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3 7 Aesthetics of the Hellenistic era


The concept of Hellenistic aesthetics reflects the development of aesthetics throughout a long historical period: from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century BC This is an era that synthesizes two cultures: the Greek one - the last centuries of the old era (the Hellenic culture: the name comes from the ancient of the Greeks) and the Roman. The aforementioned concept reflects the influence of ancient Greek aesthetics and culture as a whole on the entire Mediterranean region. It is reasonable to distinguish between the fact that Roman culture was greatly influenced by the Greek and contributed little to the original history. YETİK іstorіyu estetiki.

Started Hellenic culture associated with the figure of Alexander of Macedon, the conquests of which caused the loss of political independence by Ancient Greece, but contributed to the spread of Greek culture in the lands of Vovan. Particular importance in the spread of Hellenic culture did not capture Greece Greece (146 g to n e) He physically defeated the Greeks, however, he was defeated by their culture: captive Greece erase the head of the uncultured winner (Horace; (Goratin).

In the Hellenistic era, the notion of the value of culture, in particular philosophy and aesthetics, changed. The center of philosophical searches, relegating to the background plan knowledge of the laws of life, problems of finding means for arranging life and getting well-being, was considered a condition of happiness Aesthetics also focused not on the essence of beauty and the problems of art, and on the clarification of the practical usefulness of art to create life's well-being. In the Hellenistic era, a number of philosophical schools developed, developed Particular aspects of aesthetic theory. The main ones are epicurean, stoic, skeptical and when developing alongside Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Perithetical School. Aesthetic searches for new schools are focused on questions of happiness and ways to achieve it. Therefore, their orientations were defined as hedonistic, moralistic and skeptical Epicurean school, which developed the idea of ​​enjoying life (hedonism), based on sensualistic philosophy; Stoic adhered to the position of moralism m; The skeptical school denied the possibility of finding truth in judgments about value and solving problems that concern people. Later, an eclectic school arose that sought to synthesize the ideas of these schools. They all existed for many STOLITs.

Aesthetics (and philosophy) of Hellenism was divided into two periods of development: early Hellenism and late. In the period of early Hellenism, aesthetics developed in the framework of the aforementioned philosophical schools - Epicurean Stoic, Skeptical. Founder of Epicurean School - Epicurus (342 / 341-271 / 270 BC) ), the author of the works On Music , On Rhetoric Her very representatives - Metrodor (III in before and e), Horace (I), the author of the famous Poetics ; Philodemus (I in to in e) and Lucretius (95-35 BC) The latter is the author of the philosophical poem On the nature of things The basis of their philosophical foundations is the idea of ​​concentrating the protection of human subjectivity, the spiritual world of man Ideas subjective self-satisfaction was based on sensual experiences that were recognized as natural, and therefore quite rational and aesthetically with acceptable Aesthetic credo of the Epicureans' idea of ​​the value of pleasure: We affirm that pleasure is the beginning and end of blissful life We know that it is the first and natural good [v, p 152] There can be a variety of things good, including physiological pleasures (\" enjoying the belly ) Let's say one thought is: The beginning and the root of all good is the satisfaction of the abdomen, so it’s all the wise and beautiful that comes to pleasure [v, p 152], however, the spiritual pleasures from the perception of art are not denied - listening to music and contemplating beautiful works of art In satisfying ennyah, the Epicureans adhered to the idea of ​​measure and not recognized as a blessing that violates it, that is, what contradicts the laws of nature, and in the sense of pleasures as a blessing - the aesthetic positions of blissful balance and proportionality and harmony Lucretius, for example, noted: in pleasures (excessive), from their very depths, bitterness must be generated by the realization of futility Own life, immersed in the swamp of inactivity nostiibini, viplivє gіrkot, predzhena usvіdomlennya daremnost vlasnogo zhittya, zuryrenogo in the swamp besdіyalnost_.

Lucretius considered human skills in various matters: practical and spiritual, aesthetic and cognitive. The source of pleasure is not only practical skills and their consequences, but also the ability to understand the beauty of the things of the world (natural and human). role models), in human needs and mind:

Life comforts and everything that is able to provide pleasure: Songs, poems, paintings, sculpting artistic statues - This prompted people to all need, the inquisitive mind told them this in an upward movement, gradual (cars transfer - M) .

