с женщиной, но женщина первой протягивает руку для пожатия, если она расположена к этому. Исключение составляют приветствия и прощания людей различного социально-профессионального статуса. Более старший по возрасту мужчина может протянуть руку молодой женщине, если он является ее руководителем, начальником, хорошим знакомым. Если здороваются или прощаются люди, равные по положению, при этом не состоящие в дружеских отношениях, они не обязательно обмениваются рукопожатиями. Достаточно теплых слов, полупоклонов, улыбки. Нелепо выглядят люди, пытающиеся пожать руку знакомому в переполненном транспорте (через головы пассажиров), на банкете (через накрытый стол), в зале заседаний (через несколько рядов) и т.д.

    1. Естественные позы и жесты прекрасно демонстрируют внутреннее состояние собеседников.

Открытость и доверие демонстрирует жест «открытые руки». Потирание висков, подбородка, прикрывание лица руками говорят о желании собеседника что-либо утаить от вас. Руки, скрещенные на груди, говорят о том, что ваш партнер чувствует какую-то опасность в данной ситуации. Жесты сомнения и неуверенности чаще всего связаны с почесыванием указательным пальцем правой руки места под мочкой уха или боковой части шеи. Поднятые плечи и опущенная голова выражают обиду. Жест почесывания уха свидетельствует о желании отгородиться от слов, которые он слышит. С помощью потирания ладоней передаются положительные ожидания. Сцепленные пальцы рук обозначают разочарование и желание собеседника скрыть свое отрицательное отношение к услышанному.

Можно перечислять еще и еще, но каждый человек настолько индивидуален в своих жестах, что прогнозировать их понимание на 100% не стоит.

  1. С помощью сигналов глазами передаются самые точные и открытые сигналы коммуникации. Как правило, доверием пользуются те люди, глаза которых спокойны, открыты, взгляд встречается со взглядом партнера 60 — 70% всего времени общения. При деловом разговоре рекомендуется направить взгляд на воображаемый треугольник на лбу вашего партнера. Он будет чувствовать, что вы настроены по-деловому.
  2. Большую роль в установлении контактов играют внешний вид людей, их одежда, умение правильно вести себя в общественных местах, в различных ситуациях. Благоприятное впечатление производит человек вежливый, хорошо со вкусом одетый, умеющий держаться в любых обстоятельствах. Манера речи, умение управлять своими эмоциями, спокойно слушать говорящего — все это располагает едва ли не более самых продуманных слов.

Чем легче тот или иной человек входит в первичный контакт со своим собеседником (или собеседниками), тем результативнее будет его разговор, беседа, консультация, а главное — переговоры.

Подводя итоги, приведем некоторые советы специалистов:

  • Представляясь кому-либо впервые, четко произнесите свое имя и убедитесь, что оно было услышано.
  • Старайтесь правильно произносить даже самые трудные имена собственные.
  • Следите за дикцией: не шепчите и не кричите.
  • Запомните и широко используйте формулы: Будьте любезны... Будьте добры... Позвольте помочь вам... Вас не затруднит... Не могли бы вы... Простите, я не расслышал... и т.д.
  • Не говорите «он» или «она» о человеке, слова которого повторяете, даже если он отсутствует. Постарайтесь назвать или кратко объяснить, о ком идет речь.
  • Не забывайте добавлять «пожалуйста» ко всем просьбам и расряжениям, а «спасибо» — к выражению реакции на их выполнение.
  • Помните, что хамское поведение, нецензурные или жаргонные выражения недопустимы не только в деловом, но и в бытовом общении.
  • Говорите комплименты только мотивированно и к месту. Оценивайте в них не человека, а его действия.
  • Умейте выбрать тему для завязки любого, даже очень серьезного разговора.
  • Не замораживайте собеседника взглядом, но если ваша улыбка «дежурная», а не искренняя, лучше не улыбайтесь.

Таким образом, модель делового контакта, в котором осуществляются речевые действия партнеров, связанные с достижением соглашения между ними, можно считать типичной коммуникативной ситуацией профессионально-делового взаимодействия.

Рассмотренная группа ТКС, связанная с установлением или поддержанием деловых контактов, куда вошли обращение, приветствие, знакомство, приказ (предложение просьба), благодарность (похвала), извинение и прощание, а также невербальные формы взаимодействия пополняют сведения о возможностях установления и поддержания эффективных деловых контактов.

Этикетно-речевые конструкции, необходимые для моделирования каждого коммуникативного акта, должны использоваться для установления доброжелательной, продуктивной атмосферы разговора и свидетельствовать об уровне личностной культуры собеседников.

Already a thing of the past is the attitudes of some chiefs or leaders that only the content of the conversation is important, the subject of discussion, and not the form of its implementation. The need to communicate with domestic and foreign colleagues, who are paying increasing attention to the speech etiquette of business negotiations, has determined the focus of our businessmen, political leaders, heads of institutions on mastering the art of eloquence and etiquette norms of business speech.


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