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3 3 Ideas of aesthetics of ancient natural philosophers


The beginnings of the formation of the aesthetic theory of ancient Greece are associated with the archaic period (VI century BC). This time of the formation of the ancient logos, appears the unity of the sensual and reasonable beginnings of human nature F. F Cassidy describes philosophical knowledge as "based simultaneously on feeling and intelligence, on intuition. and logic - on the enlightened feeling and the \ "sensual \" mind \ "[8, p 110] The holistic vision of the world as the board of Önal and the animated cosmos - aesthetic vision - also determined the need to know the laws of its structure. Forming the ability of consciousness developed from the sensory-shaped in the conceptual forms of reflection I am. The aspiration of knowledge and description of these laws marks the beginning of the development of natural philosophy O Losev, defining the philosophy of antiquity in the originality of its features, says: \ "All ancient philosophy is ultimately hooked TCU other than aesthetics \ "[10, from 184] outstanding representatives of ancient natural philosophy - Pythagoras (582 - the beginning of the V century BC), Heraclitus of Ephesus (about 530-470 BC), Empedocles (about 490-430 hum (about 460 - 370 BC) were the founders of ancient aesthetics. 460— 370 BC. e.) the boules of the daughters of ancient aesthetics.

Pythagoreans (the Pythagorean union founded in the 6th century BC) were well-known theorists of art and aesthetics, in particular musical. Their theory included number theory as the essence of world knowledge things they associated with the knowledge of numerical relations Harmony Pythagoreans considered objective regularity that determines vitality of all phenomena, including art, they own the idea of ​​harmony as a unity of opposites (the notion of \ "harmony \" is already traced in the works of Homer and means communication, a combination of parts dnannya Chastain).

The Pythagoreans developed the aesthetics of music, discovered the dependence of the pitch and length of the string, discovered numerical relations that form the harmony of music: the octave - 1: 2; Quart 3: 4; April Inta - 2: 3 Pythagoras has a rationale for the theory of musical education, which is the basis of moral, mental and physical health. According to the ancient neo-Platonist philosopher Iamblichus (about 245 - about 330), Pi Fagor has established the yaknaypreshe - education through music, or other melodies and rhythms, from which the treatment of human morals and passions occurs and the harmony of mental abilities is established in the form in which they were originally \ "[6, with 82uot; [6, p. 82].

Further development of the concept of \ "harmony \" is contained in the philosophical and aesthetic doctrine of Heraclitus of Ephesus. The philosopher views the harmony as an internal unity, consistency, balance of opposites, in the whole (space or individual subject) Harmony gives things certainty, stability and durability \ "What diverges, it converges and from different (tones) perfect harmony is formed, and everything arises through the struggle, \ "- Aristotle confirms Heraclitus \" Hidden harmony is stronger than the obvious \ "(you will see Hippolyte’s life) [6, 84] this stability is relative time, because the harmony is violated each time by the struggle of opposites, as a result of which there is a process of constant changes - \ "Punta Rey \" - everything flows According to Heraclitus, there is no musical harmony without a combination of high and low There is no good without evil, no secret without ugly, health without illness [9, p. 74] Heraclitus developed the concept of the logo ("the only, the only wise") that ensures the unity of all the diversity of the world, and unity emerges It is about the beauty of thinking about the world, which is a living, mobile whole. In the worldview of Heraclitus, that type of thinking that was a characteristic feature of the whole ancient philosophical thinking is clearly reflected - intellectual contemplation. The artistic image with the scientific concept, aesthetic contemplation with the philosophical comprehension of the world "[9, p 97] Logos, according to Heraclitus, is an immutable law, a measure of things that change; Logos is the invariable relation of the material origin (fire) to its various states. Later Plato would determine this unchanging essence with the help of the understanding of this idea "ideas. Plato Plato would assign this independent feeling of peace" idea ".

