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9 4 Types of symbols level of aesthetic consciousness


The life of a symbol as a spiritual reality (creation and perception) is a complex process of creating the fullness of human presence in being and being of reality (in symbolic and figurative clothes) in its consciousness. Wealth in spheres of experience as evidence of the richness of mankind’s interaction with the world is reflected in the wealth of symbolism types, which \ "encode \" the content of experience. This is a scientific, philosophical, artistic, mythological, release of the original type of characters. The area of ​​characters comprehends nature, man, society, the whole cosmos. of the type, they not only create (each with their own means) a complete image of reality, but also give it ways of ideal vitality. The latter, in order to become real, requires a symbolizing / "decoding" symbol to enter it into the personal experience of the subject in order to deepen the image of the vitality of the object of knowledge: all the new layers of its content. So, the nature of spiritual reality is symbolic. The fullness of life connections in the world of their carriers, concentrated in a figurative language, opens mutual transitions of forms and modes of lacno to the principle of \ "all in all \". Therefore, in each image reflects a different being, forming a special - symbolic reality, a particular one - symbolic reality.

Symbols differ in the scale of comprehension of the content of the subject of formation and the method of \ "coding \" spiritual experience. If we compare the mythological, artistic and scientific types of symbolization, there is a tendency to not deepen the meaningful layering of symbol values. Mythological consciousness produces, preferably, in real forms, providing an imaginary Worldly Sensually given these fox myths in their own (human) likeness - the way to create is not alienated, bonds avaemy image of all human constant in life is a mental-friendly way to create the illusion of fullness operation experience, because it creates faith in the mastery of all the natural and supernatural world, not only perceived by the senses, but also to create voobrazhenietvorenim uyavoyu.

the characters with which science operates, require their mastery of the complexity of the latter - in a purely "conditional", expressed by the symbolic language of science, which is not a type in reality. Therefore, without special knowledge - without the domination of the language of a particular science - the content of spiritual experience coded in it remains inaccessible As we have already noted, the peculiar mediating link in mastering reality in an ideal way is the art of life. True, it is not able and does not aim to reveal the truths of science. This prerogative belongs only to it. Art - a symbolic way of \ "coding \" spiritual reality, they have human relationships in all their wealth in the unity of reality and ideal. It forms a super-real, ideal space of vitality, lifted above the real, not only on the basis of the viral crush of the way that I am forming a holistic ideal reality - specific (artistic) language of art This is a reality of a different type. In it, the ideal way of being is defined as the being of the universal (idea) in an individualized image (pattern): the being of an idea in whole om, sensually perceived image. In the artistic and figurative language of art, the experience of perfect being is either a consequence of the productively shaping ideas of the public, which creates a perfect and image of the vitality of the human spirit, or a productive formative idea, traces in the holistic vitality of the subject of creation the complexity of its realization for a close look viyav_ zhittvostі.

The problem faced by modern humanity is associated with the growth of symbolic workload of all types of figurative formation: science, philosophy, art. Opposition to the complexity of the language of culture is now taking on non-cultural forms: immersion in the sensual authenticity of objective being, "cleared" from the symbolism of Science, highlighted into a particular sphere of experience, on the grounds we have cited, becomes the achievement of om spiritual experience of an insignificant number of people who have dedicated themselves to its particular branch. The government declares and implements a complete rejection of imagery. The above explains the causes of the spiritual crisis of the modern civilized world, prefers to live with the values ​​of material and not spiritual content. Therefore, the "materialization" of man has become a reality of culture. In turn, culture in a state of detachment loses itself as a living process. constant layering of symbolic structures of content. The aesthetic image of culture is lost in the sense that it loses itself as a humanistly defined quality of human existence. - his spiritual development in the development of personality on the basis of the harmonious organization of its spiritual structures is determined by the fullness of comprehension of the wealth of the types of spiritual experience of mankind and their individualization in personal interaction with this experiential interaction with each other.


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Terms: Aesthetics