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5 2 Aesthetic ideas of early humanism


The development of the ideals and principles of aesthetics of a new type began with the movement, called humanism a humanist in the Renaissance, called individuals, devoted their lives to studying and spreading the new knowledge system, in the center of which problems of a person and his life purpose arose. Humanists asserted the values ​​of earthly life and the calling of a person to come true in it, joining in opposition to the church-religious views on the meaning of life, which was seen outside of reality, in the otherworldly world.

The founder of the Renaissance culture and an outstanding representative of the aesthetics of the Proto-Renaissance, who began the aesthetic ideal of the epoch and paved the way for the emergence of Renaissance humanism, was Dante Aligo Gieri (1265-1321). The aesthetic ideas of the new worldview are outlined in his artistic works (New Life , Divine comedy ), scientific treatises devoted to questions of linguistics ( Feast , About the people in the language ) Dante's creativity has a pronounced intellectual character, differs by the developed symbolism of images, poetic elegance The common forms and philosophical depth of understanding the spiritual world of man and the wave design of the world. Intellectualism of Dante grew up on the basis of cultural synthesis, which absorbed medieval tradition and the ancient ideal of man’s relationship with the world. Dante is seen as a result of free creative design, spiritual reality due to active -emotional and cognitive attitude of the personality of the world for her is infinitely more diverse, acquires the fullness of life manifestations as space state-time being, i.e. The aesthetic reality itself arises. The aesthetic paradigm of understanding the world and its reflection in art is a kind of prototype for the formation of a new pantheistic world view, which paves the way for scientific natural science (it originates precisely in this epoch-consciousness (it appeared in itself in its epoch).

No less important discovery of the Renaissance is the understanding of man as a spiritual cosmos. He is formed with the help of unity of emotional states and reflection on himself and the world in his present, past and Maybach, his vertical and horizontal structuring - a phenomenon that the medieval bottom did not know ( vertically directed) culture Divine Comedy - the apotheosis of knowledge Oskol ki this work is one of the first monuments of human culture, has demonstrated the inseparability of thought from feeling in From sensual perception and from feeling in the sense of emotion "[12, p. 167] An important aesthetic phenomenon in Dante's poetic and prosaic work is the depiction of the poet's inner state, which is revealed by the unity of the lyrical depth of feelings and at the same time a reflection on feelings. In a collection of poems linked to a prosaic text called Vita nova (New Life ), first put forward the idea of ​​the value of popular speech as such - it is he who has to be explained in love, there is talk about it, the value of people argues Italian language (Volgar) as the most adequate means of transmitting the senses of the face. The same theme unfolds in the moral and philosophical work Pir, which combines philosophical, God Mikhailovsky, moral, ethical and aesthetic problems that certify the new view of the values ​​of life. Say, human dignity it is connected not with its property condition and aristocratic origin, but with wisdom and spiritual perfection. They are established as signs of nobility The thought about the value of cognition and The knowledge of the human mind is significant. It is in the sphere of aesthetic and artistic experience that the development of the culture of the Renaissance began to develop itself in the realm of the aesthetic and artistic dosvіdu.

A concentrated embodiment of the idea of ​​the value of the national language for the creation of the spiritual community of the Italian people and the spread of knowledge is a treatise "On popular speech" (in two books) This is the first work in Europe on linguistics, begins the development of Italian literary language Interesting in a treatise in the aspect of aesthetic problems of thinking about language as a purely human way of communication, the purpose of which is the need to convey to another opinion of our mind The philosopher justifies the ideas of hermeneutics: understanding e language as a way of transmitting thoughts and a means of mutual understanding between people So, to transfer each other our thoughts to the human race, it was necessary to have some sensible and tangible sign, because what needed to be carried out with the mind and mind to endure belonged to itself rational But since nothing can be transferred from one mind to another, except in a sensual way, this sign should also be sensual if it were only rational, it could not be transmitted if it were only sensual, it could not borrow [8, p. 477] The status of the national language in spoken Italian was rendered by the greatest work of the great poet and one of the most outstanding works of world art - the poem The Divine Comedy (1313-1321), written in the Florentine dialect ( 1313–1321), written by the Florentine dialect.

Let us draw attention to the special significance of the language issue, that Dante started as a theoretical problem and is realized as a cultural reserve in the language of his works. In the XIV (day of the Renaissance humanism), she is left with the central problems of aesthetics. Despite the respect for classical languages, is the need for new ones conditioned ?? By the necessity of understanding the arisen reality, she opened her face. Turning to the real world, she saw him as a world of her own feelings and thoughts that needed adequate expression. A new vision demanded new languages ovyh means of expressing thoughts and feelings This is how the new artistic culture was based on the national languages, and created the language of science and the arts, allows you to display a new image of the world, its perfect artistic and scientific model appropriate language sredstvamsobami.