Also, Lucretius rejoiced at his ability to convey feelings in orderly verse lines, so that an inexperienced mind could more quickly comprehend the wisdom of science and benefit from it. Epicureans associated art with science and life practice without appreciating it. However, it was in Roman Epicurean Lucretius that beauty "Spilled in everything" is the driving principle of love and connecting with it as a whole, acts as a creative work of all love.

Aesthetics of the Stoics The history of stoicism is divided into three periods: the early (3rd century BC), whose representatives were the founders of the Zeno school, Cleanthes, Chrysipp), the middle one (II-1st centuries BC) - Philo of Larissa, P Panace and Posidonius; Late (Roman period - I-II centuries) - Cicero, Epictetus, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius) Aesthetics questions were developed by Zeno and Cleanthes ( About beautiful subjects ), Chrysippus ( About beautiful , Pr in beautiful and pleasure), Seneca ( Letters to Lutsiliyu ), Cicero ( Theorist ), Marcus Aurelius ("Alone with Himself Reflections etiq "), Marcus Aurelius (" On his own. Rozdumi ").

The original ideas of the Stoics aesthetics associated with the ancient natural philosophy, which viewed space as a creative beginning. It permeates all being, being realized in nature and getting completed in man. The collection of stoic fragments noted: Cosmos is beautiful. This is understandable from the form, color, size and diversity stars in space Chrysipp points out: All nature is artistic because it seems to have a certain path and rule that adheres to. Zeno, according to Chrysippus, calls nature artist because he says all kinds of good things and deals with them. Man, according to the Stoics, also the artist: he speaks herself. The creation combines moral and aesthetic principles. Beauty arises self-valuable: Everything is beautiful, whatever it is, the beautiful itself: praise is not included therefore, by praise, it does not become either worse or bette ” writes Marcus Aurelius. The Stoics identified four types of beauty: justice, courage, orderliness, and intelligibility (rationality) and tyamuchist (rozumnnist)

The art of the Stoics was considered as imitation of nature and paid great attention to it, extending the concept of "art" to various spheres of human activity. It is important to understand art as a unity of their theoretical knowledge and practical skills (reason and method) (artistic creativity) defends the idea of ​​the intrinsic value of creativity, where the goal is the result - the perfection of the work, its may and meaningful content that can positively influence the personality of Seneca, the accent tating on the possibilities of art to positively influence the mind and feelings of a person, criticizes artists, they embody the goal of creativity in material benefits and do not seek artistic perfection I do not respect at all and do not consider anything good that is done for money pennies " .

Stoicism, therefore, is a philosophy that the aesthetic phenomenon lays the foundation for being of the world and human life and activity, considering it as a condition of creative performance considering the perfection of objects of creation and also in connection with the value of aesthetic phenomena for the spiritual life of individuals.

Aesthetics of skeptics The founder of the school of skeptics was Pyrrho from Elida, and the prominent representative is Timon Fliunsky (4th-1st century BC). The aesthetics of Greek skepticism was completely negative. According to Ami Diogenes, Pyrrho did not call anything beautiful nor ugly, nor fair and argued that there is nothing in truth (in fact, people do everything according to the law and custom, because the whole thing is nothing more than that.Sext Empyric (And century BC) in the treatise Against the orators denies rhetoric as the art of Argumento m is that rhetoric consists of words and which cannot be created, therefore rhetoric is not necessary. In the treatise "Against Scientists" Sextus Empiricus compares (positions) representatives of various philosophical schools of antiquity in the same way, considering their positions equivalent, that is None of them comes true. Thus, according to Xenophon, All things are either good or evil, or neither good nor evil, Sextus Empiricus, concentrating on the word is and highlighting its meaning ( and the phenomenon), says: the concept of good and evil can not to say nothing real precisely because it all depends on the sense in which these concepts are used to everything that lies beyond that, in what sense of the vicorist concept is understood .

The value of skeptics aesthetics is not in the ideas put forward by them, but in preserving the ancient heritage that became the subject of their analysis and, thanks to a wide quotation, reached descendants


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Terms: Aesthetics