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Related lists for examples in the C language


Queues and stacks have two characteristic features: both data structures have strict rules for accessing the data stored in them, and as a result of the extraction operations, the data are essentially destroyed. In other words, access to an item in a stack or queue causes it to be removed, and if that item is not stored anywhere else, it is lost. In addition, one consecutive section of memory is used in the stack and in the queue. Unlike a stack or a queue, a linked list allows flexible access methods, since each piece of information has a link to the next data element in the chain. In addition, the extraction operation does not delete the item from the list and destroy it. In principle, for this purpose it is necessary to introduce an additional special removal operation.

Linked lists can be single-linked and double-linked [1] . A single linked list contains a link to the next data item. A doubly linked list contains references to both the subsequent and previous elements of the list. The choice of the type of list used depends on the specific task.

Related lists for examples in the C language

[1] Linked lists are often called linked . Singly linked lists are also called simply linked linear lists, unidirectional lists , and unidirectional chains . Biconnected lists are sometimes also called double linked ; in addition, they are called doubly-connected linear lists , as well as bidirectional chains .

Types of lists

  1. Linear simply linked list
    Related lists for examples in the C language
  2. Cyclic single-linked list
    Related lists for examples in the C language
  3. Doubly-connected linear list
    Related lists for examples in the C language
  4. Cyclic doubly linked list
    Related lists for examples in the C language

More simple linked lists

More doubly linked lists

28.4.2020 7:40

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Structures and data processing algorithms.

Terms: Structures and data processing algorithms.