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Mailing List Example


To complete the discussion of doubly linked lists, this section presents a simple but complete program for working with a mailing list. During operation, the entire list is stored in RAM. However, it can be saved in a file and uploaded for further work.

  / * Simple program to handle mailing lists
    illustrating working with doubly linked lists.
 * /
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>

 struct address {
   char name [30];
   char street [40];
   char city [20];
   char state [3];
   char zip [11]; 
   struct address * next;  / * pointer to the next entry * /
   struct address * prior;  / * pointer to the previous entry * /

 struct address * start;  / * pointer to the first entry in the list * /
 struct address * last;  / * last record pointer * /
 struct address * find (char *);

 void enter (void), search (void), save (void);
 void load (void), list (void);
 void mldelete (struct address **, struct address **);
 void dls_store (struct address * i, struct address ** start,
                struct address ** last);
 void inputs (char *, char *, int), display (struct address *);
 int menu_select (void);

 int main (void)
   start = last = NULL;  / * initialize start and end pointers * /

   for (;;) {
     switch (menu_select ()) {
       case 1: enter ();  / * enter address * /
       case 2: mldelete (& start, & last);  / * delete address * /
       case 3: list ();  / * list display * /
       case 4: search ();  / * address search * /
       case 5: save ();  / * write list to file * /
       case 6: load ();  / * read from disk * /
       case 7: exit (0);
   return 0;

 / * Select user action.  * /
 int menu_select (void)
   char s [80];
   int c;

   printf ("1. Entering the name \ n");
   printf ("2. Deleting a name \ n");
   printf ("3. Display the contents of the list \ n");
   printf ("4. Search \ n");
   printf ("5. Save to file \ n");
   printf ("6. Download from file \ n");
   printf ("7. Exit \ n");
   do {
     printf ("\ nYour choice:");
     gets (s);
     c = atoi (s);
   } while (c <0 || c> 7);
   return c;

 / * Enter the name and addresses.  * /
 void enter (void)
   struct address * info;

   for (;;) {
     info = (struct address *) malloc (sizeof (struct address));
     if (! info) {
       printf ("\ nNo free memory");

     inputs ("Enter name:", info-> name, 30);
     if (! info-> name [0]) break;  / * complete input * /
     inputs ("Enter the street:", info-> street, 40);
     inputs ("Enter city:", info-> city, 20);
     inputs ("Enter State:", info-> state, 3);
     inputs ("Enter postal code:", info-> zip, 10);

     dls_store (info, & start, & last);
   } / * input cycle * /

 / * The following function enters a string from the keyboard
    no longer count and prevents overflow
    lines.  In addition, it displays a hint.  * /
 void inputs (char * prompt, char * s, int count)
   char p [255];

   do {
     printf (prompt);
     fgets (p, 254, stdin);
     if (strlen (p)> count) printf ("\ nNow too long \ n");
   } while (strlen (p)> count);

   p [strlen (p) -1] = 0;  / * remove the newline character * /
   strcpy (s, p);

 / * Create an ordered doubly linked list.  * /
 void dls_store (
   struct address * i, / * new element * /
   struct address ** start, / * first list item * /
   struct address ** last / * last list item * /
   struct address * old, * p;

   if (* last == NULL) {/ * first list item * /
     i-> next = NULL;
     i-> prior = NULL;
     * last = i;
     * start = i;
   p = * start;  / * start at the beginning of the list * /

   old = NULL;
   while (p) {
     if (strcmp (p-> name, i-> name) <0) {
       old = p;
       p = p-> next;
     else {
       if (p-> prior) {
         p-> prior-> next = i;
         i-> next = p;
         i-> prior = p-> prior;
         p-> prior = i;
       i-> next = p;  / * new first item * /
       i-> prior = NULL;
       p-> prior = i;
       * start = i;
   old-> next = i;  / * insert at the end * /
   i-> next = NULL;
   i-> prior = old;
   * last = i;

 / * Remove item from list.  * /
 void mldelete (struct address ** start, struct address ** last)
   struct address * info;
   char s [80];

   inputs ("Enter name:", s, 30);
   info = find (s);
   if (info) {
     if (* start == info) {
       * start = info-> next;
       if (* start) (* start) -> prior = NULL;
       else * last = NULL;
     else {
       info-> prior-> next = info-> next;
       if (info! = * last)
           info-> next-> prior = info-> prior;
         * last = info-> prior;
     free (info);  / * free memory * /

 / * Address search.  * /
 struct address * find (char * name)
   struct address * info;

   info = start;
   while (info) {
     if (! strcmp (name, info-> name)) return info;
     info = info-> next;  / * go to the next address * /
   printf ("Name not found. \ n");
   return NULL;  / * no matching item * /

 / * Display the entire list on the screen.  * /
 void list (void)
   struct address * info;

   info = start;
   while (info) {
     display (info);
     info = info-> next;  / * go to the next address * /
   printf ("\ n \ n");

 / * This function performs the actual output to the screen.
    all fields of the record containing the address.  * /
 void display (struct address * info)
     printf ("% s \ n", info-> name);
     printf ("% s \ n", info-> street);
     printf ("% s \ n", info-> city);
     printf ("% s \ n", info-> state);
     printf ("% s \ n", info-> zip);
     printf ("\ n \ n");

 / * Search for a name in the list.  * /
 void search (void)
   char name [40];
   struct address * info;

   printf ("Enter name:");
   gets (name);
   info = find (name);
   if (! info) printf ("Not found \ n");
   else display (info);

 / * Save the list to disk file.  * /
 void save (void)
   struct address * info;

   FILE * fp;

   fp = fopen ("mlist", "wb");
   if (! fp) {
     printf ("Unable to open file. \ n");
     exit (1);
   printf ("\ nSave to file \ n");

   info = start;
   while (info) {
     fwrite (info, sizeof (struct address), 1, fp);
     info = info-> next;  / * go to the next address * /
   fclose (fp);

 / * Load addresses from file.  * /
 void load ()
   struct address * info;
   FILE * fp;

   fp = fopen ("mlist", "rb");
   if (! fp) {
     printf ("Unable to open file. \ n");
     exit (1);

   / * free memory if there is already a list in memory * /
   while (start) {
     info = start-> next;
     free (info);
     start = info;

   / * reset the start and end pointers * /
   start = last = NULL;

   printf ("\ nLoad from file \ n");
   while (! feof (fp)) {
     info = (struct address *) malloc (sizeof (struct address));
     if (! info) {
       printf ("No free memory");
     if (1! = fread (info, sizeof (struct address), 1, fp)) break;
     dls_store (info, & start, & last);
   fclose (fp);


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Structures and data processing algorithms.

Terms: Structures and data processing algorithms.