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10 2 Aesthetic consciousness as a specific form of consciousness


Along with the aesthetic structure of consciousness as a special evolutionary creation, one can distinguish its peculiar form - aesthetic consciousness. Aesthetic consciousness, like mythological, religious, moral, legal, philosophical, scientific, is one of the forms of social consciousness. Each form of consciousness is a reflection of the content of the spiritual experience of mankind. which in their totality form the integrity and appear as a personality forming the spiritual world again, Aesthetic consciousness is a form of social consciousness reflecting akonomernosti experiencing man's relation to the world with a social ideal position subject es tetichnih consciousness is the creation and experience of expressive forms deystvitelnostiostі.

Human consciousness is a certain combination of the spiritual experience of mankind, and not only because of the content of experience, but also the peculiarities of the method of its formation. The latter necessitates clarification of the specifics of the character and the role of the sensory principle in the formation of the intellect and retaining the experience acquired by mankind in the spiritual experience of man. the organizing principle of the whole system is the aesthetic consciousness. After all, non-indifference leads to the active involvement of the emotional sphere and intellect that is, to create a sustainability attitude towards the subject of indifference: the formation of its image, the organization of feelings by its content, the addition of the image of existing experience, the determination of its value, rooted in the space of ideal essences and then.

Aesthetic consciousness reflects the patterns of functioning of non-indifference as a special way of producing spiritual content of consciousness with its premise. It is an emotional response to light. At This, you must take into account the level of emotional reactions. Primary purely emotional reactions to the internal state of the body or to external factors associated with this state (illness, hunger, fear, etc.) They dispute a person’s life with all other kinds of life, although in the human world they have also been transformed because and the action of the intellect has spread to them. Therefore, by an effort of will, a person is able to satisfy hunger, overcome fear, restrain bouts of anger, then skinny.

The subject of emotional response, acquires a pronounced aesthetic coloring, there are qualities and properties of the objective world that induce people to freedom of unfolding of feelings and acquire meaning for them. Objectives Researchers define emotions as the "activity of assessing information about the external and internal world entering the brain, and which sensations and perceptions are encoded in the form of his subjective images \ "[6, p. 29]. At the same time, emotions are not only making assessments, but also the activity of assessment. Let us dwell on some aspects of emotionality about the response to the world, taking into account its influence on the experience of relations Emotions in the evolution of life, including its highest form - human life, have been formed and defined as \ "before-the-mind-before-mixing form."

Emotions \ "interested \", \ "passionately \" evaluate reality and prove their assessment in the body of the language of experiences. Emotion thus implies the possibility of peculiar conclusions about the behavior of animals already, cat three do not have intelligence. Emotions of man essentially \ "are analogous to logical value judgment about a subject or phenomenon \ "[6, p. 32]. It is clear that the evaluation mechanism here is completely different. The similarity of the form of the emotional process to logical thinking is not limited to the fact that they are built according to the same scheme and, like thinking, in their juxtapositions they rely on the consequences of their previous functioning. We note that only thinking creates concepts as a way of generalizing knowledge, and the experienced emotions cause the formation of \ "emotional generalizations by approving" effective relations ".

Differences between emotions and thinking are caused by the activity of various structural formations of the brain and the qualitative content of the experience being created. Thinking is distinguished as its specific rational feature mainly by a verbal-logical element. But thinking as a process with all its conscious and un-conscious elements cannot be separated from emotions. Emotions not only activate mental activity, and, entering its structures, \ "perform the function of heuristics \" The interdependence of emotions and intelligence ensures all Completeness of spiritual and spiritual-practical human interactions with the world In a practical sense, it’s all to bear in mind that an activity that is supported by emotions takes place much more successfully than the one where the impulse is awareness of its necessity. So, emotions and logical thinking form the fulness of Aspens of a person with the world, being realized in conscious and intuitive forms, and experience appears in a general condition for the functioning of the experience dosvіdu.

The role of emotions in creating experience about the world and attitude to it requires clarification of its role in a specific form of consciousness - aesthetic. We note that aesthetic consciousness reflects reality in forms that certify the evaluative and formative attitude. In it, the qualities of an object appear in two aspects: first, in their objective vitality (intrinsic feasibility), secondly, given their value for human life (\ "the idea of ​​necessity \"), unlike purely emotional reactions, is a consequence of the intensification of subcortex x centers (\ "the lower strata of the brain \"), the aesthetic sense is the first component of the actual aesthetic consciousness This is a complex spiritual formation, which is characterized by the interaction of mental and intellectual components opytalnih dosvіdu warehouses.

Sometimes there is an identification of feelings with emotions. We have noted above that emotional reactions are associated with the action of subcortical centers and in natural species is sufficient means for the organism to respond to the environment. In the human world, emotions are included in the complex structure of intellectual activity. Then they are combined on the one hand. , emotional reactions (the message about the attitude of the organism to the perceived object), and on the other hand, the activation of the activity of the right and left hemispheres, which according to \ "know \" sensual and l ohmic experience Intellectual structures are named, activated by emotions, form a holistic image of the product and attitude to it.

