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13 artistic-figurative LANGUAGE OF ART 131 Artwork as an artistic whole


Modern aesthetic theory identifies several levels of aesthetic analysis of art: it is comprehended as a specific type of reality; as a special form of spiritual experience; as a special formative ability of the Cape as a special reality is characterized by the integrity of inner vitality, arises in the work of art as an artistic whole. It reinforces the spirituality of the idea in artistically perfect sensual-material forms. First of all, the historically developed artistic language Secondly, the nature of artistic talent, which lies in the ability of the artist to provide images of imagination Vågå inner life, embodying the thoughts and feelings in the matter of art: colors, sounds, words, plastic toschoscho.

In previous lectures we noted that the artistic element is present in all types of formation. It acts as a definite basis for the integrity of the subject, giving it individual life expressiveness. Art is a special kind of formative activity: its artistic language creates an ideal space within which the life of the spirit unfolds in its possible the diversity of the Inner-convincing, expressive vitality is the very morning truth, thanks to which the work appears under inno artistic whole with its unique vitality A specific artistic language art provides expressive, sensible way of aesthetic representation of the human m svisvіt.

The artistic language of art is an indispensable source and means of isolating what is essential in relations with the world and translating it into another — an ideal space where it opens up to degrees of perfection both in meaningful art and in a way of identifying reality from the level of everydayness aesthetically assimilated by the artist The World of Ideal Spiritual Entities It is here that it acquires integrity and completeness in the unity of content and form. Consequently, the highest goal of art is to provide objects of indifference th inner vitality as a value in itself, as a source of power of the mind and feelings of each artwork will really fit in their concept, if it fits into said kriteriidany kriterіy.

Note that the integrity of the work is not something static. The work is integrity, it has the internal logic of self-development of the figurative system, the combined and definite content of the idea. It is expedient to distinguish several levels of the work's numerical character. First - is the level of integrity of a specific image. Second - integrity of the work as organic the vitality of the idea in the figurative fabric of the work. The third level refers the work to a more general whole — the stylistic unity within the flow, direction, method Fourth - integrity, due to the specificity of art as a special type of spiritual experience in its distinctive peculiarity, Hegel notes that only a really specific idea gives rise to a true appearance, and this correspondence to each other is an ideal [7, t 1, p. 81] the sequence corresponds to the law, according to which the phenomenon is always richer in essence and better for sunshine.

The integrity of a work of art is not an artificial creation. In art formation, the law of self-organization of matter of image into integrity. The genius artist who is able to set the internal logic of artistic reality development F. Schiller calls this the ability of an artist to do what nature does, is free to unfold. matter of the image, adjusting the idea of ​​dependence on the logic of self-development of the idea. A widespread opinion of Pushkin about the events of the novel in verses Eugene Onegin : Well, Tatyana did the thing with me: she took and popped out to marry the general is, the inner persuasiveness of the work takes place under the condition that you pretend the image to present its naturalness at ease. The skill of the artist is to give it expediency and purposefulness, scribe nadati доy dotsnost purity.

The integrity of the artistic imagery of the work, as well as art in general, is historical education. Its origins are connected with a wider sphere of spiritual experience: the need of humanity (ethnic groups, peoples) to decide on just ori and time, to define their boundaries, that is, to form their image as a cultural reality In a work of art, human vitality, unfolded in space and time, is "assembled" in an aesthetically defined whole. Let us say in the drama for a long time the laws of unity of place, time actions Epoch shows the nature of its vitality through the fate of the heroes The same laws apply in other art forms At the level of meaningful content, the integrity of art is manifested by an objectively defined character of a person’s connection with the world, transmitted by harmonious rhythmic-harmonic system, melodic work or, on the contrary, disharmony by the family ; in plastics - evil movements plastics of movements, arrhythmia or, on the contrary, their grace and rhythm, etc. Finally, the qualitative definiteness of the spirit of the epochs as prose, poetic or dramatic is more clearly manifested in the character of the artistic character of nyaskravshevlyaetsya in the characteristics of the artist.

