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References Questions for self-test


1 Aristotle Poetics - M .: Art, 1967

2 Bakhtin M Creativity Francois Rabelais and the folk culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - M: Hood Lit, 1990

3 Bern E. Philosophical research on the origin of our ideas of the sublime and the beautiful - M: Art, 1979

4 Voltaire Aesthetics - M: Art, 1974

5 Hegel GVF Philosophy of History / / Cit: B 14 t - M; L: Sotsakgiz, 1935

6 Hegel GVF Aesthetics: In 4 t - M: Art, 1969-1971

7 Gogol N V Poli Sobr: 14 t - M: Art, 1961 -

T 4

8 Long B, Levinson A. Archaic Culture and the City // Vopr of Philosophy - 1971 - № 7

9 Aesthetics / Under the editorship of LT Levchuk - Moscow: Higher School, 2006

10 History of aesthetic thought: In 5 t - M: Art, 1967 - T 3

11 Kagan M Lectures on Marxist-Leninist aesthetics - L: LSU, 1971

12 Kant And a Critique of the ability of judgment / / Fundamentals of the metaphysics of morality - M: Thought, 1999

13 Losev A. The history of ancient aesthetics Early classics - M: Higher School, 1963

14 Lukács D. The peculiarity of the aesthetic: In 4 t - M: Progress, 1985

15 Nietzsche, F Birth of a tragedy, or Hellenism and pessimism / / Soch: In 2 t - M: Thought, 1990 G 1

16 Progozhiy And, Stengers And Order from chaos - M: Progress, 1986

17 Rubinstein C Fundamentals of General Psychology - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000

18 Solovyov In Beauty in Nature / / Cit: In 2 t - M: Thought, 1990

19 Forts On Moral Problems of Artistic Creativity - Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1977

20 Chernyshevsky N Aesthetic relationship of art to reality / / Chose aesthetic works - M: Art, 1974

21 Schelling Ph.V. Philosophy of Art - M: Thought, 1966

22 Shestakov In Aesthetic categories: the experience of systematic and historical research - M: Art, 1983

23 Shestov L ​​Apotheosis of baselessness - L: LSU, 1991

24 Schiller F Works: At 7 t - M: Art, 1957 - T 6

25 Schiller F. Aesthetics - M .: Art, 1974

Questions for self-test

1 Define the concept of \ "category of aesthetics \", describe the category of aesthetic relationships as a system

2 Explain the creative nature of categorical knowledge in aesthetics.

3 Expand the dialectic of the individual and the universal in terms of aesthetics.

4. Describe the essence of the category \ "beautiful \". Explain the dialectic of the objective and the subjective in the beautiful.

5 Expand the connection concepts \ "the idea of ​​the beautiful \" - \ "the ideal measure of the beautiful \"

6. Determine the qualities of the natural world, which form its orderliness, objectively in caring for them in the concept of \ "beautiful \"

7. Explain the connection of the essential manifestations of the perfect in nature and in the formative skills of man.

8. Expand the connection of the concepts \ "aesthetic measure of relationship \" and \ "aesthetic measure \" in the artistic formation.

9 Expand the link between the beautiful and the ugly. Explain the interest in the ugly in the culture of modern times.

10 Expand the content of the category \ "sublime \" Determine the excellent concepts \ "beautiful \" - \ "exalted \"

11. Expand the history of the formation of the theory of the sublime in aesthetics.

12. Describe the differences of experience of the beautiful and the sublime. Explain the concept of \ "mathematical sublime \", \ "dynamic sublime \"

13. Give the definition of the category \ "tragic \" Expand the dialectic of nature and circumstances in a tragic

14. Prove that the prerequisite for the development of conflict in the tragic should be a heroic character.

15. Justify the dialectic of freedom and necessity for the tragic (according to F. Sh.)

16. Explain the phenomenon of catharsis in the aesthetic experience of the tragic.

17. Define the content of the category "comic". Explain the cathartic (cleansing) effect of laughter in the comic

18 Expand the aesthetic value of folk culture of laughter.

19 titles and describe the main forms of comic

20. Explain the concept of \ "aesthetic measure of comic \" and features of its application.


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Terms: Aesthetics