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10 6 Aesthetic theory: the laws of formation


Aesthetic theory is a complex of views, ideas, ideas about the nature and essence of sensuality in the spiritual experience of mankind and a reflection of the laws of its expressions in practical and artistic formation. The initial link in the formation of a theory is the aesthetic views of people on the beautiful and the ugly, the sublime and the base, the tragic and the comical. understanding the purpose of art and its origins of experienced knowledge - the level of everyday consciousness, based on the notion of valuable in human life Lack of a criterion redelyaet limited understanding of values, associating them with immediate human needs therefore common way to study th value priorities at this level is often the principle of personal preference: "Beautiful is that I like".

In contrast to the judgments of everyday consciousness based on the emotional perception of phenomena, aesthetic theory is a consequence of the generalization and systematization of aesthetic phenomena and the understanding of their natural knowledge. The product of theoretical generalizations of the content of human experience We say that the concept of beauty used in everyday life was produced much earlier than their understanding was the subject of the activity of philosophers. It is important that already at the experimental level a complex of ideas about value, n Directly unrelated to a specific need of life. This phenomenon of gradual distinguishing of purely spiritual qualities and properties of the expressive objectivity of the world intended for nourishing feelings. Attitude towards it was shaped in history based on experienced practical knowledge, convincingly overlapping: a well-made thing fulfills its purpose better and is pleasant for the eyes; a convenient tool pleases the eye with its expediency and improves, enhances manual dexterity, etc. A beautiful thing is a pleasant thing to suit, even without regard to its practical value.

Aesthetic theory throughout the history of formation has formed its subject and was determined relative to the range of problems studied, based on experimental knowledge. Already at the origins of the formation of aesthetic theory in the scholars of ancient Greece, the subject of science stands out in the form of understanding the laws of the holistic and perfect identification of spiritual experience, forms the attitude of man to the world. Art The subject of philosophical reflection is presented as the subject of a holistic consolidation of the idea of ​​beauty in the system of artistic images by means of art. Twain's language therefore, approved by its value to the power of the human community spirit and conceptualize Niya patterns in the detection of empathizing relations in the dialectic of the universal .

10 6 Aesthetic theory: the laws of formation

Further historical development of the aesthetic theory is characterized by the expansion of the range of problems studied by science, and the content and scope of concepts that comprehend its subject. New concepts, absorption, and knowledge about the place and role of the sensory principle in spiritual experience emerge. These include neologism "aesthetics" - "I recognize with feelings " The definition of the uniqueness of the content of knowledge, which fixed the concept of "aesthetics ", helped to finally form the named direction of spiritual experience in a special science-educated study in particular science.

In the history of the formation of the aesthetic theory, the main circle of the problems of science emerged. It appeared as a result of the person turning into the depths of his own consciousness for understanding the processes rationally worrying about his attitude to the world and its prerequisites and means. Such were defined: own feelings and experiences, creating relationships with others, understanding the values ​​of life and one's own place in the world. An experience of a personal non-indifferent attitude, fixing a person’s involvement in life as a subject active power of the world is fixed precisely in specific areas of philosophical knowledge: ethics and aesthetics. At the same time, aesthetic then considers the value of subjective experience of experience as a source of replenishment of the content of the spiritual experience of society and humanity. The unity of the universal value of personal experience in the way of its detection in the activities of the formation and experience of the subject of the process and the consequences of formative efforts, the dialectic of individually unique revealing of the vitality of the spirit onomeric in the ways of its self-realization and constitutes the specificity of aesthetic experience, which fixes the aesthetic theory. Thus, the aesthetic theory establishes the specifics of aesthetic experience as its own free creative self-realization of the personality in its integrity, completeness and uniqueness. Aesthetic theory, in particular aesthetics of Kant, interpreted this specificity aesthetic knowledge as self-valuable, as the main subject of science .