Creative intuitions regarding language issues are also traced in Boccaccio, who in his work \ ”Dante’s Life \” opens up a new spiritual cosmos - a world of human feelings and attitudes that are embedded in a poetic orchist and require a new poetic language Comparing the language of the Holy Scripture and poetic language (in those days are not entirely safe occupation), Boccaccio remarks: the features of one and other languages ​​are due to the subject matter and the character depicted in them. Like Scripture, called theology, the poets in their In their works, the poems named by us show the causes of various events and the consequences of good and bad deeds, they huff one thing and warn against the other, so that, filled with good feelings, we achieve the goal in which the poets mentioned do not yet understand the true God. less have seen our ultimate salvation [3, 553]] [З, p. 553].

We noted that Dante was the forerunner of a new era. His The Divine Comedy finished the day before Predrenesance. The founder of European humanism and the first outstanding humanist who started in the early Renaissance, was a poet, thinker, author of treatises on morality, politics of literature, art criticism Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374) Petrarch argues a deep and sustained interest in antiquity, contributing to the active revival of the spirit of "bright antiquity" with its inherent unity of idea and image in philosophy and the arts e, and he considers the ideas of Plato and Aristotle, establishing in May an adition of their new reading on the basis of reference to the originals. It was the interest in antiquity, the desire to revive its ideals that became a kind of impetus for the name of the whole epoch.

In the philosophical and polemical works of Petrarch belong the treatises On contempt for the world , On the solitary life , On the leisure of the monks , On the means against every fortune They are all united by a common motive - a new understanding values ​​of life. In contrast to monastic asceticism, the desire for fame and sensual love is affirmed, admiring the beauty of nature as a source of creative inspiration for the beauty of nature and dash of creativity in our country.

For the development of aesthetic theory, in particular, understanding the place and role of artistic creativity in the system of spiritual values, the controversy of Petrarch with Kolyuchcho Salutati was important. She gave good reasons for separating art from craft and highlighting artistic creativity in the sphere of Petrarch's spiritual experience in the Invective of Something medic opposes the opinion of the superiority of medicine compared with the art of poetry: Unprecedented blasphemy: ladies - to subjugate the maids, free art - mechanical In work Books but about the affairs of everyday written in the form of letters to Thomas the Messinsky, thinking about the purpose of man, the need to realize nature laid down the ability, the importance of matching words and thoughts," because the word is the first mirror of the spirit and the spirit is not the last guide of words and , Petrarch quotes the Latin dictum as the humanist explains their interconnection as follows: Where they took care of the spirit, the word will not remain abandoned, and, conversely, you will not give the word dignity, if you don’t keep your spirit greatness [1, p. 17] That is, the writer It violates the actual problem of the unity of the idea and image in the artistic and creative problem of “problem” and the image of art in art.

The ideal of a man of the new era is justified in the treatise of Petrarch On the means against a happy and unhappy fate , where values ​​of virtue and perseverance in obtaining moral and spiritual qualities, irrespective of origin, parentage, property states, etc., are asserted in the dialogue between feelings and reason. The way human destiny develops doesn’t have a significant effect on high origin Wherever a person comes from - or fate can lay a hand, or a virtue [1, p. 36] with Dante's thoughts, he asserted virtue as a result of man’s own merits. In the same treatise, Odan, a dialogue between reason and feelings about art and enjoying its beauty. Feeling is overwhelming, because they are in a state of seizure by expressive beauty of vivid beauty.

The statement of art, in particular, poetry as a sphere of manifestation of the freedom of creative spirit, characteristic of the Boccaccio's treatise "The Genealogy of the Pagan Gods". Interesting ideas of aesthetics are contained in numerous treatises created by humanist educators P. Vergerio, M. Wedge, J. Manetti, L Bruni etc. They touch upon questions of the role of art in the education of the individual, the impact of art on a person, directly from the senses returned (music, literature, art of art).

