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13. The main elements of the communication process


  • Key elements of interaction
  • Elementary Communicative Cycle

Considering any model of communication in a minimal segment - within the framework of a communicative act - one can easily list the main elements of the process of interaction between communicants:

  • source (sender, sender);
  • coding and decoding information (initial idea);
  • a message containing information, facts, arguments, arguments, ideas, opinions, thoughts, sender's emotions, etc.
  • channel - a means of transmitting a message from the source to the recipient;
  • recipient (addressee);
  • feedback - recipient response to the message source.

It is important to remember that sustained feedback is a prerequisite for effective communication.

Elementary communicative cycle.

  13. The main elements of the communication process

An elementary communicative cycle is a fragment of the interaction of communicants, reflecting the interrelation of speech generation and speech perception, the target setting of communication, the control of the adequacy of speech skills and skills of the communication situation, and the correction of actions by the initiator of communication.

Representing the ideal ECC scheme, reflecting the interdependent actions of communicants aimed at achieving mutual understanding and feedback, we understand that in reality, communication in different areas and situations does not always correspond to the above algorithm.

To a distorted perception and incorrect reaction lead: statements that are not clear in form and content, offered for reflection, lack of attention of the parties to the subject of conversation.

It is necessary to overcome the barriers, obstacles, dangers of misunderstanding in the process of active interaction. Then the information received — knowledge, definitions, instructions, explanations — will be more valuable, and feedback more effective.

  • What elements of interaction are always present in communication?
  • What leads to wrong perception and wrong reaction?


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory