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12 3 Patterns of art as a spiritual activity


To reveal the qualitative originality of artistic and figurative thinking, which is characteristic of art, let us turn to comparing it with mythological imagery Selecting objects of indifference and tasks live ttya by naming, the imposition of its own image on natural phenomena characteristic of mythological consciousness It spreads its own image to the whole world, giving it riches and diversity, together with the image and the work in mythology, is the ideal and the material, identified by consciousness. In the mythological thinking about time appears as a thing, and images about it, in particular, are provided to natural forces by images, identify with real qualities of objects. Therefore, ideal and real appear for consciousness with undifferentiated integrity, and imagined images enter the world of human life as real objects of communication, I really do speech swi speech set.

The process is often called — an arbitrary imposition on randomly perceived objects of random features on the basis of some external similarity or ideas about the desired similarity. According to this sign, the human image above is given to natural objects, and people acquire the image of an animal; relations between people are transferred to the whole natural world. Qualities that a person possesses extend to objects that surround him. The world appears to be a certain chain of mutual transitions of certain things and phenomena to others. Let's say that there is a moment in the mythological action that the subject of this action is transformed into God. or a demon, which he portrays. This is a manifestation of the inevitability of the need to sum up images of the world and ideas about them in a certain integrity. The layering of meaningful values ​​put into us ologizirovannye images of the real world, gives them a symbolic avantazhennya n, which can be defined according to the principle: all in all" in usomu truncated ".

For the mythological consciousness, an introduction to the subject of non-indifference of the image of attitude in the forms of layering of ideas about it is characteristic. The idea of ​​the desired qualities of objects serves to develop you characteristic attitude towards them for their absence , i.e. is to represent an object that is not directly present Mythology, as shown above, reflects not the existing being, but is a way of constructions and an image in which consciousness goes beyond sensory perception and begins to shape the world of ideal phenomena, our idea of ​​it by giving the desired rice

Characterized by the aesthetic form of consciousness is valuable because it reflects the transitional stage of creating an image of relationships. Let's say, the cosmogonic representations of ancient Ukrainian, whose elements are stored in ritual and poetry, contain profound stratifications of the experience of creating relationships of an ethnos with the natural world. Ukraine, the patterns of formation of symbolic figurativeness are traced. It unites various layers of experience of a person’s attitude to natural forces: internal party are the sun, moon, rain; when they help themselves, they brag about who beat the host [4, pp. 236–237–237].

Usage of forming needs (creation of the world with all natural elements) - essentially an aesthetic phenomenon - appears in this case at the same time and as morally defined - as an alienated image of the dialectical interaction of moral and aesthetic experience. There is a purely ideal moment in it considering the goals of formation, unlike practically-objective formation of Guests , present at the meal in several ways, despite the fact that they all have a symbolic character. Relatively objective certainty and the qualities of these natural forces, they are due to the possibilities to be a source of wealth for the host. Therefore, they are well-being, whose image is on the host’s table (rye bread and wheat, wine, honey, beer). They are also forces that realize their capabilities. and reflect on them, competing among themselves in bringing the master of his contribution to his well-being, i.e. behave like people. In their images met the real qualities of the named natural objects and their other - the harvest, as well as the symbol of the exact beginning - interpreting, there is a human understanding of the value of relationships. It appears as an opportunity to do good to another and receive from this pleasure, realizing the value of its action. Thus it turns out that nature can be a source of vital well-being for man and the value of these qualities. The idea of ​​connecting natural forces with man is seen as a morality realized naya position relations Nia arises the unity of aesthetic and moral principles that moral otnosheniyastetichnogo began stosunkіv.

Images-symbols are intended to be fixed as objects taking into account their ability to objectively enter into relationships with people. Thus, an object gains life thanks to name and then it turns out to be limited to communication. Signs used in this case are not a sign of phenomena, but symbols reflecting the significance of a phenomenon human life The development of speech is the history of the gradual accumulation and improvement of verbal symbols [10, p 32]. At the same time, the aesthetic beginning appears to be the leading, because it unites in sensual form with Immoral Values ​​An image concentrates the content of acquired spiritual experience, becoming fixed in language, rituals, customs, etc. As the researchers rightly point out, the symbol and meaning of create the human world much more than the feeling [10, p 29 "[10, p. 29].

A qualitatively different stage in the creation of spiritual experience is associated with art. Art is the activity of creating ideal vitality in an ideal space - within the work as artistic reality by means of an artistic language. This phenomenon is much more complex in content and process of creation and functioning in the space of human relations than characterized. above the form of formation: the subject-practical and the mythologist of the pictorial-ritual Regarding the origins of the artistic formation as a spiritual center it is distinguished by the quality level of consciousness: the ability of the spirit to organize itself with the qualities of an object and proceed from the logic of the vitality given to them, usually intuitively grasping it. This is also the ability to invest this essence in adequate ways of vitality. In artistic formation, one can thus meet and concentrate in spiritual integrity. Experienced knowledge about the qualities of objects and relationships, as well as imagination, memory, creative abilities associated with the translation of objects, formed by consciousness , in the integrity embodied in the material of formation. So, art with a real process of objectification of images of consciousness, providing them with real life in a different, ideal image - the system of artistic images.

