Unlike single-linked linear lists, doubly-connected, in addition to the data and next fields, have a prev field (a pointer to the previous list element):
type Node <T> = class data: T; prev, next: Node <T>; constructor (d: T; p, n: Node <T>); begin data: = d; prev: = p; next: = n; end; end;
In the case of a doubly linked list, it is enough for us to have a link to any node, then all the rest can be found. However, for convenience, we will assume that we have two links:
Delete the first list item + ------- + + ------- + + ------- + \ / \ / \ -> | data | | data | | data | + --- + --- + + --- + --- + + --- + --- + | 0 | | ---> | | | ---> | | 0 | + --- + - A- + + - | - + - A- + + - | - + --- + | ________ | | ________ | turns into + ------- + + ------- + + ------- + | deleted | \ / \ / \ -> | data | | data | + --- + --- + + --- + --- + + --- + --- + | 0 | 0 | | 0 | | ---> | | 0 | + --- + --- + + --- + - A- + + - | - + --- + | ________ | Remove item from the middle of the list + ------- + + ------- + + ------- + \ / \ / \ -> | data | | data | | data | + --- + --- + + --- + --- + + --- + --- + | 0 | | ---> | | | ---> | | 0 | + --- + - A- + + - | - + - A- + + - | - + --- + | ________ | | ________ | turns into ___________________ | | + ------- + | + ------- + + --- V --- + \ / \ / \ -> | data | | | deleted | | data | + --- + --- + | + --- + --- + + --- + --- + | 0 | | - '| 0 | 0 | ---> | | 0 | + --- + - A- + + --- + --- + + - | - + --- + | _____________________ | Delete the first list item + ------- + + ------- + + ------- + \ / \ / \ -> | data | | data | | data | + --- + --- + + --- + --- + + --- + --- + | 0 | | ---> | | | ---> | | 0 | + --- + - A- + + - | - + - A- + + - | - + --- + | ________ | | ________ | turns into + ------- + + ------- + + ------- + \ / \ / \ -> | data | | data | | deleted | + --- + --- + + --- + --- + + --- + --- + | 0 | | ---> | | 0 | ---> | 0 | 0 | + --- + - A- + + - | - + --- + + --- + --- + | ________ | |
Fig. 22.7. Removing a doubly linked list item
Comment. When performing any operation you need to monitor possible changes in the head and tail .
head: = nil; tail: = nil;
Note. If the list was initially empty, after adding an element, you need to remember to make tail pointing to it.
head: = new Node <T> (0, nil, head); if head.next <> nil then head.next.prev: = head else // if the list was empty tail: = head;
tail: = new Node <T> (2, tail, nil); if tail.prev <> nil then tail.prev.next: = tail else // if the list was empty head: = tail;
head: = head.next; if head = nil then tail: = nil else head.prev: = nil;
tail: = tail.prev; if tail = nil then head: = nil else tail.next: = nil;
if cur = head then // insert to the beginning else begin cur.prev: = new Node <T> (3, cur.prev, cur); cur.prev.prev.next: = cur.prev; end;
if cur = tail then // insert at the end else begin cur.next: = new Node <T> (3, cur, cur.next); cur.next.next.prev: = cur.next; end;
if cur = head then // remove from start else if cur = tail then // delete from end else begin cur.prev.next: = cur.next; cur.next.prev: = cur.prev; cur: = cur.next; end;
An example .
Given a doubly connected linear list with integer values.
Remove all its negative elements.
var list: DoublyLinkedList <integer>; // create a list var cur: = list.head; while cur <> nil do if cur.data <0 then cur: = list.RemoveAt (cur) else cur: = cur.next;
type Node <T> = class data: T; prev, next: Node <T>; constructor (d: T; p, n: Node <T>); begin data: = d; prev: = p; next: = n; end; end; DoubleLinkedList <T> = class head, tail: Node <T>; constructor; begin head: = nil; tail: = nil; end; procedure AddFirst (d: T); begin head: = new Node <T> (d, nil, head); if head.next <> nil then head.next.prev: = head else // if the list was empty tail: = head; end; procedure AddLast (d: T); begin tail: = new Node <T> (d, tail, nil); if tail.prev <> nil then tail.prev.next: = tail else // if the list was empty head: = tail; end; procedure DeleteFirst; begin head: = head.next; if head = nil then tail: = nil else head.prev: = nil; end; procedure DeleteLast; begin tail: = tail.prev; if tail = nil then head: = nil else tail.next: = nil; end; procedure InsertBefore (cur: Node <T>; d: T); begin if cur = head then AddFirst (d) else begin cur.prev: = new Node <T> (d, cur.prev, cur); cur.prev.prev.next: = cur.prev; end; end; procedure InsertAfter (cur: Node <T>; d: T); begin if cur = tail then AddLast (d) else begin cur.next: = new Node <T> (d, cur, cur.next); cur.next.next.prev: = cur.next; end; end; function RemoveAt (cur: Node <T>): Node <T>; begin if cur = head then begin DeleteFirst; Result: = head; end else if cur = tail then begin DeleteLast; Result: = nil; end else if cur = tail then begin DeleteLast; result: = nil; end else begin cur.prev.next: = cur.next; cur.next.prev: = cur.prev; result: = cur.next; end; end; procedure Print; begin var cur: = head; while cur <> nil do begin writeln (cur.data); cur: = cur.next; end; end; procedure PrintReverse; begin var cur: = tail; while cur <> nil do begin writeln (cur.data); cur: = cur.prev; end; end; end;
the number of operation (n - the number of elements)
Array | List | |
Insert at end, delete from end | ![]() | ![]() |
Insert at the beginning, delete from the beginning | ![]() | ![]() |
Insert in the middle, removal from the middle | ![]() | ![]() |
Pass | ![]() | ![]() |
Access by index | ![]() | ![]() |
Search | ![]() | ![]() |
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Structures and data processing algorithms.
Terms: Structures and data processing algorithms.