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3 4 Aesthetics of Sophists and Socrates


The Greek Sophists (Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodik, Thrasymes, Hippias, Antifont) - 5th century BC philosophers - the founders of the aesthetic development of the world: the subjective-anthropological In contrast to the natural philosophers' cosmological object, the sophists taught: there is no order in nature or no laws Moving away from the questions of cosmology, the sophists focused on questions of art they belong to you, enthralling art in a particular area of ​​spiritual experience, first, due to the fact that they separated artistic activity all its other forms based on the accidental creation of only the work of the Czech hands, which is the result of conscious design and execution, according to the general principles underlying this type of activity, is art. Secondly, art was opposed to nature on the grounds that case reigns in nature, and art is the result of a conscious choice. Excerpts of works that have come down to our time indicate the interest of the sophists to the problem of subjective sensations. focusing on the problems of the subject and the peculiarities of the subjective perception of phenomena In contrast to the cosmology of natural philosophers who considered the beautiful as the basis and the essential sign of the cosmic world, the sophists consider beauty as a purely subjective concept of the sophists: the beautiful is: "The Beautiful is something that is pleasant to see and hearingn this definition, there is relativism (relativity) understanding of beauty. The importance of their position for aesthetic theory lies in the fact that the phenomenon was first discovered subjective experience of aesthetic values. They recognized the great influence of beauty on human feelings. Not less relevant was finding the subjective degree of beauty. Sophists viewed it as an ontological characteristic of a thing, the qualities of which correspond to their purpose.

The principle of aesthetic conformity asserted: each beautiful thing has its own form, is beautiful in its own way. Such a problem was later obtained in aesthetics by Socrates

Important in the teaching of sophists about art is not enough to distinguish its two types by purpose, and then on the peculiarities of the impact on the subject of perception. These arts are useful and those that satisfy deer. Thus, according to the sophist Alkidom, statues give pleasure, but Rothor Gorgy is useless Helen \ 's Protection revealed the aesthetics of the word, substantiated its influence on the human soul, analyzing the art of tragedy, comedy and eloquence The artists, - wrote Gorgiy, - enchant the eye, from many colors and bodies forming one body, one time [14, 90] This position in the theoretical sense is interesting because it outlines the problem of the specificity of aesthetic experience, although it does not give its decision kotoroycha i do not daє її rozv'yazannya.

The aesthetics of Socrates, as well as his philosophy in general, reached us in citing and memoirs of contemporaries, in particular in the works of his outstanding student Plato Socrates (469-399) developed the teaching orally, creating it in the form of questions and answers. initiated the dialectical method of constructing thought, including in the field of aesthetics. Developing mainly the problems of ethics, Socrates introduced aesthetic and criteria for evaluating a person according to its objective qualities - human virtues. Virtues are determined by people's knowledge What is virtue, and therefore, act on the basis of this knowledge? He considered the modesty, bravery, and justice, the knowledge of which only decent people can claim, combining goodness and beauty ( Kalos agathos ) So, moral comprehended is eaten by ethical criteria. In the memoirs of Xenophon about Socrates, in particular, the following statement of the philosopher contains: Do you think that good is one thing and beautiful is another Do not you know that everything is relative to one and that from now on Noah and the good? , and good in the same sense for the same subjects . Socrates laid the principle of the expedient as the basis of the theory of the beautiful: the fine is that which is reasonable, it makes sense. However, it is worthwhile to take the idea rationally Socrates emphasizes two points of the first national, it is to grasp how beautiful We are talking about thinking on the subject of culture, according to logical principles it is expedient to vіdpovіdno logіchnih printsipіv Yogo dotsіlnostі.

Socrates first distinguishes the general concept of beautiful , which acts as a characteristic of a number of phenomena: beautiful objectivity, beautiful thought, beautiful human body and under He reveals the dialectic of the objective and the subjective in the concept beautiful : beauty can be a fact of consciousness and at the same time, the fact of the material world The beauty of Socrates is not just different from beautiful things, it is their principle (arche), their main idea (hypothesis), their inductively defined meaning (logos), their semantic commonality (to satholoy) - notes about Losev.

An important component of Socrates aesthetics is the justification of the principle of idealization in art. In conversations between the painter Parrasius and the sculptor Cleeton Socrates, the concept of generalization in the artistic image is revealed and the search for essential features of the depicted Drawing good human images, you take from different people and combine beautiful features and thus achieve the fact that the whole body seems beautiful m , - Socrates says to the artist. Special attention is paid to the transfer of the spiritual qualities of a person in art: The sculptor should express his works, a state of mind, - he says Klitonu.

The aesthetics of Socrates began the aesthetic ideas of the classical period of ancient Greece - the aesthetics of Plato and Aristotle


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Terms: Aesthetics