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Workshop on structures and data processing algorithms in computer-a guide to laboratory work Organizational and methodological guidelines


  1. Before the beginning of the laboratory work, a consultation is carried out on the methodology for carrying out laboratory work in this discipline.

  2. The scope of each laboratory work, preparation and execution procedure are structured in such a way that all students do the work and submit reports.

  3. Students are preparing to perform the next work in advance.

  4. Students are required to learn safety when working in lab installations up to 1000 V.

  5. Preparing for a laboratory lesson, a student is obliged to study the necessary theoretical material, using these instructions and recommended literature, to make the necessary calculations, fill in the appropriate part of the report and give answers to test questions.

  6. Untrained students are not allowed to perform laboratory work.

  7. Students who do not pass the report during the class, pass it at the appointed teacher time.

  8. A student who has not completed laboratory work performs it at a time agreed with the teacher.

  9. Each laboratory work is performed by students independently. All students submit individual reports. Presentation of the report in the form of an electronic document is allowed.

  10. Examination of students' knowledge is made by the teacher during the laboratory classes and at the time of the report.

  11. Upon delivery of the report, the student must show knowledge of the theoretical material in the volume determined by the control questions, as well as an understanding of the physical nature of the work performed.


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Structures and data processing algorithms.

Terms: Structures and data processing algorithms.