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7 6 Aesthetics F. Schelling


The ideas of aesthetics of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775-1854) are outlined in the works The System of Transcendental Idealism (1800), speeches On the attitude of the visual arts to nature (1807), a course on aesthetics lectures during 1802 -1805 pp in Ensk and Vyutsburzky universities (published as a separate book called Philosophy of Art after the death of the author - 1859 p) Aesthetic theory as well as Shelllint’s philosophy had a great influence on early romantics, in particular on Ensk German school romanticism His influence experienced aesthetics Mr. Hegelish was made a sign on Taugo Estetika by G. Hegel.

Aesthetics is a kind of completion of the philosophical system of F. Schelling. Its first period is characterized as natural philosophy, the second is transcendental or aesthetic idealism, the third is the philosophy of totozhnost , the fourth - philosophy of freedom , the fifth - The philosophy of revelation The author unfolds the idea of ​​the integrity of nature, its development, proceeding along an ascending line, is crowned with the emergence of a conscious I In turn, the development of I appears to be activity, distributed to theoretical and practical spheres development of consciousness from the lower stages (sensation, contemplation, representation, judgment) to the highest level - the mind At the highest level, the theoretical I is aware of itself as an amateur, practical I , that is, by will, Accordingly, the practical I It also passes through several stages, and in the theoretical and practical rose we are differently related to the conscious and unconscious by the Center, where the creative “I” goes, overcoming the contradictions of the theoretical and practical reason, there is an art that “I'm” creative, straightforward those of the theoretical and practical, posto mist.

F. Schelling pays special attention to intellectual intuition, regarding it as direct contemplation by the mind of his subject. The ideas of F. Schelling's aesthetics are outlined in the last (sixth) section of the work C System of Transcendental Idealism , where aesthetic contemplation arises as the highest form of creative performance I In the philosophical system of F. Schelling tangible influence of ideas and Kant and Fichte. In art, according to F. Schelling, creative I carries itself in harmony of the conscious and unconscious beginnings of the spirit. The alectic is characterized as follows: With the exercise of freedom, the work will resemble the consciousness of his TV, young people, with the actions of nature - the moment of the unconscious [15, p. 271] Refining the thought, F, Schelling writes: Conscious and unconscious activities should be absolute unity in work, just as it takes place in the product of the organic world, but unity is carried out differently: both unity are obliged by unity for the I myself [15, p. 273] The idea formulated by the philosopher is akin to romantic ideas the unity of the rational and irrational to the beginnings of creativity as a yak єdnіst rational of the rational and іrratsіonalnogo began.

Considering subjective idealism of And Fichte, F. Schelling overcomes it in favor of objective idealism. It is on this basis that the Philosophy of Art is built, arises as the final link of the philosophical system of Schelling’s theme. According to Schelling, everything is based on absolute, appears in reality as the infinite incarnation of God. As a whole, the world disintegrates into the Ideal and the real, and in each world there is a dialectic of the real and the ideal, with the only difference that in the ideal world t perfect start, but in the real - real first step in re-trivial absolute incarnation is eternal nature E" vіchna nature. "

The highest manifestation of the ideal world is art. It is the basis for the unification of the ideal and real worlds, because the ideal world is objectified, giving it a sensual and individual look, like a holistic nature and its highest creation - human Art is seen as the final link of a reasonably organized system. of man, forms art, the latter appears in the ideal world as a kind of organism , that is, living integrity It unfolds in an ascending direction: breeches artist's work appears a kind of analogue of the unconscious creativity of nature is why art is quite time krivaetsya creative essence of the nature of art as an integral manifestation of the spirit, according to Schelling, P, represents the ideal world of philosophy in its entirety there is an absolute work of art vitvorom absolute.

Building a system of aesthetic concepts, F. Schelling adheres to the laws of the historical development of art. In the letter of A. Schlegel, setting out his vision of the ideas of aesthetics, F. Schelling is inclined to divide the cessation of the empire into the empirical, is the subject of theory, and art as such, or "art itself" "The latter mediates the connection of philosophy and art. The philosopher emphasizes: this is not about empirical mystery, but about the roots of art , which they are in absolute, that is, art is fully considered in the mystical sense of the Philosopher It is of the nature of creative ability, in particular questions how the I can be aware of the initial harmony between the objective and the subjective, or otherwise: how is it possible self-contemplation of the spirit He connects this possibility with the art of His contemplation as the synthesis of the conscious and the unconscious. In creativity, there is also a necessity (the ability of the mind to know) and freedoms, as well as the necessity of needing (holding the romance before knowing) and freedom.

Describing the nature of genius, the philosopher interprets it as the presence in man of the divine as an example of the absoluteness of God [16, 162] the genius creates unconsciously, only satisfying the need of his nature to his nature.