In modern aesthetic theory there are three main blocks of problems that make up the content of aesthetic knowledge and determine the place of science in the system of philosophical knowledge. The first block reflects the specificity of the spiritual in experience, which is enshrined in the concept of "aesthetic", and specified in the world of the subject of aesthetic attitude as aesthetic feelings , tastes, ideals. This block reflects the patterns of an indifferent relationship and the prerequisites of its formation in the sense of the human clan ability, as well as the peculiarity of its detection e of a disinterested relationship The content of this block reveals the creation of the ability to relate to an object as a condition under which the quality of the latter is self-valuable, the purpose in the sense of the spiritual need to interact with enjoying them. Assessment of these qualities is defined as a method of affirming an object of its vitality by relating it to the ideal of perfection. and then an introduction to the sphere of the person with experience in the field of experiencing a relationship.

The second set of problems is the consolidation in the aesthetic theory of the lawful in value-appraisal activity, taking into account the universal value in the qualities of objects of non-indifference, and therefore such that it is the purpose of forming the existing efforts and the source of spiritual self-perfection of personality. This is categorical knowledge. In aesthetic it is interpreted as universal valuable. The content of experience is an attitude capable of detecting qualitatively defined phenomena for nourishing the human spirit, putting them in the concept of "beautiful ", "sublime ", " tragic ", " comic ", " ugly "and their aesthetic modifications ; .

Finally, the third set of problems of the aesthetic theory comprehends a specific type of activity - art, reinforces the experience of the whole, experiencing the person’s attitude to the world in a special way - in the holistic artistic images. Art is a huge sphere of spiritual experience in the diversity of its types, reinforcing the richness of experience in the wholeness of its existence. forms and methods of detection. This block of problems includes the analysis of the natural in the formation of a formative ability as a generic quality and as an individual certainty. in the form of ability, talent, genius, the Theory interprets the history of art as a special way of consolidating and sharing (sharing) spiritual experience within generations, historical eras, humanity as spiritual integrity, shows the specifics of various types of artistic formation, and therefore the ways of life of the spirit in the provided his images Aesthetic theory seeks to comprehend the nature of the influence of the spiritual atmosphere of the epoch on the means in which art invests the spirit of the epoch, providing you with the most organic forms being a language of artistic images This block of problems also includes the specificity of art life in the consciousness of society in different historical epochs and the nature of self-identification of the society with these or other images of art. All three blocks of problems are interconnected and form the integrity of aesthetic knowledge of knowledge.

The content of categorical knowledge in the process of historical development of aesthetic theory is enlarged and deepened. The process of its creation involves the whole volume of the known and imaginary about the natural world, about "n supernatural " forces, about the formative activity of man and her laws, about human relations, about a specific kind activity - art is a categorical knowledge in aesthetics reflects the whole universality of the needs and abilities of a person’s caring attitude to the world, taking into account the laws of this STI as self-worth self-interest.

Spiritual experience is called valuable because it determines the attitude of people (ethnic groups, social groups, nations, nations, historical eras and different cultures) to their own achievements in the sense of their value for the people of mind and feelings. We emphasize that this is a qualitative level given their intended purpose Another thing is that the subject relationship appears as beautiful and ugly, as sublime and low, etc. This is a categorical series of aesthetic knowledge, in which the increment of experience occurs in the forms of creative attitude of subjects of indifference to find the level of perfection of the subject of the sky and humanity and to comprehend its qualities in the unity of the personal intellectually experiencing the experience and in relating it to public notions.

Aesthetic theory as a holistic knowledge of a number of aesthetic problems reveals the natural process of the historical development of mankind as a phenomenon of improving practical-spiritual and spiritual-practical experience and due to him increased awareness of the value of life in beauty and life beauty. The logic of the formation and development of aesthetic theory reflects the interconnection between practical and spiritual the components of the activity form in Anna, the organic connection in this process of mind and feelings In the aesthetic theory of creating excellence pr Dest as a dialectical unity of human self-improvement in the activity of objectification and creating a board as the most adequate way of self-affirmation of a person by the process and consequences of formative skills. Aesthetic theory interprets the laws of being alienated from the sensible givenness of real declarations on the world and their aesthetic image. subjective in spiritual experience given its focus on the ideal of perfection i