The development of artistic reality in perfect methods of detection is a factor in the formation of an objective criterion of the beautiful, which is transferred to the reality of human relations and formative activity, serves to improve social life. At the same time, the artist’s equally significant ability to present the image of the hero’s subjective experience and put it into universal sensory forms of art It is in this kind of work that the “ideal reality” is put. And under this condition it will It is important to emphasize that each work of art as a unique, unique spiritual phenomenon will each time create a new facet of the human spirit, even regardless of whether it immediately received recognition and opened up for society of its value or it turned out to be unprepared for it Spreading and experiencing. Becoming a reality, the work objectively enhances experience and will certainly fit into the spiritual context of its or subsequent time of the hour.

What is the feature of spirituality in works of art? By memory, they got a distinct vitality in the imagination of the artist and they need to be embodied in the material of formation in order to get an independent life. Neither the external goal of this need corresponds to the essence of art. That’s why cultural phenomena, works so penetrate the consciousness of the perceiving subject, live in memory as real the world than reality in its individual manifestations here and now , with its ordinary course of events and impressions The ability of artistic talents to show their indifference to the world through expressive, compelling, sensual images are perceived as a phenomenon of artistic statement-forming ratio duhovnos those He opens the essence of spirituality: free self-realization in the forms of perfections doskonalostі.

Each work of art is a dialectic unity of the individual and the universal in the sense of experience. Such is the dialectic manifested both in the material of the artistic formation and in the figurative language of art. Indeed, the artist reveals to society and mankind in his experience what has objectively taken shape or contains , but is not recognized as such, dissolving into everyday life life events Exalted to the level of generalization and developed in the artistic and figurative self Thanks to artistic talent (genius), it reveals its features: it speaks of itself as positive or negative. Thus, works of art clarify the truth of life, because they unfold as living reality, not some speculative essence. The artist’s ability to rise to generalization and expand it is in the ideal ways of being phenomena within specific artistic works and constitutes a specific feature of the work as a spiritual whole.

the universal in experience, being the subject of artistic reflection, acquires individual certainty in the artistic image (images). In the artistic whole — a work of art — being opens up to a degree of perfection according to the essence that personifies. The expressive persuasiveness of the manifestations of reality, its “self-disclosure.” Is not the brightest means of creating spiritual experience related to St. and that Therefore, a work of art is defined as a spiritual phenomenon without taking into account the subject of the image, but rather self-image, due to its artistic persuasiveness, reveals the essence of the phenomena. So, artisticity to the creature is that spiritual phenomenon, clarifies the truth about man and the world in the forms of artistic truth. Art appears as a means of civic service of art, determining the social value of their creativity and creativity.

The work is a dialectical unity of the historically developed ability for artistic formation (spiritual organization of the intellect and feelings of the subject of formative skills) and the corresponding means of formation (as in various types of art) each genuinely artistic work each time is individually defined vitality thanks to the ability of a particular subject of creativity to provide a unique image objects of imagination, memory, experiences by means of artistic language about definiteness Arts Each art, as well as art in general, is the most convincing embodiment of human creative potential, concentrated in Thielen whose identities hudozhnikatsya.

The basis of the vitality of the work is internal expediency, i.e. the ability to unfold qualities, open up all new facets of its vital fullness. This aspect requires explanation, because sometimes creativity is seen as a kind of impulsive process that occurs outside of consciousness in the sphere of purely irrational. Therefore, the work is interpreted as a result of subconscious, irrational spiritual impulses. can only from the outside, because its consequences are unexpected even for the artist himself. However, in this case it is legitimate to talk about a particular form The ability of consciousness that encompasses indifference in expressive artistic forms is, consciousness is characterized not only by the extraordinary vision and understanding of phenomena, not only by the ability in imagination to shape their sensual images, but also to provide them with expressive life in the material of the formation of the depth of internal relationships that characterize each truly a work of art is objectively determined by its logic. A work of art is a spiritual whole that has become extremely useful. Embodiment in the language of a particular type of iskusstvstetstva.