Aesthetic consciousness is a consequence of the unity of sensory-figurative and conceptual-logical forms of experience. Components that form the specificity of aesthetic consciousness, unlike its other forms, have a feeling, ratings, tastes, ideals, theory. They require clarification using the concept of "aesthetic" each of the structural elements. After all, we can interpret, say, taste as a purely physiological quality (taste reflex). It is legitimate to talk about the ideal of a political, legal, moral ideal, etc. In aesthetic consciousness, a sensual, not indifferent attitude to the world manifests itself in each structural element of this type of consciousness, respectively, objectified in the consequences of attitude: the formation of sensual, holistic images of the subject of indifference in aesthetic experience, in aesthetic evaluation, in judgment of taste, in aesthetes of the night ideal, in aesthetic theories At the same time, in their formation and historical development, aesthetic consciousness is characterized by the complication of structures and the intensity of their interactions as at the level of human and-operation of individuals i okremoї individuals.

Each named component of aesthetic consciousness has a different level of relationship between the sensual and the logical. The common foundation and objective condition for the integrity of the object of non-indifference arises these ideas and images, ideal and real, individual and universal objectifies itself aesthetic consciousness in the forms of judgments, revealing the level of development of aesthetic taste in aesthetic their estimates, in the ideal formation (creating an image of the object of the senses), the person’s attitude towards others appears and eats It is a complex set of spiritual interactions of a person with the world. They will establish the idea of ​​the active presence of a person in being in a specific way: giving him certainty, taking into account the values ​​for the life of the spirit, eating, the spirit is no longer fed by objectivity as such, but by a system of forms provided to it. certainty in aesthetic assessments, which, respectively, indicate not only the quality of the subject of evaluation, but also the level of spiritual experience of the subject of evaluation activity.

The criterion for determining the perfection of taste is the aesthetic ideal, since the objective value of the image (subject of evaluation) is determined, as noted, by its correspondence to the idea of ​​vitality (expedient in itself) and adequacy of the judgment of taste. Aesthetic consciousness reinforces the richness of nuances of a person’s indifferent attitude to the world. the activity is affirmed at the same time as a kind of spiritual activity, increases the spiritual experience of mankind. Objectivity of judgment (its aesthetic degree) is verified no judgment of others, and consistent with those ideas of inner vitality of the subject with udzhennya This is an image-experience, the image-evaluation, that is relevant to the subject, in which the quality of the experiences of his perfect life (in the image) reveals the adequacy of our judgments about predmetahdmet.

Aesthetic theory in a certain way completes a number of forms of aesthetic consciousness. Its goal is to analyze the relevance of the content of reality and ways of its existence in the provided ideal images, bringing the foundations and conditions for perfection of these forms and the foundations of the subject’s ability to form, embody reality in perfect ideal images. The dialectics of the universal, particular is also considered. and individual to the content of those spiritual experience, taking into account the values ​​of existing in the objects of the formation of the integrity of being, being spine in the individual uniqueness of its image - in obrazzі.

Aesthetic consciousness is a dialectic unity of the special and universal in caring non-indifferent attitude to the world. It is the aesthetic consciousness that fixes the value meaning of individual experience of reacting to reality, since the ability to use intellectual structures (activate them) is largely due to individual characteristics of intellectual and mental personality structures. These are features of the activity of imagination, fantasy, figurative memory, the forming ability of the intellect Therefore, the aesthetic image of reality is always individually unique and valuable precisely because of its uniqueness as such an e is not something arbitrary. As noted by Kant, the ability of judgment is not something arbitrary, because it relies on the transcendental assumption that the space and unity of our experience is one and the same \ "[9, p. 959quot; [9, p. 959].

Let us draw some conclusions. First, aesthetic consciousness is spiritual integrity, there is a unity of many components of creating a special - emotional-intellectual attitude to reality united by the links of this complex system of spiritual interactions - sensual data about the world (sense organs) and the activity of the cerebral hemispheres. Emotions perform the function of regulating the activity of the subject, depending on the significance of internal and external sensory data. As a component of intellectual activity, emo secondly, the peculiarity of aesthetic consciousness is the creation of attitudes towards objects not directly related to practical needs, but directed to the spiritual sphere. The coherence of spiritual structures (sensual and logical principles of consciousness) unfolds in the direction of increasing logical correctness is related to objects of indifference given their self-valuable vitality, indicating a general tendency and a specific feature of aesthetic consciousness thirdly , eating moral consciousness is characterized by the presence in the content of knowledge not only the results of cognitive activity, but also integrity is related to them, how active forms of spiritual experience present sensual and logical data Fourth, in the sense of aesthetic consciousness reflects the objective regularity of the ability of feelings to be a formative principle spirit and objectify themselves in different activities: in the valuable, figurative and formative and theoretical-reflexive elective.


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Terms: Aesthetics