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12 5 Art - a form of social consciousness


Art as a form of consciousness is characterized by the need to consolidate the sky-doust attitude of mankind to the world not alienated from objects of indifference. The ways of vitality given to them reflect the duration of ponds of indifference and the need to perpetuate them with artistic language means creating this ideal vitality in the status of artistic reality Art reality is a phenomenon that most adequately embodies the forming ability of the spirit: in a holistic, expressive, perfect, sensually tangible images.

A work of art as a sensually perceived personification of the vitality of the spirit appears as a unity of the idea and image, feeling and its subject. In other words, this universal is not indifferent to the experience of human relationships, has acquired an individually defined way of life in an artistic and figurative language and how this has been revealed by the level of its perfection, and therefore , social values ​​An idea that has received a corresponding way of life in the \ "matter \" of art (the material of the artistic formation is determined by the species specificity of art ), it acquires perfection depending on the aesthetic measure of inner vitality. Deploying its qualities becomes for the person and soul (subjects experiencing relationships) a source of understanding the essence of supersensible manifestations of being (ideas), art reflects and reinforces a special type of spiritual experience: it is an experience of indifference and what in its qualitative certainty arises the ability to meet the ideal images and acquire a convincing life in the artistic language of the arts.

The qualitative definiteness of the ideal being of the subject appears in the artistic image in the forms of beauty. Each time in each truly artistic, that is, full of inner vitality of the work of art, reveals the truth about the value of life and the image of their perfection. Art is a reflection and reinforcement of the quality stage in its relation to man to the world by means of it. It affirms aesthetic certainty, relation to phenomena, which reveals the truth about their qualities as self-valuable possibilities to be a source of nourishment of the human spirit: mind and feelings. Thus, art ensures the ability of each person to organize his inner life. ir the ideal world of spiritual entities So, art is the most appropriate attitude to the qualities of an object to create its image; activity to provide a living ethos to manifestations of the creative spirit by the system of holistic artistic images. In social experience, art was defined as a specific way of creating the ideal space for living ideal objects generated by creative ability of consciousness and creative personality skills. Universal artistic language of art is able to overcome differences in cultures and levels spiritual experience Differences only enrich the experience of humankind.

Adequate to the essence of the spirit, the ideal space for the creation of works of art creates opportunities for the free development of its fullness and perfection. Unlike other types of formation, the need for their yaks is caused by external necessity (survival, rootedness in the environment, etc.), art. - activity securing the value of the formative ability of the spirit as self-valuable. This feature distinguishes art e of all other types of formative activity. Art creates an ideal space of freedom of the spirit in ekvatnom way for him to complete and perfect zhiznennostistі.

Art is a specific type of spiritual experience, in which the spirit determines the level of perfection by the perfection of images of non-indifference formed by it, their depth convincing in themselves and in the work as an artistic cycle of internally perfect vitality, the depth of penetration into the essence of phenomena, expressed by the perfection of the artistic-artistic language of art, shows organic way of being spirit in the framework of artistic reality.

Figurative, as we have noted, takes place in the creation of the mythological image of the world. The qualitative difference between the artistic and figurative language of art and mythological imagery consists, firstly, in the fact that art was filled with spiritual power, which contributed to a person obtaining his own image. , art in a certain way opened the idea of ​​man as such. Recall that in mythology, images of man and natural forces and objects are characterized by a mutual transition, taking into account the difference between them Spirit is recognized in its intrinsic value as manifested in the ability to render the real world of spiritual ideal being in artistically perfect images. Let's say that Egyptian images of gods still combine human and animal forms: a god with a bird or animal head and a human body, and vice versa. In Greek and cultural images the gods appear in human form, and the perfection of images brings them to a new qualitative level - spirituality. Due to their perfection, the images personify the essence of gods Nothing: the spiritualized corporeality is the radiation of divinity content to the world.

Further concretization of the idea of ​​spirituality is reflected in the ancient Greek heroic epic. It reveals the phenomenon of individualization of the image of a person - a phenomenon that mythology is not familiar. Individualization as a phenomenon is a reflection of the uniqueness of the manifestation of the universal in an individual image. Epic hero - acting and suffering human personality Therefore, the epos reveals the third qualitative difference between art and mythology artistic consciousness from the mythological one: only in its manifestation does the spirit appear real, acquiring t the present and perfect essence \ "form, purchased the inner life of the spirit, it reveals the opposite effect on its essence and content of the \" [9, p 204uot; [9, p. 204].

This process of \ "reformatting \" consciousness from the level of a mythological understanding of the world to aesthetically-artistic characteristic of the ancient Greek tragedy, growing out of mythologically ritualistic cult acts, when taken to God Dionysus. Tragedy brought human well-being beyond the spontaneity of experiencing the integrity of ancestral life and invested an individualized human mind. the hero, who through circumstances and is forced to change the course of events In interaction with the circumstances, his personal \ "I \" Subje opens t acts as the creative beginning of the world, thanks to which the spiritual progress of mankind takes place. Under its Greek tragedy, they are transferred from the outside world to the inner world of a personality. However, the danger of dissolving it in the clan element, is constantly preserved, brings the artistic consciousness to the idea that you are inspired by the individual \ "I \" from the element of generic ideas about values ​​This process means the transition from the mythological consciousness to the artistic one in the act of the hero’s responsibility for the actions committed. Thus, his face individualized Such a process researchers (Cassirer) associate with the personalization of the ancient Greek religious consciousness. In it, the universal and the individual (idea and image) acquire a new, distinctive character, gives consciousness to self-awareness, that is, the selection from the generic ideas about values. conscious unity with the social ideo of the sv_domogo єdnannya і sotsіnalnym t_lim.

The fourth feature of art as a type of activity and type of spiritual experience is the formation by the spirit of an ideal space of life in which it receives its fullness, combining the ideal and the real, the desired and the proper, the imaginary and the real as an individualized world of images. The fifth feature is the creation of a specific artistic and figurative language of art and the peculiar meaning of the artistic reality of its features to be deeply understood is E. Kassirer comparing the mythological world of images, the world of religious meaning. and, on the one hand, and the world of art and artistic display, on the other \ "The main aesthetic orientation characterizes with ame that in it the image, the image remains recognized as such and, in order to fulfill its function, should not deny itself and its content \ "[9, p. 267]. In art, the image appears to be a pure revelation of the creative power of the spirit of the creative spirit.

So, art is a specific type of activity, the purpose of which is the creation of ideal spiritual phenomena, is the focus of the life of the spirit in its own value. In the ideal space of artistic works, reality becomes like a spiritual. Each artistic work is a complete inward integrity, within which the spirit freely unfolds the ideal. being, objectifying yourself in the expedient and perfect vitality of figurative incarnations. Therefore, art is the most adequate way to realize life the fullness of the spirit.


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