Philosophical humanism (mid-XIV - mid-XV centuries), or as it is called civil humanism (given the direction), focuses on moral and ethical issues in connection with the pitna annyama of the earthly vocation of man, and also addresses aesthetic problems related with the development of the personality culture of the individual This is the work of famous humanists and political figures: K Salutati, L Bruni, J. Manetti, M Palmiieri, P. Pomponazzi, and K Landina and J. Not with Florence became the birthplace of civil humanism Moral problems in I combined the aesthetic aspects of understanding the value of the human personality with the works of civilian humanism. In the letter B d'Arezzo, using the broad sources of antiquity and works of early humanists, Salutati confirms the notion of nobility as a spiritual quality of a person, and not as a social privilege: Plebeians and slaves can be noble and virtuous no less than patricians and sovereigns" [20, I 42 priests and powers "[20, p. 42].

The work L Greens (1369-1444) "Introduction to the science of morality examines the idea of ​​personality activity, aimed at self-knowledge, self-deprivation and moral self-realization, where such naiprek reddening virtues, such as greatness and generosity, manifest themselves. common good, for example, if someone for the sake of usefulness for others will bring the theater to arrange big games Bruni calls such actions for the common good majestic, and characterizes the bearers of virtues as people who are characterized by elevation the souls and the beauty of the goal [20, p 59" that "the beauty of the world" [20, p. 59].

Of particular importance in the approval of philosophical humanism was the work of J. Manetti (1396-1459) On the dignity and superiority of man The philosopher examines the important life purpose of man and his dignity. : a person even outwardly differs from all other types of life, because she is characterized by the doctrine of constitution, beauty of posture, and elasticity of gait Long before And Herder, which poetizes people century as the very creation of nature, Manetti writes: The human body in many ways surpasses all other bodies and different from them. The figure is so straight and slim, while all other animate creatures are bent and inclined to the ground, man seems to be the only master, king and the sovereign over all of them, the ruling and reigning in the Universe quite rightly [1, p. 61] According to Manetti, by nature man born and intended for knowledge In this special purpose he is served mainly noble and beautiful in those of vision and hearing, feelings, so to speak, smart and subtle Note: Manetti emphasizes the opinion about the relationship of mind, feelings and organs of perception, forming a harmonious unity of thought and experience as the essential characteristics of aesthetic feeling The philosopher writes about the mind: How great and brilliant is his strength, testify to the great and miraculous deeds of man and instrument, to miraculous special measures invented and mastered ", [1, p. 64] The treatise criticizes the religious and theological ideas of the sinfulness of man and his purpose - is He asserts that man is meant for the development of GOST and creative self-realization. In Manetti's treatise, we first trace the analysis of art as a special kind of spiritual experience, asserts the intrinsic value of a person’s creative abilities, fixing them in the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids, sculptures of Praxitele, Phidius and Polycleth, Giotto's frescoes, in the dome, which brought Brunelleschi at the Florence Cathedral, finally, in the "high and noble monuments of Vilnius's cathedral art, ancient, in" high and noble memorials іlnih Mistetstvo "

(works of Homer, Hesiod, Euripides, and others.) Analysis of the artistic achievements of mankind, which Manetti emphasizes, which is important for the theory of aesthetics by the fact that the philosopher views painting, sculpture, architecture as such "free arts". Such a vision is important achievement of the aesthetic theory of the Renaissance, compared with previous eras. Recall that in the era of antiquity to the musical (free arts ) belonged only music and poetry Manetti calls poetry higher and nobler among the free arts , not refusals Vyaty other of those named in the status of free arts Let us pay attention to another important feature of the understanding of human virtues, which chants Manetti. The philosopher considers the free power of human freedom , which helps to avoid evil and go to the good The philosopher sings a hymn to the human mind which is "so great and wonderful that, thanks to the outstanding and exceptional sharpness of human thought, everything was invented, made and perfected by us. After all, we are ours, that is, human, because made by people, the fact that Navka olo us [1, p 71] He adheres to the religious-theological idea of ​​the initial creation of the world, however, everything that happens after that, the philosopher considers the achievement of the human mind, feelings and creative skills New view of the natural world, which is seen contemplating the beautiful beauty of the world Manetti considers the result of a person's ability to understand the phenomena of the natural world, highlight the natural forms of life, the richness and diversity of landscapes and under That is, the beauty appears unity of natural forms and human intelligence, the ability to distinguish these forms and to comprehend their perfection This view has laid an underpinning concept of aesthetic otnosheniyaati їh doskonalіst. Such a look zaklav foundation of a sense of aesthetic relationship.

Among the theorists of early Renaissance painting, the legacy of Pietro de la Francesca is different, the author of the treatise "About the pictorial perspective". The doctrine of perspective became not only the theoretical guidance for artists, but also the beginning of a new science - descriptive geometry.


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Terms: Aesthetics