The concept of artistic creativity F. Schelling uses the concept of philosophy of Neo-Platonism: United , Everything , Emanation , Absolute In the letter A mentioned, the author notes: I will deduce only and us in the form and image of art It is easy to understand that the universe, being in an absolute in the sense of an organic whole, is also in it as an artistic whole, and as a work of art Music, literature, painting - all arts, like art in general, have their own being in the absolute [16, 12] Form, helps, co It is possible to reveal the absolute on unity in two tricks of the real opposite of the visual and verbal arts. He sees the first as the personification of the real, the second - of the ideal. In each of the unities in F. Schelling considers the ideal opposite of ancient and new art. Here you can feel the influence of F. Schiller's aesthetics, in particular the work On the naive and sentimental poetry Finally, he seeks to consider the idea of ​​each individual art in its essence as something absolute [16, 13reshtoy, vіn pragne іdeyu skin okremogo mysttstva rozglyanuti at Іїї sutnosti even more absolutely [16, p. 13].

The consistent development of the idea of ​​universal creativity based on objective principles and opens up an understanding of the world as creativity according to the laws of beauty determines the special significance of F. Schelling's treatise as a phenomenon of philosophical aesthetics. He sees the world as complete, constructing it using the categories "ideal" and " real , subjective and objective , freedom and necessity and under. The wholeness is based on the idea of ​​the absolute as indistinguishable identity of the opposites mentioned. Deploying them in nature as the tense of matter (reality) and light (ideality), integrating, finally, Yue forms a unity of essence and form, which appear in nature as a certain integrity in the form of an organism. reality as an affirmation of the absolute in the infiniteness of his creative abilities asserted to the absolute in the immateriality of creative creations.

indistinguishability of the ideal and the real in the ideal, according to F. Schelling, manifests itself through art [16, p. 80] According to the degree of closeness to the absolute idea, art is the highest potency of the ideal couple. Art. Moreover, it is older than philosophy, originated from poetry and in the future, just like other sciences, to return to it in the system of aesthetic ideas of F. Schelling there is also an opinion about the connection between religion and art on the grounds that it is impossible to "prove rel igiyu to the present objective manifestation in a different way than with the means of the art of the mystic. "

The central problem of F. Schelling's aesthetics is the problem of beauty. In the system of dialectical connections of the real and ideal worlds, the three ideas correspond to the potencies of these worlds: truth, good, beauty Beauty and truth are the only dialectical, just as beauty and good At the intersection of the wealth of dialectical connections of reality, which are reflected in the dialectic of categories, the concept of beauty appears every time [16, p. 81. 81].

Since art is considered the highest manifestation of the absolute, and beauty is the essence of the latter, the meaning of art is the sensual embodiment of the idea of ​​beauty.

Analyzing the dialectic of the finite and infinite, F. Schelling reveals the differences reflected in the art of the beautiful and the sublime, revealing them in terms of quantitative characteristics [16, p 163] The philosopher considers unity of reality and ideal as the all-pervading principle of the world as an objectification of the ideal in real Accordingly, art is an adequate way objectivization - acquires, in aesthetics of Schelling, the objectively necessary character as the final link in the movement of the ladder of perfection. It is in art that beauty acquires the highest , Perfect manifestation F Schelling justifies also the idea of ​​art as a phenomenon of historical patterns Stages disclosing his stories appearing in steps moving from the overall integrity of the mythological period to specific types and specific artistic phenomena, i.e. from general to special The subject of extraordinary attention of the philosopher is ancient Greek mythology as an integral form of consciousness Mythology is a necessary condition and the first material for any art [16, p. 105] He considers mythology the world of prototype , the first common contemplation of the universe, the basis of philosophy, moral philosophy in particular. As the researchers note, Schelling's mythology was the beginning of a new era in the study of this phenomenon [11, p. 114] The general trend of the historical movement of art, according to Schelling, is movement from the sensual to the spiritual, a gradual elevation of the spirit over matter. This idea will subsequently be developed in the aesthetics of Hegel and such an idea will be burned in the "Estetici" by Hegel.

The concept of beauty, which is the condition for the existence of art, F. Schelling sees the consequence of such factors as symbol and image He notes that the image of the absolute in particular (sensual Danis in ideas) is possible only in symbolic form [16, p. 106] , and the symbolic character is the essence of the Arts of Myschetz.

According to F. Schelling, an image is a synthesis of the real and the ideal. Internal vitality in its concreteness and symbolic fullness is a characteristic feature of the artistic image.

The integrity of the aesthetic system of F. Schelling is achieved by the fact that it is built on a single foundation, which the absolute appears to be - the source of ideas, the immediate root cause and the basis of all beauty are corresponding, but art in this system is a prototype of the World Spirit, becoming embodied in the forms of the ultimate, acquires its sensual phenomenon as a dialectical unity of objective and subjective, freedom and necessity. As such art is a self-concept of absolute solitude.

On the basis of the dialectic connections of the finite and infinite, ideal and real, F. Schelling classifies types of art that, being a certain integrity, comprehensively reveal expressions to the absolute solutu, they are divided into two parallel rows: ideal and real, which according to concretized as poetry (ideal) and figurative arts The latter, according to F. Sh., in their turn, are divided into the art, painting, plastic, poetry - into epic, lyric, drama. Characteristics of certain types of art in the work of F. Schelling a kind of example of philosophical-aesthetic and aesthetic-art history analysis.


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