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Topic 1 Subject and tasks of aesthetics as a science 11 Content of the concept of aesthetics


The concept of aesthetics was included in the system of philosophical knowledge to define science, exploring the laws of a person’s emotional and intellectual attitude to reality and the pattern of his objectification in subjects of ethno-practical, theoretical and artistic activities according to the measures of a type. The subject of aesthetics is expressive forms of reality, in particular art, having direct value for the senses One of the following definitions of aesthetics: the science of the formation of human sensual culture [2, with 7 people " [2, pp. 7].

The name of science comes from the ancient Greek word istestesis (lat aisthtikos - sensual), which literally means: I perceive with feelings For the first time this word for the name of the science of sensory knowledge was introduced by the philosopher and enlightener Alexander Baumgarten in the middle of XVIII He considered aesthetics as the science of sensible-recognizable perfection and the science of perfection of sensory cognition [3, p. 455], then aesthetics would be considered lower than the step of cognition, and the logic of its cognitive process and both of these levels are related) In justifying the values ​​of the senses, Oh Ba umgarten adhered to the ideas of Leibniz, which proposed to distinguish three spheres in the human spiritual world: mind, will, feelings, since each deserves independent philosophical research. If ethics (from the act of freedom) and logic (the sphere of reason) were distinguished into independent branches of philosophical knowledge (per day of Hellenism in the works of the Stoic philosophers), then the doctrine of feelings did not receive such status About Baumgart and in his work Philosophical Reflections on Some Questions Sy poetic work (1735) first put forward the idea of ​​aesthetics as a philosophical science. Metaphysics (1739) also contains separate paragraphs that look at the problems of aesthetics. In 1750 his work Aesthetics (the first part) came out, the second part, which was not completed due to the death of the author, was published in 1758. In the above works, the problems of aesthetics received a thorough understanding of the light of 1758 p. In the names of problems, the aesthetics of numbered ground osmyslennya.

For the first time, Baumgarten defined sensory knowledge as an analog of the mind , as below logic , putting into this concept a much richer content than just knowing with the help of the senses In the concept analog of the zoom eyelashes concludes such abilities as humor (ability to find conformity), sharpness of thought (ability to find differences), sensual memory, imagination, etc. At the time of O Baumgarten, did researchers cover differences between emotions and feelings, therefore, in his works "sensory cognition" also covers the world of emo s (Distinction of emotions and feelings carried On contemporary Baumgarten and Johannes Nikolaus Tetens and Mendelsohn M that entered the corresponding concepts: Empfindung - sensations; Empfindnis - chuvstvodnі ponyattya: Empfindung - vіdchuttya; Empfindnis - pochuttya).

About Baumgarten was to scientifically explain the nature of the beautiful, that is, perfect sensory cognition Here an important role was played by finding the laws of the beauty of cognition - the laws of cognitive activity, in accordance with the concept of internal coherence of spiritual structures in the cognitive-experiential attitude of man to reality. general laws of artistic formation (art "technology"), which would pave the way for special technologies, the theory of certain types art (rhetoric, poetics, music theory, etc.), and this is the way to form artistic phenomena that have five cities in themselves objective grounds for consistency and the attitude of the spiritual structures of the perceiving subject Oh Baumgarten defines the object of aesthetics as follows: sensually perceived signs of the sensual [3, p. 452] is, these are phenomena, as perceived in their sensually given fullness, which means intended to act on imagination, memory, reason, their qualitative certainty manifests itself in harmony ovnyh human structures without causing conflicts, and they are driven to the active object that inspired their engagement on the active formation of its ideal image imagination perceiver іdealnogo image uyavoyu spriymayuchogo sub'єkta.

About Baumgarten noted the non-identity of aesthetics and art, although he noted their closeness. In aesthetics, he sees science capable of arming art with principles (like psychology). Like logic, it is divided into, first, theoretical, which gives general settings, second. , on practical aesthetics, applied concerns theoretical, then it gives such instructions about things and objects of thought (heuristics); about a clear order of thought (methodology) about the signs of perfectly imaginable objects, i.e. about the knowledge of the language of the subject relation (semiotics).

The goal of aesthetics, according to Baumgarten, is that perfection of sensory knowledge, as such, is beauty. The beauty of sensory knowledge is the "mutual coherence of opinions, correlated with one thing, which appears phenomine" [3, p. 455] It is advisable to distinguish beauty Things, thoughts and beauty of knowledge Aesthetics - the first and main component of the beauty of knowledge The object of knowledge of aesthetics is the beauty of objects, sensual givenness of phenomena and the Duma to the important conclusion of the author that ugly objects can be thought beautifully, and red is ugly. "

The universal beauty of sensory knowledge is a harmonious order, thanks to which we contemplate beautifully conceivable things, i.e. internal agreement with things Here it is important to focus on the interaction of feelings, which give us harmonious, harmonious images of objects, and the agreement of our thinking about these things, which form the universal beauty and perfection of all knowledge. Universal abilities of knowledge, due to the wealth of cognitive attitudes and associated with the consistency of all elements of cognitive ability, their agreement with the objects of thinking that create the beauty of knowledge - this is the beauty of thinking. Therefore, the sphere of sensual knowledge has its own laws.

So, we found that the concept of aesthetics reflects a complex spiritual phenomenon that combines the harmony of human spiritual structures (beauty of thinking), the perfection of things and phenomena that arise and the subject of thinking, and the perfection of the ways of embodiment in images (signs) beautifully conceivable objects. Baumgarten also began the tendency to define aesthetics as the philosophy of artistic creativity of creativity.


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Terms: Aesthetics