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14 species riches of ART 141 Kinds of art as a system


In the process of the historical development of mankind, art was formed and defined as a systemic creation with its own special way of being: in integral sensually perceptible aesthetically perfect art works about Braga. The combination of art forms a qualitatively specific system, puts human indifference in expressive artistic forms. Objective necessity to consolidate experience of aesthetic attitude is due awareness of its value for nourishing the human spirit Perfection about the attitude embodied in artistically perfect forms of art testifies to the spirituality of mankind’s connections with the world. The need to contain them is a condition for nourishing the mind and sense of perfection. The content of works of art, their artistic quality and way of functioning are crucial for harmonizing the spiritual structures of the subject to their own. and value-comprehending attitude to the world of svitu.

The objective value of artistic experience convincingly testifies itself even if there is not a single nation on the planet that doesn’t have even started artisticness. In the historical development of mankind, mystic has long been the leading method of consolidating both practical knowledge and skills and a means of retaining in the minds of the communities of objects of universal indifference, their conviction is in itself the ideal life. Evistus arises by the organizing power of the human spirit, shaping its experience as an aesthetic. In other words, it is stealing the public, and it is precisely in the forms of free and creative attitude to aesthetically perfect works of art in their species richness. In other words, art as a system of species is a synthesizing factor of spiritual experience in its self-worth. By putting it into integral forms, art retains the image from the world as a whole, as an organic unity of his connections in a variety of manifestations, the richness of species is created in the development of history, many ways and means of mastering relationships in the forms of d ski nalostalostі.

The general principles of creating aesthetic experience and its functioning are called for due to the universality of the artistic language of art. It is addressed to a holistic human personality, is the unity of the ability of spririmas, understanding cotton and experiencing ideal artistic phenomena. This is the qualitative difference between art from all other forms of experience, in particular from a specifically ethnic figurativeness of mythological consciousness, on the one hand, and from alienated into spheres; conventional sign of the figurative language of science It is equally important that the content of experience, which embodies the figurative system of the arts, is a universal experience considering its relationship with its forms of being of the world and self-valued vitality with its inherent completeness, which is realized as a goal, not a means, in contrast to the practical-forming and scientific-cognitive attitudes, the goal of artistic formation does not even arise in the knowledge of the phenomena of the objective world, but in the image of the human attitude towards them, i.e. clarification of the causes of indifference to the subject through the creation of expressiveness of his life in the figurative language of art. Moreover, it is through the formation of the image of the object of indifference that an image of human feeling acquires the image that embodied (materialized ) in the subject of indifference. art objects of indifference, acquires certainty as a feeling, being the common heritage of mankind (ethnic groups, peoples, nations, nations, nationalities).

Art really exists as a system of species. Growth in the development of the history of wealth in relations with the world gives rise to the wealth of ways of securing it with the language of art. An image that acquires the object of indifference and depends on the originality of its vitality and the ability to fit into a certain formation material in order to most actively influence its own expressive ideal consciousness. (within the work of art) vital history The concept of a type of art denotes the peculiarity of the means of rendering an ideal life to objects Inspiration in the language of a particular art This or that way of creating and functioning a work as an artistic whole is objectively determined by an understanding of the vitality of the objects of non-indifference that are useful in themselves, as they appear in the minds of the creators and consumers art-masters "of mycestva.

Types of art development that have developed in the history as a means, source and condition for creating a special sphere of spiritual experience: it reinforces the ability to provide certainties to objects of indifference, putting them into holistic vitality forms in sensually perceivable images. Thus, spiritual phenomena are created that can organize consciousness to rise above the commonness of existence, to bring it beyond the hedgehog of necessity, plunges into a single and random being. As a system of species, art elevates the spirit to RU perfect ideal being - creates a space of freedom This is his highest value, ie Rance cultural mission, but to do so it is capable of assuming that permeates zhiznennoittya atmosphere.

The richness of the experience of perception and experience of the phenomena of reality in the perfect artistic forms provided to them is an indispensable source for creating universality of the content of spiritual experience. Non-indifference attitude objectively necessitates the formation of all new artistic phenomena, expand and diversify its image, respectively affecting the spiritual structures, deepening the ability to perceive and experience Beauty It is in this need that the hidden sources of the species riches of art are understood. space, time, action, object shape, human relationships, the world of human emotions toschoscho.


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Terms: Aesthetics