To prove the "inner necessity" of the ways in which a work acquires artistic integrity, it is important to resort to particular analogies, to turn to Kant's well-known thought about the feasibility of natural forms that determine its inner vitality. It is legitimate to find certain associations between the expediency of natural species as a condition of their the vitality and expediency of artistic formation as a condition for the integrity of works of art. Such an association implies that Kant: Under By absolute expediency of natural forms, I understand such an appearance or such internal structure, the basis of which should be based on the idea of ​​them in our ability to judge expediency is a regularity of the random as such . It’s about two levels expediency in nature: mechanical (in which nature reproduces its forms as) and technical capacity, in which nature in relation to the same forms as systems (crystalline formations, variety of colors, internal structure of plants and lively GOVERNMENTAL) acts as the art have a nature where it acts as istetstvo m arises structural integrity, characterized by the ability samoorganizatsiyscho harakterizuєtsya zdatnіstyu samoorganіzatsії.

Regarding art, it is also legitimate to use the concept of self-organization , since the logic of unfolding artistic events, organizing a certain idea, determines the degree of its vitality, acts as the inner truth of a TV thief. We trace these patterns every time in each genuinely artistic work. The stone owner Lesia Ukrainian sacrificial character Dolores determines the logic of his actions and, being an ideal of humanity in the irazheny, allows us to compare with him the level of morality tvennost all the other characters of the drama According to the author, this is a type of congenital martyrs that everyone should die crucified on the cross, even if she had to beat herself on that cross when there are not enough butcher's hands for that Accordingly, her actions should every time A sacrificial character, despite the fact that this disinterested sacrifice makes every attempt to thank the heroine for it as a personal image as a personal image of the spirit.

As a formative ability and as a type of spiritual experience, art is characterized by specific qualities. Works of art personify the integrity of the human spirit, found ways appropriate for an artistic object. "Objectification. Artistic images are not a reflection of individual things and phenomena of the natural world as such. The purpose of artistic formation is not to fill the world of perfect objectivity In a piece of art, a yogi, sensually given, rises to the level of "pure appearance", decorated opinion in spiritual integrity and only then is embodied in the material of artistic formation. Thus, sensual in art I rise to the level of ideal being, appears not an accident, but a natural manifestation of relationships in their artistically convincing embodiment. In scientific thought, it is not in the realm. speculative, and nab uva expressive external forms of existence The purpose of art is to in the form of objectivity to satisfy the higher spiritual needs, because they have the ability Tew awaken the depths of consciousness and respond in the art in the spirit spiritualized sensual, spirit because it becomes sensible form

Each artistic image is a consequence of the “theorizing” of the artist's feelings, this feeling that they are not dealing with the material as such in its sensual relationship, not with the “outwardly” sensitive Qualitative certainty of the work of art in that it is intended the form of objectivity to satisfy spiritual needs. Visibility of sensuality acts as an image, kind or sound of things. As Hegel notes, sensual in art is trained not by all organs of perception, but only theoretically: by sight and hearing. dissolved dealing with material as such and its immediate sensory qualitie ].

Art, thanks to the ability to represent the sensual images of incarnations of the spirit in the matter of life, serves as convincing evidence of the objective necessity of mankind materialize attitude to the world in ideal artistic forms - in beauty forms. With their qualities they testify the formative power of the spirit. the world of the artistically beautiful When the ability to create in the forms of beauty is lost, art is objectively (by its qualities, standing outside the artistic) детельствует бессилие духа Он вводит субъектов восприятия в опустошенный мир, а значит, заставляет задумываться над трагичностью последствий То м каждый подлинно художественное произведение доказывает объективную потребность человека жить красотой (красотой предмета формирования или красотой его отображения, их целостностью) Именно красота - источник целесообразной внутренней же организации - объективное свидетельство свободы творческого духди творчого духу.


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Terms: Aesthetics