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6 3 Aesthetics of classicism


In the art and aesthetics of classicism (XVII century), based on the ideas of French absolutism, the center appeared active activist personality - the hero His character is not peculiar to the titanic scale that distinguished the heroes of the Renaissance, as well as the integrity of character and active direction of will to achieve the goals that determined the heroes Greek antichnostit.

In line with the ideas of the mechanistic materialism of the epoch, he divided the world into two independent substances - spiritual and material, thinking and sensual, the hero of the art of classicism appears as an individualized personification of these opposites and is called to decide on priorities The heroic figure he becomes by providing advantages to values ​​that personify the "universal" ", moreover, by the universal classicism, I understood such conditional values ​​as noble honor, knight’s Feudal lordship of moral duty to the ruler and under the dominance of philosophical rationalism there is little positive direction in the sense of asserting ideas of the integrity of the state under the rule of a strong personality. In art it caused the speculative nature and conflict of the heroes of the tragedy. human nature (this humanistic illusion was overcome), and for the public sphere in which the hero acted .

The rationalistic method of Descartes, based on mathematical knowledge, became the methodological basis of the aesthetics of classicism. He responded to the content of the ideology of absolutism, which sought to regulate all culture and life. The theory of passions, motivated by the philosopher, used to distribute bodily stimuli caused by external stimuli. the spirit of Cartesianism applied the principles of the poetics of Aristotle This tendency is clearly seen in the example of the tragedies of the most outstanding sya dramatists of classicism - P Cornell and J. RacinRasіna.

The outstanding theoretician of aesthetics of classicism About Boileau (1636-1711) in the work Poetic art (1674) teaches aesthetic principles of the art of classicism. The aesthetic basis of the author considers the subordination of customs to the laws of rational thought. However, this does not deny the poetry of art. the degree of truth of the work and the credibility of his paintings; Identifying the perception of the red with the knowledge of the truth with the help of the mind, he also imagines the creative imagination and intuition of the artist mzhnyu_ vіd rozumu.

O Boileau encourages artists to understand nature, but advises to subject it to a certain cleaning and correction. A great attention was paid by the researcher to the aesthetic means of expressing content. In order to achieve an ideal in art, he considered it necessary to follow strict rules arising from some universal principles there, he adhered to the idea of ​​the existence of a certain absolute beauty. and, therefore, possible means of its creation. The main purpose of art, according to Boileau, is the presentation of rational ideas enveloped in the cover of the poetically beautiful. The purpose of his perception is the combination of rationality of thought and sensual enjoyment of a doctualism of forms.

The rationalization of the forms of experience, including artistic, is also reflected in the differentiation of the genres of art, the aesthetics of classicism is divided into "high" and "low". The author believes that they cannot be mixed, because they never turn into each other. , heroic acts and noble passions are the realm of high genres. The life of ordinary ordinary people is the realm of "low" genres. Therefore, I pay tribute to Jean-Batista Molière's works, he considered them a disadvantage to being close to the folk theater. the prescriptions that the artist must adhere to in order that his work be inspired by the idea of ​​beauty as orderliness of content and form, taking into account the reasonable feasibility of the content and the proper poetic character of his formal, poetic form.

Certain aesthetic ideas contain P Corneille's treatises on drama theory. The dramatist sees the main meaning of the theater’s “cleansing” actions, such as Aristotle’s catharsis. The theater should explain the audience the events of the work so that they can go away from the theater dispelling all sorts of doubts and contradictions Valuable for the theory of aesthetics is the idea of ​​taste, justified by F. Laroschoucoux (1613 - 1680) in the work Maxims . The author considers opposing trends in cognition due to differences between tastes and mind. the aesthetic sphere of opposites is repeated in the form of taste: passionate, associated with our interests, and the general that directs us to truth, although the difference between them is relative. The taste shades are varied, the value of his judgments undergoes changes. The philosopher recognizes the existence of good taste, pr. the declarativeness of the aesthetic ideas of classicism, the spiritual and social ground on which they grew, namely, the formation of national states with strong sole power (to the role of the emperor) turned out to be I am extremely fruitful for the practice of art. On the basis of the ideas of classicism, dramaturgy, theater, architecture, poetry, music, and painting have reached a high bloom. In all these types of national art schools formed national art schools.


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Terms: Aesthetics