Like the Pythagoreans, Heraclitus recognizes the objective basis of the beautiful, but sees it not in numerical relations, but in the objective properties of material things that appear as modifications of fire (\ "all from the fire \") He also belongs to the formulation of the relativity of the beautiful Plato in \ "Hippia Big \ "cites this philosopher’s opinion: \" Naiprek the monkey niche races is ugly compared to the human race, it is dirty with the human race. "

The natural philosophical teachings of Empedocles are impregnated with aesthetic elements. He focused on developing the problem of the dialectical connection of opposites in harmoniously arranged space. Harmony (by unity), in his opinion, is a connection of elements forming the entire cosmic world, and the development of nature explains the struggle between two opposing forces: Enmity and Love The art of a philosopher describes how to follow the nature \ "People, with a deep mind, thoroughly studied art, - they take multicolored paints and, mixing them accordingly - some are more, others are less, they create similar images of all of them. "[6, p 85] O Losev, characterizing Empedocles' aesthetics, notices that it \" differs from hercliktivsky not only by the differentiation introduced into the solid substantial formation, but and orga is technically vital harmony (or disharmony) of this differentiation "[7, from 169" differential] [7, p. 169].

The philosophy of Democritus should be of particular importance in the development of aesthetic ideas about the harmonious integrity of the world. He owns a number of treatises on aesthetics: \ "On rhythms and harmony \", \ "On poetry \", \ "On beauty from the words \", \ "On good and bad sounding sounds \ ", \" About Homer \ ", \" About singing \ "The philosopher also studied the aesthetic ideas of the visual arts. It was Democritus who later Greek philosophers considered as the founder of Este politics. He investigated the problems of the connection between art and nature, the emergence of art and its influence on feelings. man understood e aesthetic measure and its manifestations in art, differences of sense and logic in the late Annїї viyavi mistetstvі, rozrіznennya chuttєvogo th logіchnogo pіznannya.

Art interprets Democritus as an imitation of nature. This is a new aspect of understanding imitation, compared to the early one, which connected it with the imitation of acting in dance or music. Imitation of nature and the philosopher sees borrowing from natural types of skills to build housing, weave clothes. People’s ability to create beautiful art works the philosopher also considered the gift of nature (the problem of talent, later on will take on the meaning of one of the leading ones in aesthetics) He introduced the concept of creative "inspiration", comparing it with a kind of madness And \ "Without madness there can be no great poet \" [6, p 87] Dem's interest in the problem of creative inspiration is confirmed by numerous testimonies (Cicero, Horace, Clement of Alexandria) to Democritus to develop the idea of ​​the value of perceiving and experiencing works of art, twa, there is an idea of ​​the intrinsic value of artistic phenomena for the subject of an aesthetic attitude: \ "Contemplation of beautiful works gives rise to great joys \" In his works, the concept of measure is central, considered the basis of harmony ary vitality of every phenomenon, including art \ "If you break the measure, the best part may be an unpleasant mіra then naypriєmnіshe Mauger Why naynepriєmnіshim".

Democritus, like its predecessors (Pythagoras, Empedocles), demarcates sensory and logical cognition. Its value is not in contrasting these forms, but in identifying one and the other forms. Democritus considers the true and "dark" type of knowledge and refers to the latter vision. , hearing, taste, smell, touch, - there are organs of sensory perception giving birth to images. These images come from the outside (the result of the display) and make copies of the body (from which they come out) \ "[15, p. 42] there is a distinction between logical and sensory knowledge and disclosing different types of images: logical and sensual. O Losev regards the sensual and logical as the unity of the opposite, a necessary moment in the dialectics of the atomists. "The unity of the opposites of mind and sensory perception is the fundamental principle of all aesthetics" [10, p 458] Democritus also belongs to some aspects of aesthetics in the narrow sense: questions of the origin of art and language, the role of art in aesthetic education, the theory of color (color science) and im vihiovann, in vochenya about color (color tst)) that

Ancient Greek natural philosophers substantiated the laws of being of the natural world, defining their principles based on aesthetic principles. This is a reasonably ordered world based on harmony, measure, order, balance of parts. It is in perpetual motion, acts as a unity and struggle of opposites, and therefore is immanent vitality.


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Terms: Aesthetics