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References Questions for self-test


1 Arguments and Facts in Ukraine - 2009 - № 15

2 Hegel G. Philosophy of History / / Soch: In 14 t - M; L: State Social-Econ Publishing House, 1935 - T 8

3 Hegel G Aesthetics: In 4 t - M: Art, 1969 - T 1

4 Lifshits M Antique world, mythology, aesthetic education / / Collected op: In 3 t - M: art, 1988 - T 3

5 Mironov In Russia in the Global World: Domestic Education and the Bolshoi Process / / Common Sense - 2007 - No. 2 (43)

6 Nietzsche F Merry science / / Cit: 2 t - M: Thought, 1990 - T 1

7 Schiller F. Letters on the aesthetic education of man / / F Schiller Aesthetics - M .: Art, 1974

8 Jung K. The Archetype and Symbol - M, 1991

Questions for self-test

1 Expand the objective prerequisites for activating the spiritual structures of the subject to aesthetic perception that exist in art.

2 Identify the possibilities of art to be a source of self-improvement personality

3. Describe the phenomenon of systemic aesthetic communication with art to harmonize the spiritual structures of a person.

4. Tell us about the main stages of the process of aesthetic attitude to the work of art.

5 Explain the objective need to create a culture of communication with art.

6. Analyze the impact of social relations on the nature of the interaction with artistic treasures.

7 What do you know the reasons for the leveling effect of pseudo art on a person?

8. Give examples of aesthetically expedient organization of social life and explain the role of art in this process.

9 Why values ​​- the perfect source of spiritual perfection of the individual?

10. The name of the two main areas of interaction of morality and art.

11. Determine the real basis of the educational impact of art.

created: 2014-10-05
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Aesthetics