In the process of the historical development of aesthetic knowledge, its subject changes in a certain way in accordance with the change in the paradigm characterization of the image of the world: cosmocentric (in ancient times), theocentric (in the Middle Ages), anthropocentric (in the New Age), God-centered, body - center (in post-civilization 24 hours) Aesthetic theory in each of the mentioned epochs concentrated in itself the essential problems of the content of perfection and the ways of its achievement. Consequently, the consciousness of the ancient Greek is concentrated en on the sensual givenness of the beauty of the natural world (of the cosmic whole) and man as the "thinking cosmos ", which bodily beauty and beauty of the spiritual consciousness of the Middle Ages man is aimed at the "root cause " in harmonious integrity \ Absolute (God) as the personification of the highest perfection, the Man realizes his own December the spiritualism and sees himself called upon to redeem her, descending to the service of spiritual perfection. Thus the realization of spirituality as the highest value occurs. In the era of the New Age (rationalism, about his and a personality is at the center of the creative process and is interpreted as the personification of cognitive and formative abilities The aesthetic theory interprets the laws of objectification of spiritual experience, is acquired in the practical-formative and cognitive-evaluative attitude of the person to the world, the post-civilizational image of values ​​is anti-value because the idea of ​​truth is lost , good, beauty, a place as they were taken by absurdity, immorality, ugly loss of interest in aesthetic values, in particular their higher personification constriction of beauty, turns out to be a shocking attitude towards it, in contrasting it with anti-aesthetic in style of behavior and relationships between people, patterned tastes and preferences (slavery in fashion), and indifference to classical culture and art, personifying the higher ups of the human spirit in experiencing being of the world and its own "I " .

It is clear that the new epoch is seeking its spiritual values, in which mass consciousness still prevails with its inherent lowered values. This is the reverse side of the democratization of culture, forced to adapt to the level of ordinary consciousness and, going towards the audience, to produce everyday as a value, in fact, feigned .

Aesthetic theory is valuable not only as knowledge of a number of problems studied by science. It is intended to discover the wealth of spiritual experience, enshrined in the figurative language of art, in free identification eats a tactile attitude to the world in the form of appraisal activity, takes a creative approach to the content of values ​​and to itself as a subject value judgments Given this, mastering aesthetic theory is an important factor in the formation of criteria for aesthetic judgments, developing a system of communication with artistic values ​​and the ability to understand atstvo and beauty of their content for the perception and experience of the nuances of their aesthetic suschnostitі.

Questions for self-test

  • 1 Expand the structure of aesthetic consciousness and the relationship of its elements.
  • 2 Explain the content of the concept of "aesthetic structure of consciousness" and determine the conditions and principles of aesthetic self-organization of consciousness.
  • 3. Expand the subject and specificity of aesthetic consciousness in the system of forms of social consciousness.
  • 4 Explain the role of the sensual beginning in the sense of spiritual experience to create its integrity.
  • 5. Describe the level of emotional response to the world.
  • 6 Explain the difference of concepts "emotions " - "feeling " and their relationship with the intellect
  • 7. Describe the level of the ratio of sensual and logical principles in various forms of aesthetic consciousness.
  • 8. Analyze the genesis, structure and essence of aesthetic feelings.
  • 9. Expand the types of aesthetic tastes and explain when and why tastes should not be argued.
  • 10. Explain the dialectic of individual and universal in the judgments of aesthetic taste.
  • 11. In the aesthetics of Kant, the idea of ​​disinterest in judgments of aesthetic taste is justified. Give the philosopher's arguments
  • 12. Analyze the essence and specifics of the aesthetic ideal.
  • 13. Expand the dialectic of the sensual and logical, the universal and the particular in the sense of the aesthetic ideal.
  • 14. Name and describe the three blocks of problems investigated by aesthetic theory.


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Terms: Aesthetics