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7. Communicative competence in the system of professional training of specialists


  1. Social and professional communications
  2. Communicative competence

The modern social system puts forward certain objective requirements for the individual entering into various social and professional communications:

  1. High level of professionalism;
  2. Broad knowledge in the field of spiritual culture;
  3. Following the standards of morality;
  4. Responsibility for the results of its activities;
  5. Demanding attitude to yourself and other people.

Communicative competence is defined as a developing and largely realized experience of communication between people, which is formed and updated in the context of direct human interaction. Such competence includes behavioral, cognitive and speech aspects.

The communicative competence of a mature, cultured person includes a complex of knowledge and skills:

  • knowledge of the norms and rules of communication (business, everyday, ritual);
  • high level of speech development;
  • understanding non-verbal language of communication;
  • the ability to make contact with people of different social, age and professional level;
  • the ability to behave adequately to the situation, achieving goals;
  • the ability to influence the interlocutor, convincing him of the correctness of his reasoning;
  • the ability to properly assess a person as a person;
  • the ability to cause the interlocutor a positive perception of his own personality.

The increase in the communicative competence of each member of the collective (society as a whole) leads to a steady increase in the potential of society, an improvement in the quality of social relations.

A modern specialist is a highly qualified professional who combines erudition with knowledge of a specific area of ​​activity, who is able to solve strategic and tactical tasks, establishing communication with individuals and groups.

For a more complete mastering of the material of the first section, it is necessary to independently study those related to the above material:

"Anthroposociogenesis and social communication";

"The development of technical means of communication."

Test questions to the section:

  • Explain what caused the growth of scientific interest in communication problems.
  • Describe the diversity of approaches to the definition of "communication"
  • Explain how communication theory relates to other sciences and disciplines.
  • Identify the subject and object of communication theory
  • Describe the basic laws of the theory of communication.
  • Explain how the concepts of "communication" and "communication"
  • List the main functions of communication theory
  • Describe the evolution of human communication skills in the process of anthropogenesis
  • Describe the main stages in the development of technical means of social communication.
  • Give the definition of the communicative competence of the individual and describe the main sources of its formation.


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Communication theory

Terms: Communication theory