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13 5 typed and individualized imagery of art


It is legitimate to distinguish two types of imagery: typed and individualized depending on the content of experience that they embody. The first is a figurative system that fixes the constancy of experience gained, the test of which in experience forms is indicated by the expectation of feelings that it causes the typed image characteristic of folk art. It accumulates experience aesthetic self-organization of life of the nose (of specific human communities) Folk songs (ritual, labor, festive f), folk dances, fairy tales, legends, as well as embroidery, sewing, carving, architecture are the means of consolidating the collective experience of creating conditions of life in the unity of practical skills and aesthetic ideas about the beautiful and practical.

Creating objects necessary for practical life, people give them an ideal vitality, highlighting with the help of color combinations, expressive forms and lines, etc. Therefore, these are not arbitrary forms or a connection. With a certain individualization (say, differences in festive and everyday attire) color symbols, forms and silhouettes are consistently preserved. These are symbols of a common understanding of the image of beauty, not free, but objectively determined by geographical, climatic conditions, and landscape type. , type of activity, etc. Each time the perception of such images in their organic nature, by their expediency and aesthetic expression of zing, rooted the spirit of kinship of the people’s feelings due to kinship of experience. No less important is that the filling of objectivity with figurative and symbolic content is taking the spirit beyond purely practical needs (where the principle of ) and affirmation of its self-motiveness - freedom. Consequently, the necessity of preserving and multiplying the phenomena capable of feeding it is affirmed. In this sense, it is indicative of The song is not only an attribute of the festive and ritual forms of creating a community of feelings. The song accompanies the labor process, fulfilling a complex symbolic purpose. Work in the people’s historical life is an extremely labor-intensive process. It can weaken the body and break the spirit of a person, give a sense of helplessness before life, represents a threat to the survival of an ethnic whole. While going to work, during work or in short moments of rest, people rise above practical necessity, overcome it, organizing feelings and the integrity of the songs of the Spirit, freely unfolds fitting in the melody, free but comprehends space, harmoniously interacts with the natural world, bringing the relationship with him beyond the limits of the relationship \ "resistance (nature) - overcoming (man) \" In a folk song, performed by a group song count tivom, the mood for consent is objectively created. Without it, a song will simply not be. The basis of such ways of existence and the manifestation of the spirit of folk culture is an objective regularity: an effective labor process is impossible without interaction of all workers. It’s not about a purely physical agreement of efforts, but about a spiritual mood for interactions by chance, as scientists rightly argue (K Bucher \ "Work and Rhythm \"), a turn: musical (and poetic) art is associated with the labor process, which required the rhythmic organization of labor in the rhythm of the organ of the organization.

non-individualized images of folk art are usually perceived only as a manifestation of the weak development of the individual in her environment. Indeed, folk art functions at the level of non-reflexive svidomosti. In folk culture, individual vision is always mediated by the public’s view of the world through the eyes of others related to it. artistry characteristic points achena the duration of the functioning of existing forms of imagery This gives the basics It’s not so much social factors (limited access of the people to education and professional artistry), but rather the objective laws of the most favorable organization of relations that would ensure the self-preservation of ethnic groups typified the content of figurativeness exactly fundamentals of sociality in the forms, K Jung characterized as \ "collective without conscious \" It is a formative soil d hovnosti: art-shaped structure - the important part of Peninsula organization of mental structures of subjects of experience, and therefore able to respond to yavleniyguvannya on yavischa.

True, the harmonious mood of the psyche is stored in the subjects of vitality, while experience ensures the effective functioning of the community as integrity. Destruction of its image, provided that the carrier’s consciousness is not reflexive, and therefore is not capable of critical rethinking of situations of life and its relation to them, threatens with surprise reactions to the world Yav writes K Jung, \ "ignorance is the best with the benefit of transforming her (human - V M) into an instrument of evil. Innocence and naivety will not help. [21, p. 129] Owing to the unreconstructed individual experience of the subjects, they are not able to rise to the conscious experience of being, folk art in its genesis and history is both a subjective and objective prerequisite of creativity Harmonious self-organization of mental structures in the subject (talent) has its origins not indifferently responding to the aesthetic manifestations of reality, that is, the historical \ "product \" Together, folk artistry is also \ "material \" for professional artistic Quality It is enough to recall the mythological, religious ideas about the world as a prerequisite for the formation of the artistic image of svit yak to change his mind in the form of a new artistic image.

Raising new qualitatively higher levels of comprehension of reality and the formation of its artistic image by means of art is possible under the condition of going beyond established experience, critical rethinking of it and unfolding its new image, albeit controversial, as an objective basis for the subject to reflect on being Individualized artistic imagery - the product of spiritual experience, which has acquired individually-unique manifestations in the artistic formation - a consequence of concentrating in the subject of creative skills acquired by humanity and the uniqueness of their image, which united the universal in individualized, simple artistic images. It rises to the highest levels of objectification of the image of the world in the artistic and figurative language of art.

Folk (typed) and professional (individualized) forms of creating artistry are constantly present in each culture and interact on the basis of mutually complementary, subject to the dominance of one or the other, depending on the level of historical development of the people (nation) \ "Individualized \" figurativeness of professional artistry is valuable not even so much a reflection of a specifically national life as of a unique color in which its artistic fabric is embedded. Individualized The image of the world in its artistic embodiment is each time a special coloring of vitality, is reflected in the artistic canvas, poetic or prose literary work, musical images, etc. This is that individualized world, which is revealed by the inexhaustible wealth in each of the smallest details of the artistic whole, creating its unique vitality. This originality is in the general mood of the work, in composition, in an expressive linguistic coloring skinny color and faint.

The increased wealth of types, genres of art, the constant complication of the artistic language and the uniqueness of its aesthetic-figurative fabric both at the level of an individual artist and national art as a whole - signs of European classical art from the period of the formation and development of nations (XV-XIX centuries) the ratio of typed and individualized imagery varies in accordance with the needs of the demands of life. Individualized imagery is actualized as a source of the formation of a unique Property in the course of the aesthetic experience of art perfect vitality manifested in the works of iskusstvtva.

So, the fullness of spiritual experience, personified in the imagery of art, is created by the unity of not individualized images - symbols of folk art and individually unique images of the professions of young artistic creativity. Each of these types of imagery fulfills its purpose in the life of mankind. First it asserts what is natural as repeated in experience, but It means that it is objectively necessary for the survival and self-preservation of the community. The second one - meets the need for the formation of a unique personality. .


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