Artistic language of art was formed in the history of mankind as a means of rendering real integrity of being to ideal spiritual phenomena. In the development of history, the richness of manifestations of being laid into ideal artistic forms and created the species richness of arts. In unity, they appear as a special sphere of reality: in it the spirit reveals its possible fullness and inner vitality as self-valuable. Therefore, in the historical development of mankind, every time new facets of its vital fullness are revealed. her activity or not most clearly demonstrates the creative ability of rationally experiencing attitude to the world as with amotsynn. It is important to once again focus on the late modernist and postmodern culture of criticism of the Aristotelian theory of imitation. The long history of the artistic development of mankind, in particular, such high achievements of it, as the art of Greek antiquity and the era I, as well as a theoretical interpretation eniya the origins and essence of artistic-formative activity from Aristotle to Hegel strongly suggest the value of forming ability duhtі spirit.

Mistrust of reason and knowledge, characteristic of the postmodern culture, only testifies to the failure of the devastated mind to comprehend beauty and truth and the inability of consciousness to put them in sensual images of beauty and forming the artist's ability to develop his laws, to give them inner vitality in sensual images in the material of artistic formation. Consequently, the images of consciousness received distinct vital fullness and embodied in the material of art, create an ideal reality in the space of human life. They directly appeal to human consciousness, organize the world of subjects of perception by their artistic persuasiveness and aesthetic expressiveness.

Aesthetic perception and experience of the integrity of the world being in an ideal artistic and imaginative way is a specific type of activity associated with the formation of the integrity of spiritual experience. no less important aspect of aesthetic activity is communication with artistic phenomena, which form a source of consciousness, in particular the source Its organization is aesthetically defined integrity of the content of artistic beauty, which is the goal of creativity.

Thus, the artistic formation and its consequences (art) is the activity of creating an ideal reality in the forms of fullness and richness of expressions of the spirit. It is full of the need to turn around with an indifference to his own subject, giving the images of the imagination a complete, expedient and expressive vitality. as the formation of a different type of space and an ideal temporary dimension of being for raising DSC people over ordinary space and organizing the consciousness of the subject of perception images of perfection This is an activity that introduces the spirit to the limits of an ideal life in its expressive vitality, perfection of forms and internal balance. The life of consciousness in forms of perfection is possible provided it is nourished by images of perfection, that is, ideal from the point of view of their expedient inner vitality and artistic consistency. that morality, religion, and partly philosophy, are based on artistically perfect ideal objects of consciousness as a means of giving yourself a vital express of being of life The artistic images of the mystic is such a source.

Real space saturated with artistic images (architecture of temple and palace structures, sculptural and pictorial images of gods and heroes) organizes the consciousness of each member of a public whole, using its images of universal web entertainment and activates their perception and experience The universal value of their image and ways of realization ( in particular, canonical forms of kinship of feelings, giving birth to a feeling of the fullness of being in its aesthetic certainty.

Creating an ideal space within the artwork as a complete whole is a type of art formation that satisfies, first of all, the need for individualization of the inner world of the subject of aesthetic perception and experience. Perfection of formative ability determines the activity and efficiency of the formation of the consciousness of the individual, that is, the conscious subject of the relationship. This process leads to the qualitative certainty of the process as co-creation. It is significant that in the cultures of the Ancient World (Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Chinese), the aesthetic and artistic formation far outstrips the practical in the assimilation of nature and the development of scientific knowledge. There is a direct connection between the effectiveness of artistic and formative skills and qualities of the human personality. period This phenomenon is especially vividly shown by the example of the culture of ancient Greece, where the human person showed the greatness of character, an unrivaled ability st-forming abilities, brilliant intuition in creating a scientific picture of the world and in art Recall that about Losev describes the ancient Greek culture as a phenomenon pervading hudozhestvennostiozhnostі.

The formation of an object, not really present, but created by the imagination, providing it with signs that highlight its real qualities and preferably in them - this is the ideal being of the object in the image, is a synthesis of ideas and matter. The artistic formation reflects the inner (essential) connection of objective certainty of the qualities of reality. and the attitude to them of the subject of human creativity. The latter sees the object as valuable not with the cover of its practical purpose, but as a source of spiritual communication. Therefore, It is the formation of a qualitatively different type of formation, taking into account its goals: the creation of objects of indifference, perpetuating the non-indifferent attitude of a person to the sensual wealth of the forms of the world and human relations. of the mind for an adequate embodiment in the formation of images created by the imagination. Therefore, in the activity of forming a self-valuable image of the subject The ovno-creative character of the process C is the bastard of it - humanity speaks of itself as a free creator of an ideal objectivity, the main purpose of which is for spiritual intercourse.


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Terms: Aesthetics