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2 2 Formation of the history of aesthetics and its main problems


The history of aesthetics is a special branch of aesthetic knowledge that studies the genesis, development and functioning of aesthetic thought, aesthetic theories, aesthetic teachings in society. As an independent science, the history of aesthetic politics took shape in the 19th century, when the historiography of culture received a fundamental basis of its development on the basis of philosophy history, primarily through the works of Hegel's regularity and historical development of the human spirit, the philosopher sees a way to identify the absolute spirit in the subjects This led to the separation of historiography of aesthetics into a special branch of aesthetic knowledge. This allowed systematizing the achievements in this sphere of previous stages of history, tracing the origins of the main problems of science and changing and expanding the range of its main problems. Aesthetic theory is not always expressed in an adequate theoretical form. Often it is contained in the arguments of philosophers or artists about the foundations of artistic creativity, the characteristics of artistic formation depending on the species specific art, understanding beauty, and others. An important role in the development of aesthetic theory belongs to the works on art history, literary criticism, art criticism and under the Purpose of the history of aesthetics - not in describing individual aesthetic views, but in identifying patterns of development of aesthetic thought in the historical development of humanity The complexity of the study of the problem is connected with the fact that the long period of the history of the artistic development of mankind aesthetic knowledge is closely related to the mythological, religious, temper idents ideas, the formation of objectivity and practical cult naznacheniyariznachennya.

Attention to the aesthetic problematics, the desire to systematize its achievements begins from the times of antiquity. Let's say Plato sets out ideas for aesthetics of Socrates in dialogues, Aristotle’s sophists use Plato and Democritus’s works in aesthetic politics. Plato and his ideas are rooted in the works of medieval philosophers developing aesthetic issues. Beauty (Plotinus, Augustine, Boethius, and others.) The artists and theorists of the aesthetics and Renaissance art of Leonardo da Vinci used the ideas of Aristotle's aesthetics scientific records marked such an important event: In Messer Vincenzo Aliplando, that you have the surrounding territory of Corso, is Wiping the eyelashes of Giacomo Andreo [6, 27] This is an outstanding Roman architect and theorist of architecture of the 1st century BC , the author of the famous work "Ten books about architecture in Obviously, it is said about this book. Similar records exist about Aristotle, Archimedes and it is about Aristotle, Archimet that ін.

Intensive development of the history of aesthetics begins from the seventeenth century. Characteristic in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries there is the beginning of treatises on aesthetics by a thorough analysis of its particular history, a classic example is the Introduction to work The Aesthetics of Hegel. It presents the methodology of the scientific study of beauty and artistic creativity, critically analyzed the theory of beauty, ideal, artistic creativity in the history of aesthetics from the time of Plato to the contemporaries of Hegel - I Kant, F. Schiller, F. Schelling [1, from 7-96l, F. Schellinga [1, p. 7-96].

The first book on the history of aesthetics was the three-volume work of the Austrian researcher Robert Zimmermann History of aesthetics as a philosophical science (1858) The author explores the aesthetic ideas of ancient Greece and the re-iodine of Christian philosophy to Plotinus and Augustine (KN 1), aesthetic theory of the XVIII century in Germany , England and France (II), the aesthetics of German classical philosophy-and Kant, and Herder, F. Schiller, F. Schelling, Solger, H. Hegel, and others. (Kn III). Other works on the history of aesthetics soon appeared: Critical History Aesthetics M Chassler (1872), German es Tetics, starting with I Kant E Hartmann (1886) Fundamentals of psychology and aesthetics, starting with Vol-fa - O Baumgarten and ending with Kant - F Schiller R Sommera (1892), History of aesthetics in Germany (1913), Studies on the theory and history of aesthetics ki G. Schnitzer (1913) and i3)," Dosdzhenzhena with the theory and history of aesthetics "G. Shnіttsera (1913) and that.

A new approach to the study of the history of aesthetics was proposed by the well-known German theorist E Panofsky. The work Idea History of the concepts of the old history of art (1932) considered the history of aesthetic concepts and categories, i.e. suggested a problem-based approach to the study of aesthetics history; say, traced the history of the formation and change of the concept of mimesis from antiquity to the period of mannerism. Another well-known German researcher E. Utica in the work History of aesthetics (1932) sticks to these positions, figuring out the content and history of concepts imitation , catharsis , form , unity in diversity , etc. In 1 939 g, the book of American scientists K Gilbert and G. Kuhn The History of Aesthetics was published, which is also based on the problematic approach of G. Kuhn Іstorіya aesthetics, based on the problematic approach.

On domestic grounds, interesting studies by professors of Kharkov University and Kroneberg Historical view on aesthetics (1830) and Materials on the history of aesthetics (1831) [13, 289-334] Let us recall such a report issued in 1913 by A Mironov History of aesthetic teachings - lecture notes, lectured at Kazan University, and the work of M. Samsonov History of aesthetic teachings in three parts (1915) In a certain sense, the book And Mirchuk Aesthetics , first saw the light in Prague (1926uot; Estetika, in Praz (1926).

In Soviet times, there were many works on the study of the problems of the history of aesthetics, for example, History of aesthetic categories About Losev and V. Shestakova (1959) It combines the problems of the history of aesthetics with questions and methodological nature, in particular the methods of studying aesthetics as a system of concepts and categories Developing the Fundamental Study of Ancient Aesthetics is a multivolume cycle of works About Losev Oriental Orient of Ancient Aesthetics Early Classics (1963) History of Antique Aesthetics Sophists Socrates Plato (1969) History of Antique Aesthetics High Classics (1974), The History of Antique Aesthetics Aristotle and the late Classics (1975), The History of Antique Aesthetics Early Hellenism (1979) The History of Antique Aesthetics Late Hellenism (1980llіnizm" ( 1979), "History of Antique aesthetics. Pіznіy elinіzm" (1980).

In the 60s of the 20th century, books by And Matz History of aesthetic teachings (1962), M Ovsyannikov and B. Smirnova Essays on the history of aesthetic teachings (1963) were published. In the 70s - work Lectures on the history of aesthetics edited by M. Kagan (1973-1980, kN 1-4). In 1978, the works of M. Ovsyannikov History of Aesthetic Thought and V Shestakova Essays on the History of Aesthetic Thought saw the light. The History of Aesthetics Monuments of World Aesthetic Thought (1962-1970, t 1-5), containing the texts of the works of outstanding aesthetic philosophers and theorists from antiquity to the XX in C 70- Years of the 20th century carried out many editions of the History of Aesthetics in Monuments and Documents from the rich heritage of the history of aesthetics of its most famous faces, as well as the Ukrainian-language edition of significant works on the history of world aesthetic opinion Monuments of aesthetic thoughtvirtual art of history and aesthetics pillows "Pam'yatki estetichno pillows".

So, the analysis of the formation of the history of aesthetics - a particular area of ​​aesthetic knowledge - shows that aesthetics as a philosophical science combines the history of the development of its problematics and theoretical understanding of obliteration, which form specifically aesthetic knowledge.


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Terms: Aesthetics