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ancient aesthetics: DEVELOPMENT REGULARITIES, BASIC IDEAS 3 1 Objective grounds for the formation of ancient aesthetics


The scientific theory of aesthetic knowledge consisted in ancient Greece from the 6th century to the 4th century BC. The origins of the aesthetic ideas of the ancient Greeks were connected with mythological beliefs, received a systematized character and poetic expression in Homer's epoch and became the source for the formation of a holistic, artistic and imaginative world view a harmonious, complete perfection in itself. Cosmos is the basic concept, personifies harmony, proportionality, correctness of the processes that occur in it. Rhythmic design , structuredness gives its main characteristic: it is the embodiment of beauty itself and magnitude. Every being was examined for its conformity to harmony and balance of the cosmic whole. Knowledge of the laws of the perfect being of the cosmos, the ideas on which it is based, stimulates the development of the natural in scientific theory, in the depths of which develops aesthetics It, in turn, determines the development of scientific knowledge, because it gives them an aesthetic paradigm: the cosmos is a perfect being, based on intelligent foundations Human relations must stand out of reasonable principles, moral, in order not to disturb the harmony of the cosmic whole. Those principles should be followed by human activity, its expediency is associated with the imitation of the beauty and harmony of the cosmic manifestations of the world’s existence. This is the characteristic feature of ancient formative activity: respect for the principles of harmony , measures, order, poise, the ratio of the senility of the part and celegotin and whole.

Artistic objectivity nourishes the space of the ancient world, and acquires an all-kopek character. Ordinary everyday objects personify the inner perfection of its creators (possession of measure, sense of sense, proportions) The harmony of figurativeness is characteristic of cult objectivity, architectural development, fine art, poetry, music, theater. the first reason for that image of the cosmic integrity of being, of understanding and reflecting which became the basis for the development of aesthetics.

The second, no less important reason is the formation of human individuality, the spirit of which was determined by feeding on the idea of ​​perfection of the world. Creating a polis system based on the principles of slave democracy, stimulates free citizens to compete in virtues and skills, which led to the rapid and brilliant flourishing of all spheres of spiritual life. The individualization of experience in relation to the world and the creation of its image in the system of concepts — the development of natural philosophy — is organically connected with the aesthetically-artistic image of the world. Therefore, losofy antiquity, up to the time of Aristotle, thinking space aesthetically-art category and not logical even more precise - the aesthetic and artistic concepts are the first logical categories, which serve as a description of the laws of space mirvіtu being.

Individuality, striving to establish relations with the cosmic world in order to assert itself according to its laws, encloses the world in images, thus giving it certainty, corresponds to the degree of a natural person, was formed in Ancient Greece, realizes itself responsible for maintaining the harmonious beauty of the cosmic world, and sees its own purpose in shaping its image and lifestyle with dignity with a perfect image. Therefore, philosophy, mythology, art, aesthetic theory, moral ideas, laws on organic relations form here organic interconnections. They follow from a single logical concept: life according to the laws of cosmic harmony. That is why Ancient Greece became the birthplace of the emergence of philosophy as a science, theory of law (polis legislation), theory of ethics, aesthetic theory of science of logic and scientific natural science. the ideal of perfection formed the poetic creativity of Homer, Hesiod, Archilochus, Anacreon, Sappho; dramaturgy of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, And Ristophane; architectural skill of Iktin, Callicrate; the genius of the sculptors Phidias, Praxitela, Scopas; the philosophical systems of Heraclitus, Democritus, Plato, Aristotelotel were formulated.


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Terms: Aesthetics