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  • 1 Anthology of world philosophy: In 4 t - M: Thought, 1970 - T 2
  • 2 Benesh About the Art of the Northern Renaissance - M: Art, 1973
  • 3 Boccaccio J. Small Works - L: Hood Lit, 1975
  • 4 Bruno J. About immeasurably and incalculable / / A X Gorfunsel Giordano Bruno - M: Thought, 1973
  • 5 Grashchenkov In The Book About Benesh and the Problems of the Northern Renaissance / / About Benesh The Art of the Northern Renaissance - M: Art, 1973
  • 6 M. Grushevsky. Essays on the history of the Ukrainian people - C: Lybid, 1991
  • 7 Engels F. Dialectics of Nature / / K Marks, F. Engels. Works: 30 t. - M .: Politizdat, 1965 - T. 20
  • 8 History of Aesthetics Monuments of World Aesthetic Thought: B 5 t - M: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Arts, 1962 - T 1
  • 9 The history of aesthetic thought The formation and development of aesthetics as a science: In 6 t - M: Art, 1985 - T 2
  • 10 Kostomarov, M Gallery of portraits - Moscow: Rainbow, 1993
  • 11 Kuzansky N About scientists ignorance // Syc: In 2 t - M: Thought, 1979-1980 - T 1
  • 12 Kuznetsov BG Ideas and images of the Renaissance - M: Science, 1979
  • 13 Leonardo da Vinci Selected Works - Mn: Harvest; M: ACT, 2000
  • 14 Losev AF F Aesthetics of the Renaissance - M: Thought, 1978
  • 15 Masters of art on art: In 7 t - M: Art, 1966 - T 2
  • 16. Nichik V., Litvinov V., Stratiy. I, Humanistic and Reformative Ideas in Ukraine - C: Science, Thought, 1991
  • 17 Petrarch, F Book on daily affairs / / Anthology of world philosophy Renaissance - Mn: Harvest; M: ACT, 2001
  • 18 Pinsku L Realism of the Renaissance - M: Hood Lit, 1961
  • 19 Russell B History of Western Philosophy - M .: Osnovy, 1995
  • 20 Works of Italian humanists of the Renaissance (XV century) / Edited by LM Bragina - M: MGU, 1985
  • 21 Shestakov VP Aesthetic categories Experience of systematic and historical research - M: Art, 1983

Questions for self-test

  • 1. Expand the qualitative features of the aesthetic theory of the Renaissance: the ideal of beauty, the problem of artistic creativity, understanding the value of the individual.
  • 2 What are the new approaches to understanding aesthetic values ​​in the culture of Peredvidrodzhennya (the role of hermeneutic problems in the development of aesthetics of the democratic direction)?
  • 3. Explain the reasons for the actualization of linguistic problems in the culture of Predvidrodzhennya and name the ways to solve it.
  • 4. Tell us about the most prominent figures of the day. Peredvidrodzhennya and early Renaissance, their creative contribution to the theory of aesthetics.
  • 5. Describe the views of the beauty of man and the essence and purpose of art in the aesthetics of the Italian humanists.
  • 6. Analyze Alberti's treatises considering their role in the formation of the Renaissance theory of art and the ideal of beauty.
  • 7. Explain the content of the concept of \ "anthropocentrism " and give an aesthetic characteristic of the Renaissance anthropocentrism.
  • 8 Expand the main ideas of aesthetics by Leonardo da Vinci, in particular with regard to the concept of \ "beauty ", and the peculiarity of its manifestation in various types of art, the peculiarity of expressive and figurative means of various types of art throughout the world.
  • 9 Why does painting by Leonardo da Vinci call \ "science " and what means of creating a pictorial image does he consider necessary for its existence?
  • 10. Determine the creative contribution of A. Dürer to the theory of aesthetics.
  • 11 How do you know the new approaches of J. Bruno to the interpretation of the origins of artistic creativity?
  • 12 Expand the relationship of mind and feelings in the aesthetics of the Patrician
  • 13. Name the aesthetic aspects of social theory in the utopias of the Renaissance.
  • 14 Analyze the aesthetics of mannerism. What are the manifestations of subjectivism in the theory of artistic creativity?
  • 15. Tell us about the relationship of linguistic, religious and social ideals in the early Ukrainian humanism.
  • 16. Give the aesthetic characteristics of the polemical literature on the defense of Orthodoxy


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Terms: Aesthetics