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2 12. Small group communication


  • The concept of "small social group"
  • Typology of small groups
  • Group dynamics processes

Systematic studies of small groups are undertaken at the beginning of the twentieth century by the American sociologist Ch.Kuli, who emphasized that the rational potential nature of an individual “I” acquires a social quality only in communication, interpersonal communication within the primary group.

Small groups play a significant role in the process of socialization of the individual, making the connection “personality - society”.

Communication in a small group is considered within the framework of the theory of social exchange, where the exchange of various activities is interpreted as the fundamental basis of human communication. J. Homans explains the behavior of a person in a small group by the desire to receive awards and benefits and their mutual exchange. This means that the position of a person in a group, the effectiveness of communications in it create the basis for a person’s psychological satisfaction with his position in a group and in society as a whole.

A small social group is an association of people who have direct contact with each other, are connected by joint activities, emotional or related intimacy, aware of their affiliation to the group and recognized by other people. There are more than one hundred definitions of a small group, but the main features in these definitions are the following: contact, integrity, stability of the composition, stability of interaction, presence of internal structure (including a system of informal roles and statuses), satisfaction of personal inquiries through group membership.

One of the most common definitions: a small group is a small group whose members are in direct personal communication, united by common social activities, which is the basis for the emergence of emotional relationships, group norms and group processes.

The lower limit of the size of the group is a dyad or triad. A group of 5 - 7 people is considered optimal. Maximum - a few dozen people engaged in one business (for example, in a small enterprise).

Varieties of small groups.

The first classification of types of small groups has been reduced to the selection of primary and secondary groups.

According to the author of this classification, C. Kuli, primary groups are a special kind of small groups, whose connections are based on direct personal contacts, on the emotional involvement of its members in the group's affairs, which ensures a high degree of identification of members with the group.

Secondary small groups are communities in which there are fewer direct contacts than primary ones, and various “intermediaries” are used to communicate between group members, for example, in the form of communications.

The second typology is the division of small groups into formal and informal. For the first time, this division was proposed by the American sociologist and social psychologist E. Mayo.

Formal small groups are groups whose membership and interrelationships are determined by formal prescriptions and arrangements given from outside.

Informal small groups - associations of people arising on the basis of the internal needs of individuals in communication, understanding, sympathy, belonging to this group.

The third classification divides the so-called reference groups and membership groups. This classification was proposed by G. Hymen, who owns the discovery of the phenomenon of the reference group itself. By reference is meant a group in which an individual is not really included, but whose norms are accepted by him and, thus, this group plays the role of a benchmark for him to evaluate his behavior.

For the duration of existence, there are temporary groups within which the association of individuals is limited in time (participants of discussion or neighbors in a compartment in a train), and stable, the relative constancy of whose existence is determined by their purpose and long-term goals of functioning (family, labor and study groups).

Typology of small groups:

  • By the time of existence and functioning (permanent, long-term, short-term);
  • By role positions (formal and informal);
  • According to the direction of activity;
  • By the nature of membership (associations that imply membership in them; reference, reference groups that are relevant to humans);
  • By the nature and type of joint activities (production, academic, amateur groups);
  • According to the level of group consciousness: group-conglomerate, group-association, group-cooperation, group-corporation. Particularly important here is the group-collective (uniting people according to common goals, principles, social development) and the homophoteric (close-knit) team, which is also distinguished by the psycho-physiological compatibility of people. The elementary parameters of the group include the following features: composition (composition); structure; processes occurring in the group.

The composition of the group - an indicator depending on the number, gender, age, education. As a rule, a full group is considered a triad, but sometimes a dyad.

The structure of a small group is dictated by the specifics of group activity, which determines the distribution of roles in a group, information flows, the nature of interpersonal relations. Consider the frontal structure of intra-group communication, a radial structure, a hierarchical structure, a chain structure, a circular structure and, finally, a complete structure.

The processes of group dynamics include leadership and leadership, group decision making, standardization, cohesion and conflict, group pressure, etc.

Leadership is characterized by domination and submission relations. The management is constructed and operated as a result of purposeful and controlled activities. Making group decisions is the process of choosing by the group members one of the alternative solutions to a problem (task) based on the exchange of information.

Specialists include facilitation and mediation among the procedures (technologies) of group decision making.

Facilitation is a decision-making process through the organization of constructive joint activities. This kind of interaction is often more effective than a dispute, discussion, exchange of views.

Mediation is a procedure for progressive intervention in a conflict, in which its participants, using a neutral mediator (mediator), systematically identify problems and ways to solve them, trying to reach an acceptable agreement. The process of mediation is divided into a number of stages using characteristic techniques:

  • the formation of the algorithm of work and trust in the group;
  • analysis of the facts and identification of problems;
  • search for alternatives;
  • interaction and decision making;
  • drafting the final document;
  • legal procedure and approval of the agreement;
  • performance. Review and amendment of agreement.

Group cohesion - the process of group dynamics, characterized by the unity of group members.

Group pressure is a process of group dynamics, characterized by a certain degree of influence on an individual, his subordination to a group. This process is reflected in the phenomenon of conformity. This is not an individual, but a group phenomenon, which is manifested due to the motivating power of the quality of sociality.

There are two types of group influence: normative and informational.

Conformity may manifest itself in submission to the influence of the majority or agreement with the opinion of the minority.

Negativism is opposed to conformism - the rejection of all standards and norms of group behavior.

Group dynamics is manifested in two interacting and simultaneously mutually opposing trends - integration and disorganization.

  • What are the classification types of small groups?
  • What is attributed to the elementary parameters of the group?
  • Name the group decision making procedures.


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory